Can you get a miscarriage from jogging

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A:Studies show that jogging while pregnant increases the risk of miscarriage. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
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Can you get a miscarriage from jogging
Studies show that jogging while pregnant increases the risk of miscarriage. Thanks for using ChaCha!

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How do i keep us together?? He’s my soulmate!?
Q: I don’t want us to fight anymore! …I just lost the best thing that’s happen to me, I live in northern Michigan and there’s a crap load of ice and my drive way is very steep and he always helps me up it or down it because if I didn’t have him to help me, I would have broken a leg or an arm or even a hip. And when I thought I had a miscarriage because I kept bleeding uncontrollably, he drove me to the hospital and went in with me And he drove me to urgent care when I had a urinary tract infection…kind of personal, but whatever, I he is a great guy! But I keep messing up, but I know we’re meant to be together, he is so right for me. . and I’m worried that I’m going to lose him. The problem is that I do stuff like months ago and then I forget about it, and he keeps asking me if I did anything, and I say no, or I know I did something bad in the past, but It’s so embarrassing or I regret it and just want to forget it, and I say no I didn’t, but then like MONTHS later I finally confess and then he dumps me. Like yesterday, I had a one night stand with this guy and I forgot I did stuff with him, and when me and my nearly ex- boyfriend asked me back when we first met how many guys I had sex with, I said the number, but I had forgetten about that that one guy from the one random night. And then yesterday when he asked if I did anything, I jogged my memory and I remembered and I told him, but then he freaked out and dumped me, even though he said he just wanted to know the truth and wouldn’t break u up with me. I don’t think it’s fair! Because he said he is dumping me because I lied to him, I DIDN’T LIE TO HIM! And I just I lied a lot when me and him first dated, and he doesn’t trust me, but ttwo days ago he wants to have my babies, and then yesterday I’m cranky because I said I loved him and he was the only one for me, and his reply is, “you’re all those and more” I wanted him to say it back not just pretty much say “dido”! but he got mad and was in a bad mood which set this whole break upupto be created! How can I get him to trust me, I love him more than my own family! Please help
A: How old are you? My Lord, its so hard to follow your story, it goes on and on and on, and makes little sense. What are you asking again? Oh! How to keep you together? First of all IF he were your “Soulmate” you wouldn’t be posting this question here. That being said… If you had too many sexual encounters too remember all the details, thats NOT good. But hey, it happens;) I dont think his real issue is that you are lying, but that you had so many partners that you can’t get your story/facts straight! Ouch, that probably stung his ego/pride. Not to mention scared the hell out of him! And a lot of guys may feel that its slut-ish behavior. You need to tell him it was so long ago you can’t be expected to remember all the details, especially when you are TRYING to forget them! And from now on he needs to stop going into your past and stay in the present. If not, it will never work. Your past behavior OBVIOUSLY upsets him, or he wouldn’t even ask you about it.
heres the second part to the story sorry didnt relize that?
Q: I did not want them to be the parents of my son. I wanted my boyfriend and I to be his parents. We WERE his parents. The boyfriend and I left dinner that night, walking ahead of the lovely couple and my parents.”We can call your lawyer and work out the rest of the details this week,” my mom cooed to the lovely wife.”I guess we made our decision,” my boyfriend whispered. I was trapped.I did call the lawyer, we did work out details. I cried myself to sleep every night for the next four months, staining my navy blue pillowcases. I wanted desperately to be a mother, not simply a baby machine for such a lovely couple. The lovely wife, I learned one night after Lamaze class, was pregnant. Relief flooded my swelling body. ‘I can keep my baby!’ I silently rejoiced. ‘I have diapers to buy, clothes to wash, car seats to find, nursing bras and slings to sew!'”We still want to adopt though. You know our history of miscarriage.”‘Oh well. I guess I can’t keep my baby after all.’ I was deflated.Sure enough, the lovely wife miscarried at 12 weeks. She called me nightly, crying and thanking me for giving her my son. I was, she told me, the only thing that kept her from giving up on life. My son and me. “OUR baby” became his name while she talked to me on the phone. She gave me weekly reports of how the nursery was coming along (complete with a 2,000 dollar classic Pooh mural, which I am sure would make a world of difference to a newborn), the hundreds of dollars they were spending on clothes, how excited their family was, and how much they loved “our baby” already. The hole got deeper. I couldn’t crawl, scratch or shovel my way out. By law in California, birth mothers must meet with an ‘adoption facilitator.’ This mediator ‘counsels’ you and explains the process of adoption too you. I repeatedly told her,over the course of two months “Lisa, I don’t want to do this! I want my baby!””Well, I want to take a cruise to the Bahamas. But if I took a cruise to the Bahamas, I wouldn’t have money left for rent or food. Sometimes what we want isn’t what is best.”Oh, yes, babies and cruises are so similar! How could I have been so blind? I later learned that adoption facilitators, while required by the state, are not employed by the state. Prospective adoptive parents employ adoption facilitators. At the time, I wasn’t aware of this. I believed this woman. I was selfish to want to raise my son. How could I be so selfish? (She did use the word “selfish”). Pregnant teens are garbage. Once the baby is born, the mother becomes even smellier garbage, dependent on her parents and society’s tax dollars to support her children. I had to do something to hoist my son above the metaphorical garbage bin. I had to give him to this lovely couple; they were not garbage, like I was.I grew during those weeks, not only physically (60 pounds!) but emotionally and spiritually. I meditated, prayed, screamed, cried, slept, wrote, read and thought. I realized I was more capable than I was being led to believe. I made my decision, 38 weeks into my pregnancy. I informed my boyfriend of this decision. “I am keeping the baby. I don’t care what anyone says or feels. I WILL NOT lose my son. They want any baby, and I only want mine!” My boyfriend and I were going to tell my parents the next evening at dinner. I fell asleep quickly, not sobbing into my pillow like I had grown used to doing during those pain and growth-filled three months. I was keeping my baby.I woke up to go to the bathroom that night at around 2 a.m. As I waddled to the bathroom, I looked down the hallway and saw my boyfriend typing away at the computer, talking to some stranger on the internet, like he usually did while staying the night. Then came the gush. “JOHN! MY WATER BROKE!” I panted, attempting to jog down the hallway. Then came the pain. “JOHN! I AM HAVING CONTRACTIONS ALREADY! It wasn’t like this in the Lamaze videos! The women in those never got contractions so fast- there must be something wrong with me! I gripped the edge of my kitchen counter, and watched the clock on the microwave. Six minutes apart, the orange numbers informed me. I stayed calm, just like I had planned. I packed my bag, brushed my teeth, wrote e-mails to all of my pregnant friends online, wrote in my journal and cried. I forced my mom to drive me to the hospital at 5:15 am. She didn’t believe I was really in labor, but still told me “OK, I will call the lovely couple and let them know to start driving down.” She said this in the middle of a contraction.”NO! DON’T YOU PICK UP THAT #%@!ING PHONE! THIS IS MY BABY. GOT IT?”She told me we would “Talk about it after the baby came.”The baby came at 8:02 a.m., November 20, 1998. My labor was natural, painful, and beautiful. I held my tiny infant son in my shaking arms, tears running off of my face and on to his still purple hands. He was so much more than I could have dreamed, so much more than a fuzzy little worm ultrasound baby. He spent three
A: It cut off again!!! Please post the end! =)
How do i keep us together?? He’s my soulmate!?
Q: I don’t want us to fight anymore! …I just lost the best thing that’s happen to me, I live in northern Michigan and there’s a crap load of ice and my drive way is very steep and he always helps me up it or down it because if I didn’t have him to help me, I would have broken a leg or an arm or even a hip. And when I thought I had a miscarriage because I kept bleeding uncontrollably, he drove me to the hospital and went in with me And he drove me to urgent care when I had a urinary tract infection…kind of personal, but whatever, I he is a great guy! But I keep messing up, but I know we’re meant to be together, he is so right for me. . and I’m worried that I’m going to lose him. The problem is that I do stuff like months ago and then I forget about it, and he keeps asking me if I did anything, and I say no, or I know I did something bad in the past, but It’s so embarrassing or I regret it and just want to forget it, and I say no I didn’t, but then like MONTHS later I finally confess and then he dumps me. Like yesterday, I had a one night stand with this guy and I forgot I did stuff with him, and when me and my nearly ex- boyfriend asked me back when we first met how many guys I had sex with, I said the number, but I had forgetten about that that one guy from the one random night. And then yesterday when he asked if I did anything, I jogged my memory and I remembered and I told him, but then he freaked out and dumped me, even though he said he just wanted to know the truth and wouldn’t break u up with me. I don’t think it’s fair! Because he said he is dumping me because I lied to him, I DIDN’T LIE TO HIM! And I just I lied a lot when me and him first dated, and he doesn’t trust me, but ttwo days ago he wants to have my babies, and then yesterday I’m cranky because I said I loved him and he was the only one for me, and his reply is, “you’re all those and more” I wanted him to say it back not just pretty much say “dido”! but he got mad and was in a bad mood which set this whole break up to happen! How can I get him to trust me, I love him more than my own family! Please help
A: There isn’t really a way. You don’t have a healthy relationship. You spent too much time lying to him. A good relationship is based on trust. You two dint have that. You never trusted him not to judge you and like you for who are. He never trusted you because all you did was lie. Its time for you to learn to be honest. If you are lying so much you cant keep things straight then you are lying too much. Take some time to be single so you can mature some.
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