Can you have a miscarriage and not know about it

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A:Yes, you can. A missed miscarriage is when embryonic death has occurred but there is not any expulsion of the uterus. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you have a miscarriage and not know about it
i guess if you were pregnant and didnt know it. might want to go to your ob/gyn though.
Some women have miscarriages before they know they are pregnant, and think that they are just having a late, heavy period. So yes, it’s possible to have a miscarriage and not know it. But since you know you’re pregnant, then no. If you have…
Yes you can miscarry and not know it. Most of the time this happens in early pregnancy . So early that you probally won’t even know that you were ever pregnant at all.

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I need help with my abortion question?
Q: I am 19 weeks pregnant I am 21 years old now I have been pregnant twice before the first time everything was going great and then right at 8 months I lost my daughter for no reason at all she just up and lost her heartbeat in my stomach, the second time was six months after that while using birth control and I had a miscarriage at I think they said I was supposed to be around nine weeks but instead the ultrasounds kept showing that I was like 4 weeks so needless to say I knew I was going to have a miscarriage before I had the miscarriage and my doctor did nothing to save it… now I want an abortion because 1st I don’t have the stable means to raise my baby like I would want too and before you go saying that I should have used b.c. I did. 2nd I am so worried about getting to that 8th month mark and then going through the same stuff because I have thyroid problems that could also lead to miscarriage and things like that. Now I don’t really have money for this procedure and the National Abortion Federation won’t pick up their phones. So what can I do?And like I said you don’t know my situation much so I don’t want lectures please. I am against abortion for the people who do it for the wrong reasons but in my case I am for it. also I am 21 yrs old and it is my choice I am seeking help from people who understand. Another thing I believe everyone has their opinions and they are def. entitled too it and I will listen all day and not argue and I hope that people would respect my decision as well.
A: It can be hard to find a doctor or health care provider who will perform an abortion past the first trimester, but these doctors ARE out there. My best advice is to just keep calling The National Abortion Federation at 1-877-257-0012 until they pick up their phones, or call the Abortion Hotline at 1-800-772-9100. Or just call or visit your local Planned Parenthood health care center. Chances are, the doctors and counselors at your local Planned Parenthood can direct you to a local doctor or health care provider that typically performs second trimester abortions. The staff at Planned Parenthood are very kind, helpful, non-judgmental people; they will definitely help you get the services you need. They can probably also help you out financially if you just tell them that you don’t currently have the money for the abortion. They can probably find a doctor that will set up a payment plan for you, or they can see if you are eligible for state or regional financial assistance. I’m sure they’ll be able to help you out somehow if you just go to Planned Parenthood and explain your situation. It’s their job at Planned Parenthood to help women get the health services they need.To find the Planned Parenthood location nearest you, just go here: in mind that abortions generally aren’t performed past 24 weeks in the USA except for serious health reasons. Since you only have about 5 weeks left to get this abortion, you better act fast. Call or visit your local Planned Parenthood ASAP.And just ignore the people on here who make nasty comments or judge you; they don’t know your situation and they have absolutely NO RIGHT to judge you or tell you what to do with your own body. The only person who can decide what to do about your pregnancy is YOU. Your body, your choice. Just ignore the ignorant pro-life morons; they have no right to judge you or lecture you or anything like that.Hope that helped. Best of luck with everything.
How do you help a best friend after a miscarriage?
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A: Well right now there are no magic words that are going to help her right now I think she needs to grieve in her own way. I think the best thing you can do is remind her that you are there if she needs you. Just keep checking in on her and that time will come when she will open up or need the shoulder to cry on. You sound like you are a really good friend just continue to be that friend.
How soon after miscarriage can you start trying again?
Q: i had a miscarriage about a month ago and my husband and I just feel it will be so much easier once we are able to start trying again. I have been having a really hard time with this. I have heard soo many different things. Some say wait till you get your period once then try, others say wait 3 months, others say wait till my hcg level goes to 0 then start again. I don’t know what is the best thing to do. I want to be safe and not have another miscarriage.
A: I was in the same boat as u. i miscarried 18th August 2007 and did not fully discharge everything till 27th September 2007. They called it a cervical miscarriage which mea when the baby tried discharging itself it got stuck on my cervix. It was very traumatic. And i felt exactly like u. I was told to wait 6 months before i start trying again. And i did. Im 24 weeeks preg today., U need to remember if your body is going to miscarry it will its not your fault at all. there is nothing anyone can do. I think u shud be ok after 6 months. I had a very complicated miscarriage and i’m preg with my 3rd and everything is going geat! (fingers crossed)Best Of Luck!!
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