Can you have a miscarriage at 4 months pregnant

Health related question in topics Have a Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you have a miscarriage at 4 months pregnant”,you can compare them.

A:If you have a miscarriage after the first three or four months, the process is more like giving birth, and it feels like labour. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you have a miscarriage at 4 months pregnant
Can you have a miscarriage at 4 months pregnant
If you have a miscarriage after the first three or four months, the process is more like giving birth , and it feels like labour.
When you miscarriage after 4 months of pregnancy do you still giv…?
Yes. that’s 16 weeks. but, no worries, it’s not like actually giving birth. the embryo is still underdeveloped at this stage in the pregnancy to be considered a baby. If you were farther along in your pregnacy it would be a lot more diffucu…
How does a miscarriage happen at 4 months of being pregnant??
Forgive me for asking but didn’t you just ask this a minute ago? Source(s):

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A: They’ll be fine. I’m in the same predicament, but pregnant with my second. Just stay as far away from the litter as possible, and you might want to think about making an area in the house for the cats only–like a spare room, or something, so when the babies born… the cat hair doesn’t irritate the baby. I eventually let them out, but yeah… I felt better knowing that my two babies were seperate from my real baby there in the very beginning.
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Q: About 4 months pregnant and I need to know, will also be asking the doctor at my next visit. THIS IS A SERIOUS QUESTION! SERIOUS ANSWERS PLEASE!Thanks!
A: No, you can have sex at pretty much nine months, the docter might say it is a god way to keep your vagina streched before birthing, just don’t put pressure on your belly. Try side by side or you on top. Some women say it feels alot more intense if you’re pregnanat, and my hubby says he finds pregnant women sexy. I’m hoping to concive later this yearplease answer my question;_ylt=At6gyUX39IMhaZYEiJN3XLvsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090622034924AAvA4UE
I’m 5 months pregnant and passed out hitting the hard flooring. Is a miscarriage possible?
Q: I was standing in line tonight at subway ordering dinner with my two boys ages 3& 7 and my head got tight feeling and I passed out from standing straight up. Ilanded on my back, cracked my head off the hard linolium, and don’t rememberfalling. My head does not hurt at all from it nor do I have a headache. Theytryed calling the EMT (emergency medical transist) but I couldn’t have my kidsride in the ambulance… I don’t have anyone to watch them. So I denyed medicaltreatment. What was I supose to do, see if they 15 year old subway girls that Idon’t know could watch them for say 4 hours? YA RIGHT!!! Well my stomach andback hurt BAD so I called the baby doctor, it is closed, called the ob dept ofthe hospital that I will be delivering at and they WON’T call the oncall doctor.WTF!?! They said I have to come in, but since I will have the kids they can onlycheck my blood pressure and take blood. They said that they canNOT do anultrasound with the boys there. I don’t know what to do. I give up!Do you think steady back and stomach pains are signs of a miscarriage? Do youthink that I am going to loose the baby? I am 5 months along and just found outit’s a little boy.What should I do?
A: Im sorry you are unable to get into a doctor and find out if the baby is okay.Try not to stress over it and remain calm, stress for the baby is bad anyways. Try to lay down and relax and rub your stomach to relax.No one knows if you had a miscarriage or not, its something you need to go in asap and get checked. I’m sure you would be bleeding soon though if that was the case, so be sure to keep checking for that. Cramps can be a sign of miscarriage, but also you fell… it could be just from being sore. like I said, try to get to a doctor asap, or get ahold of a baby center.Stay positive and hang in there. good luck!
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