Can your age cause a miscarriage

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A:Yes,age can be a factor in miscarriages.Women over age 35 have a higher rate of miscarriage than younger women.ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
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Can your age cause a miscarriage
Yes,age can be a factor in miscarriages.Women over age 35 have a higher rate of miscarriage than younger women.ChaCha on!
What are the causes of miscarriage’s in women, and at what age ca…?
Nothing is more disappointing for a couple than to achieve pregnancy only to have it end prematurely in miscarriage. This is particularly true for couples who have undergone advanced reproductive techniques such as IVF or Donor Egg. Unfortu…

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Q: i don’t know if i am pregnant yet going to wait a week and then see. last cycle i was 8days late. my last cycle was sept. 15th and i have a 39 day cycle. well all i have is gas,bloated, can’t sleep much at night. the earlier i go to bed, the more i am up. the later i go i am up for an hour or 2 staring at the ceiling. can’t win or loose with that. anyways i wanted to know how you cevixs is suppose to feel if you are prego. it is closed but not all the way and squichy when you feel it. i am only a day late but im still getting creamy mucas. i got a uti and started to get costipated on the 12th of the month. got uti cleared up but had it a week before it got cleared up. still consipated and gassy and my boobs are huge and look like there growing everyday. nipples are sore. the whole thing is that my face is breaking out like my period is going to come. on and off cramps still. started having cramps the 12th. ovulated either the 9th or 10th. didnt keep track what day cause we were winging it. we bd the 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th during ovulation time. been of birth control for a year and 3 months. i was only on it for 6 months and never going to go back on it ever again. had a bad experience with it. 2 of the months i bleed for over a month straight a med to heavy flow. i had the same problem before i started being sexual active at the age of 13 i was bleeding for 2 weeks straight had to take bc for a month to clear it up. my mom has a history of heavy periods without bc. i have the same thing usually med to heavy most of the time. super plus tampons became my friend. my husband is 20 years older than me and he hasnt gone anyone pregnant for 17 years. i am 21 years old. he got to girls prego one was a ectopic pregnancy and the other was a miscarriage. and nothin for us yet. been ttc for 11 months don’t know what else to do tried vacations, not thinking about it ( last 3 or 4 months) did ovulation tests and still didnt get prego. quit praying about it cause every month i did i would get my cycle so i stopped praying and just found out he is going to be a great uncle. nephew is 20 and his gf is 19. only dating 6 months. its not fair. why do people who try and they get no where and people who don’t get knocked up easily. don’t understand that at all. thanks for your help
A: right touch the tip of your nose with your eyes closed, and imagine it a bit more moist, thats roughly what its like when not pregnant, it feels like its got wee dimply like bits on it, now do the same with your chin it would be a bit higher up to reach, thats supposed to be what its like when pregnant, but thats not a good way to determine pregnany, another thing you can do is use a speculum a mirror and a torch and actually look at your cervix, if your pregnant it could have a blue-ish tinge to it, since you know how to check your cervix then i guess you could manage that, just google speculum and you could maybe find a stie that sells them hope i helped xx
Is all i can do is block this b*tch?
Q: Some one on here sent me this e-mail..You are a ******* slut!!! You are bragging about having children at age 15!! Thats nothing to be proud of!!! You are a slut and should be embarrassed about it!! Your mother should have whipped ur *** so hard to make you have a miscarriage cause thats what u deserved..your already 15 and have 2 kids thats ridiculous!!! Your probably the kind of slut who´s gonna have 5 kids by the time ur 20!!! Was it so hard to keep ur legs closed? Was it that hard u ****??! At 15 I was still a virgin. I hadnt even kissed a boy yet!! Your daughters are a sin!!! they should have been murdered those MONSTERS!! those ******* animals!!! Im VERY offended by this..I know what i did was wrong..but im trying to make it better… So is the ONLY thing i can do is block this person?Or can i do something else too??I cant e-amil her back.. She doesnt allow e-amil..any to be her friend..or IMs.. So i cant say anything to her!Unfortunaitly..I cant e-amil her back.. She doesnt allow e-amil..any to be her friend..or IMs.. So i cant say anything to her!Unfortunaitly..
A: Name and shame her, this email is absolutely rediculous!So what if you made a mistake, we all make them just some more serious than others. Your dealing with it rather than taking the ‘easy’ (I use that term VERY lightly) way out and you love and care for your children. from what I’ve read in some of your questions you’re a very sensible young woman who is finishing her schooling and has gotten herself a job to contribute.Ignore her and don’t listen to the nasty things she has said. Also, report her to YA! and send a snippet of the email so that they can possibly cancel her account.I know what she has said is harsh and hurtful but you’re a better person than her already for admitting your mistakes and getting on with your life.Enjoy your twins lives and yours to the full and ignore people like her who make such comments. One day something will happen to her and she will feel bad about saying what she did.
Complaining neighbours… what to do?
Q: Heres the thing, we have these neighbours in our street (not even next door to us) who keep giving us letters complaining about various issues. Dogs barking, loud vehicles, offensive gang-like behaviour (wtf??) and us and our noises caused her so much stress that she miscarried her already high-risk pregnancy. These complaints have been going on for almost two years now. I’m well and truly sick of this as it is not us or any other neighbours making noise. Well today I finally had enough after receiving yet another letter from this fruitcake I just lost it. I have now responded (being firm but not rude) and also offered to mediate with her if this will solve her dispute. Is there anything else I should be doing? Was giving her a response letter a good idea? Nobody in the street has dared to respond to her before. She is late 30s in age and not a whingy 70 year old. I dont know what can make this woman happy. Heres the letter I sent her, I’d like your opinions on my approach. ThanksFriday, 16th April 2010Dear Resident of ****************,It is with great sadness that I had read your recent letter (dated 14th April 2010) regarding the continued issue of Offensive Noise Pollution in our street. I feel the need to respond to you and seek to have this matter rectified. My aim is for us all to live in the street together in a civilised manner.Firstly, I would like to thank you for keeping our family, and others in the street, informed of your findings with regards to the current legislation and of Council and Police communications you have had.Secondly, I agree with you that ‘offensive’ noise needs addressing. My aim is a happier environment for my husband, my son and I to live in (on a long-term basis as we are home owners).I happily agree to participate in a mediation session with you should you wish to schedule one. However I do not feel that I have caused you any offence or treated you in a gang-like manner as I believe that I have almost never seen you outside of your house while we have been living at our home (3.5years and counting) let alone had a confrontation with you. I have, on rare occasion, greeted your husband with a friendly “Gday” but other than that I feel that you are plain and simple over-exaggerating if you call this gang-like treatment. I resent your comment. I have searched online and found that there is a Community Justice Centre website that may give you instructions on how to schedule a mediation session on this link: have repeatedly continued to accuse us for vehicle noise that is disrupting your life. I can understand if you are talking of semi-trailers, Harley Davidson bikes or the similar but the two vehicles owned by my husband and I have small exhaust systems that have been factory installed by Toyota and Mitsubishi. Neither of which violate ANY decibel limitations currently in place by the RTA nor do I feel that we leave the street like “hoons” to go to work with excessive disruption to you let alone my sleeping son in his baby seat of my vehicle. We too are hard working, honest, good Church-attending Christians and live a peaceful life. We are well-educated people and do not believe that there should be any cause for neighbourhood disputes such as these issues you mention. Please, let us work together.I do sympathise with you about your miscarriage last year. They are difficult times to go through but with the family you mention, I am certain that they have supported you through the tough time. I too was pregnant last year and delivered our son in October. We are truly blessed and I wish you every happiness with the same.While I was pregnant (and at home), the only noise that I did hear coming from a vehicle was from the brakes of our postman’s bike. I’m sure you have heard him squeak by each morning but other than that I felt that I could relax and enjoy my nesting time prior to the birth without any great deal of stress.If I can be of any other assistance to you with regards to the “Noise Pollution” that you have unfairly directed at my residence during the last 12 months, please let me know so that we can resolve the issues together as neighbours. Neighbourly regards,*******Yes I was nice enough not to include FOAD at the end hahaStephen – I am not loud, we are houses away from eachother and I do not play loud music, yell/scream or rev my car. We are at work every day and in the evenings our 6mth old is fast asleep. Definately not noisy at all!
A: I like your letter. If she feels she needs to send you a letter, I think you are well within your neighborly rights to respond. But, respond only once, don’t make it an ongoing thing. Since you’re not aware of what “noise” she is referring to, you may want to include a phone number to allow her to immediately contact you when the noise arises. This way, you know what she considers “noise”. And, if she again tells you that you’re too noisy, you can ask why she didn’t contact you and make you aware. Document all activity between you and your neighbor, just in case this turns into something more.
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