Do caffeine really cause miscarriages

Health related question in topics Caffeine .We found some answers as below for this question “Do caffeine really cause miscarriages”,you can compare them.

A:New advice from the Food Standards Agency, excess caffeine can cause miscarriage and low birth weight. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do caffeine really cause miscarriages
Does caffeine cause miscarriages
The evidence linking caffeine consumption and miscarriage is inconclusive. ChaCha again soon!
Can caffeine really cause second trimester miscarriage??
Coffee and Miscarriage Recent studies have focused on the effects of coffee intake during pregnancy. A large-scale Danish study polled more than 80,000 pregnant women regarding their coffee intake. This study found that women who drank larg…
Does caffein or stress really causes miscarriage or its just a my…?
Caffeine is not good in pregnancy, you CAN drink it once in a while but DO NOT ABUSE. And yes Stress can cause miscarriage in EARLY pregnancy.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does caffeine cause miscarriage?
Q: I never understood the concern with drinking caffeine while pregnant. I can understand that it would make the baby jittery. How could coffee or soda really hurt your child? What if you were only a few weeks pregnant and still drank coffee everyday?
A: When I was working and BEFORE I knew I was pregnant, I was drinking these drinks called redline. In a whole bottle it has 250 mg. of caffeine and that’s not even counting all the soda and coffee I drank. Plus once in awhile when I worked doubles I took those caffeine pills. I found out I was pregnant at 6 weeks and stopped caffeine altogether. Im at 3 months now and the baby is perfectly healthy! So no I don’t believe caffeine causes miscarriages.
Caffeine increases risk of miscarriage?
Q: I recently heard that caffeine can cause miscarriage.I had 2 miscarriages recently and I drink a lot of black tea. I can’t bear the thought that my tea drinking may have contributed to my losses. I think I am pregnant again, and I have been drinking decaffeinated coffee instead. But I really miss my tea, I’m not really a coffee drinker. Does anyone know a good decaffeinated tea which compares to a traditional black tea? I’m not a fan of herbal or fruit teas do please don’t suggest those!
A: i am a tea jenny lol and i drink tetley decaffienated or if you prefer a stronger flavour tetley red bush both have zero caffiene but all the flavour i am the same as you i heard that about the miscarriage thing so i avoid it im now 29 weeks x
Can caffeine withdrawal affect your periods?
Q: I recently reduced my caffeine intake from 4/5 cups of tea/coffee per day plus the odd cola, down to caffeine free tea and coffee, with the odd cola. We are trying for a baby and thought this would help our “chances” as caffeine can cause miscarriages. I usually have a 30 day cycle, but this month i was due on the 20th and i still haven’t “come on”. I went to the doctor today as i have had about 10 days of cramping, pregnancy tests are all negative. She could not find any cause of my cramping and did extra urine tests to see if there were any other problems (all negative). It wasn’t until i got home that i realised i have been “caffeine free” for about 2 weeks. Could this have caused my periods to be delayed as i know caffeine withdrawal can affect you in many ways. I had a few headaches but nothing else till now. Its really getting me down as i want to start charting again and my temperature is all over the place! She has told me to come back if my period doesn’t arrive soon…
A: losing weight and putting on can change your periods plus changing what you eat and drink the cramps could be you due on period or preg as you can get little cramps i would leave another wk then test again I’m trying too so good luck xx
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