How are miscarriages caused MORE

Health related question in topics Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “How are miscarriages caused MORE”,you can compare them.

A:Other causes for miscarriage include: Hormonal problems, infections or maternal health problems, Lifestyle (i.e. smoking, MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How are miscarriages caused MORE
How Are Miscarriages Caused?
Miscarriages can occur as a result of several reasons. The most common reason however, is due to problems occurring in the chromosomes of the embryo. It is said that miscarriages eradicate ninety five percent of fertilized eggs or embryos t…
What can cause miscarriages?
Miscarriages can be caused by a number of things, only a doctor can tell you what actually caused a miscarriage. However, some of the things that can cause a miscarriage are stress, age, illnesses, diseases, chromosomal abnormalities, hormo…
Can birth control cause a miscarriage?
Birth control can cause a miscarriage as well as other complications with the baby or pregnancy. It is best to immediatly stop using birth control if you find out that you are pregnant.

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A: From the post I have read here I get the impression that many of them are motivated more by their desire to punish women for having sex than their concern for born or even “unborn” babies.
I had IUI last month and it did not take – how many attempts did you have before a success? Any pointers?
Q: I have no right reproductive organs (ie. no right-side of my uterus and no right ovary) but my left side is open and functioning well. The only disadvantage in my condition is that I cannot use clomid or any type of fertility drugs bc it would tear my uterus and/or cause miscarriage if more than one egg were to become fertilized.
A: I did six rounds of clomid and IUI and never got pregnant. I had an exploratory laparoscopy which found severe endometriosis and a dermoid cyst that had ruined my right ovary. My doc removed the cyst, and 80% the ovary, so I effectively have only one operating side on the left as well (my right side has never produced since the surgery). Two months after the surgery I got pregnant naturally, after two years of trying unsuccessfully. Obviously, my story is not the same as yours as I don’t have any issues with my uterus, but I wanted to share because there is always hope. And, it definitely shows that you can get pregnant with just one functioning ovary. Another story — my SIL has big problems with her uterus too, I can’t remember the exact name, but there were huge worries her uterus wouldn’t be able to withstand pregnancy, especially multiples. She also only has one ovary and was told since she was a teen that she would NEVER be able to have children. She now has four. The first three were IVF triplets and they did end up rupturing her uterus at 22 weeks, but they all survived and are now thriving five year olds. Amazingly enough, she got pregnant again, naturally, with a singleton a couple years ago. There is always hope. The IUI will hopefully work for you, sooner rather than later. IUI doesn’t have a “time limit” like clomid does where statistically if you don’t get pregnant within the first three cycles then clomid probably won’t work for you ever. Meaning it may take awhile but theres no reason to stop IUIs after three cycles etc. It took my SIL over 10 IVF cycles for her triplets. Good luck and baby dust to you!
Has anyone had more than one miscarriage?
Q: I was just wondering if anyone has had more than one miscarriage? What causes a miscarriage? What are the chances of a women have more than one? How long should I wait until I try again? What is safe for my body?
A: I’ve had four. With two successful pregnancies between them. The last one was three weeks ago, twins. It had nothing to do with my health or anything, just unsuccessful pregnancies. Spontaneous abortion is normally caused by something being wrong with the embryo or emplantion. On average, every woman has one every year or so, they just don’t realize it. It’s completely normal. It happens to keep you from having an unhealthy baby, or endangering your health. You can try again as soon as you are ready. And keep your head up. If you get pregnant again, don’t worry about miscarrying, it will put added strain to your body. Good Luck and God Bless…My condolences to your loss
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