How are miscarriages formed

Health related question in topics Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “How are miscarriages formed”,you can compare them.

A:Miscarriage are the result of a chromosomal change or problem with the fetus that occurs during conception or during early(more?) [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How are miscarriages formed
How are miscarriages formed
Miscarriage are the result of a chromosomal change or problem with the fetus that occurs during conception or during early(more?)
How did your miscarriage start out?
Brown blood usually indicates old blood. When I had my miscarriage, I started bleeding as if my period was starting. Then the cramps, pain and clots started. Within a few hours I dropped a small (3 mo) fetus. With my son I started bleeding …
Is a miscarriage a form of God perform an Abortion?
Let me educate you on the basics of implantation: A man’s sperm and a woman’s egg unite to form an embryo and it implants itself in the woman’s uterine lining. It is a FOREIGN object, and the woman’s body will send white blood cells to atta…

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Does anybody ever run into problems with not getting the pain relief they’re requesting in hospital?
Q: During labour, delivery, shortly post-partum, etc.Apropos of a ‘blighted ovum’ (short form: miscarriage), I ended up in the maternity ward (!!!), having surgery. Trying to get adequate pain relief before and after the surgery, and sedation so I could sleep the night I was there, was a pain. Not much, and it eventually showed up, but enough of a pain to leave me unconvinced that a hospital birth is the way to go if worried about pain relief. (NB: midwives — here, anyway — can prescribe/provide drugs.) Given that all that was, obviously, without any concern vis-a-vis a baby and the effect of the drugs on same, I’m wondering how often there’s a substantial delay in getting pain control when needed and requested.As it was, I was left feeling like I should apologise — and did, and was less than thrilled with the reaction. There was a lot of “Of course you’re going to be in some pain!” Yeah — but I didn’t expect to have the minimum done for it when in a hospital.Comments?
A: Yes, everyone does…. Thx again president Billary. Let’s vote her back in for 2008, shall we?
If everything is God`s will how are miscarriages not a form of divine abortion?
Q: Dylan, you are dumber than I first suspected.
A: First of all, everything is not God’s will. People have the right to make their own decisions and God has given us the free-will to make those decisions. Therefore, things do happen that are not what He wants, but he lets us make our own choices and mistakes.Secondly, miscarriage does seem like a for of divine abortion. Whether it is or isn’t, the difference is it is God’s choice, not yours. When you choose to end the life of another person, whether unborn or someone in there fifties, it is murder. We should not be aloud to decide when someone’s life ends. God can. He created each life, and has the right to end it when He chooses. It’s not a matter of, the baby was not right, so it miscarried. Look at it from the other side. Maybe, this baby had a purpose and fulfilled it. What did you learn from the experience. As sad as it is to lose a baby unwillingly, that baby is now experiencing a life far better than any life it would have been given here on earth. It is in heaven with the Maker of all of mankind.
How do I support her?
Q: i am married to a wonderful man and we have an amazing 2 1/2 year old son. we decided we wanted to expand our family and got pregnant in April but lost the baby in June. we have been ttc since august when we got the ok from the dr. i have had some irregular cycles which i can only assume are my body still recovering form the miscarriage and d&c. then today i got a call from my younger sister balling and she asked me if pregnancy test were ever wrong i told her that a positive is a positive. so she is pregnant she apologized to me a million times and i kept telling her that it isn’t her fault that im not. her and her boyfriend just bought a house together but really didn’t want this to happen yet she is still finishing up her college and they just simple aren’t ready i guess to late now…she was on the pill but they were a low dose and she missed a pill. she hasn’t told anyone other than her boyfriend. so how can i be there for my sister when she needs me but i am hurting so badlyAnd the woes of an unwanted pregnancy are the last thing I want to hear. I need to be a good sister but not stay so depressed I will only make ttc harder.
A: ((((Hugs)))) I know how you feel. I think all of us here do.For now, take the time you need to process your feelings. You may need some time to allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling.Then eventually, you’ll come around and feel better about things. I think as long as your sister stays positive you two will be fine. But if she constantly complains about her pregnancy being inconvenient, it’s gonna be harder for you to be there for her.I have a feeling, though, that she needs time to process her feelings, just like you do… and eventually, you both will be fine.Good luck.
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