How can energy drinks be dangerous

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The main ingredient in energy drinks, caffeine, especially in large quantities is dangerous. It raises your blood pressure. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can energy drinks be dangerous
Is it dangerous to your health to mix alcohol and energy drinks?
An article by Fox News stated it is very dangerous. The alcohol slows your body and the energy drink tries to speed it up. ChaCha!
Are energy drinks dangerous?
Energy drinks contain a lot of caffeine which can, in large doses, do the kinds of things you describe. Lay off of them and see if you feel better.
Why are energy drinks dangerous?
It causes obesity, dehydration, stroke, heart disease, fatigue, respiratory depression, nervousness, irritability, and insomnia. People may also have bad reactions to the drink if they have a pre-existing medical condition.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

are energy drinks dangerous? if so, how many a day can kill you? and how old should you be to drink them?
A: In short, yes. Energy drinks are dangerous. The short term danger will depend on the caffeine content of the drink, how much caffeine you normally consume, your size/age and personal sensitivity. For instance the average 70 kg adult could die from drinking 130 cans of red bull or 37 cans of “cocaine”. This is probably unlikely (more likely for caffeine pills) but note that the dose could be much more or less for different people, some have died from very small amounts.In the long term, caffeine can cause psychological disorders such as anxiety and other physical illness. Caffeine is also addictive. Energy drinks have high amounts of sugar as well, often more than normal soft drinks so that carries associated risk.Some high-caffeine drinks recommend that drinkers be over the age of 16 but under this it should still be okay if you maybe have smaller amounts.
How dangerous are energy drinks?
Q: I had one and it felt like my insides dissolved. On the can it says do not drink more than 3 a day not for pregnant women, etc. How dangerous is this stuff? What happens to people that drink 10 of these a day?
A: I used to drink 2-6 a day. ridiculous , i know.sometimes, i would even down 12 all at once.after 2 years of doing that, i was diagnosed with a heart related conditiion. now, i don’t know if it was from the caffiene in it, but i am no longer allowed to have caffiene, and many other kinds of it from the energy drink? no one knows, but they aren’t heathly.
Dangerous effects of energy drinks?
Q: What are the dangerous effects of energy drinks like Redbull SUGAR FREE? I’ve heard about effects like heart failure due to drinking too many energy drinks. Is it okay for me, a 16 year-old, to drink one can of Redbull Sugar Free a day? That’s because I feel really, really tired and sleepy after school. Will developing this habit take a toll on my health? Like creating any side effects? How much do I need to drink to develop side effects? (asking out of curiosity)
A: I suggest that you don’t go that route, especially because you are very young. At 16 you do not want to experiment with that type of behavior. Not only are energy drinks bad for your health, they can also be very addicting. If you start using these energy drinks you will find yourself having difficulty getting through an ordinary day without one. At that point you probably will have already done a lot of damage to your body. There are better ways to get that boost of energy, and they can include very simple things like eating right. It sounds like you aren’t getting enough fruit and vegetables in your diet.
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