How do u cause a miscarriage

Health related question in topics a Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “How do u cause a miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:Miscarriages occur for a number of reasons. Most commonly they are due to hormonal problems, failed implantation, or drug abuse. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do u cause a miscarriage
How do u cause a miscarriage
Miscarriages occur for a number of reasons. Most commonly they are due to hormonal problems, failed implantation, or drug abuse.
Can a miscarriage cause u to stop ovulating?
A miscarriage will not stop you from ovulating but your cycle may be a little off for a few months. Source(s): Mom of 6 ( I have had 2 miscarriages)
Do u think having a tumor on your thyroid is cause for miscarriag…?
ya it can b .. dear .. i personally say go n hve a gud thyroid chck by u r doc… rest of all iz fine then.. Here is a site with some good information on miscarriage. It will definitely help you. Have a look.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If your pregnant and get a miscarriage will u know?
Q: I’m 7 wks pregnant, and till 2 more wks I’m going to hear the babies heart, and everyone tells me not to carry heavy things, cause the baby can easily come out. Will I know in my body if that happens? How often do miscarriages happen and why do they happen? I’m only 22 years old.
A: About 15 to 20 percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Most of them occur in the first 13 weeks, or first trimester.For women in their 20s and early 30s, the chance of miscarriage is about 15 percent. At 35 the chance of miscarrying rises to one in four, and at 40 the miscarriage rate is close to one in three.Most early pregnancy losses are due to genetics and cannot be prevented. As far as knowing whether you’ve miscarried, you may and you may not. Some women don’t find out until they have an ultrasound. Warning signs are spotting or bleeding without pain, heavy bleeding with severe abdominal pain or a gush of fluid from your vagina but no pain or bleeding. 50% of bleeding in pregnancy ends in a miscarriage. Most importantly, know that there is nothing you can do to prevent a miscarriage this early. Don’t worry, it’s not healthy for you or your baby. Take care of yourself, eat healthy, and enjoy your pregnancy.
can u have a miscarriage while having an iud on you?
Q: i just wanted to know. im on the mirena iud and i have a feeling that i could be or was pregnant but i barely got it inside me. if i was pregnant do you think it could cause me to have a miscarriage? and what would be some of the signs and that someone had a miscarriage? how would someone know that they had a miscarriage???
A: Miscarriages occur quite frequently with IUDs. That’s essentially how they work. They irritate the lining of the uterus to the point that a fertilized egg will not implant. However, occasionally, one will make a partial implant, but will end up being expelled.Other than a positive pregnancy test (hormones are in your system for several weeks after a loss), there is really no definitive way to tell.
how long after your miscarriage did u get pg i had a chemical pregnancy and started my af 2 days later????????
Q: on monday my hcg was 7 started bleeding on tuesday I didn’t need a d and c cause I was only 5 weeks I am hoping I can get pg this cycle do u think I will ovulate like normal did u????
A: i had to have a d&c at the end of may, period first week of june and then missed july…took a test and got a positive. now im 28 weeks!
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