How do you find out you have had a miscarriage

Health related question in topics a Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you find out you have had a miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:One of the first signs of miscarriage is vaginal bleeding. Up to 25 percent of all pregnant women have bleeding at some. MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you find out you have had a miscarriage
How can you find out if you had a miscarriage
One wa is to take a pregnancy test . If the test is negative and was previously positive, you have had a miscarriage.
How do you know if you had a miscarriage?
A miscarriage deals with the loss of the pregnancy and it the most common way. Most miscarriages occur in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. Common symptoms of a miscarraige include: vaginal bleeding, pain in the lower pack, stomach or pelvis…
Am I having a miscarriage?
My heart goes out to you. Really, no matter how this turns out for you, I completely understand the emotion you are going through, and it is awful. The not knowing is soo hard. Currently, I have had three miscarriages, two successful pregna…

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A: Not usually no – its just ‘one of those things’.I’ve had three miscarriages and for one I was told it was due to a molar pregnancy. I had to be monitored for a year for cancer because of it – but for the other two I wasn’t told why it happened.
If you had a missed miscarriage, how did you find out?
Q: I know I’ve already asked a question similar…but I can’t shake this bad feeling.***Note: I’m talking about MISSED miscarriage, so mentioning bleeding/cramping is not necessary since that has nothing to do with this type of miscarriage initially.***How did you find out what had happened:Did you have “signs” (like ALL of your pregnancy symptoms just disappeared?)Did you have a gut feeling something was wrong?Did you find out at an appointment? And if yes, was it during the u/s?
A: At around 9 weeks all my symptoms disappeared and I no longer felt pregnant, but since it was my first pregnancy I thought this was normal. The day before my 12 week appt I started spotting. Called the doctor and they said it was nothing. When I went in for my appt, they did and ultrasound and found no heartbeat. The doctor measured the baby and determined that it had died around 8 weeks. I was devasted and totally embarassed that I didn’t know anything was wrong with my baby. BTW – if you are asking this trying to figure out if this has happened to you you need to stop thinking like that. If a miscarriage happens in these early months there is almost nothing that can be done about it. It does you no good to sit there and worry. Chances are everything is fine. Good luck and may you have a happy and healthy baby.
I just found out I am having a missed miscarriage at 20 weeks. How common is this?
Q: I have had no signs or symptoms of a miscarriage. I just found out on the ultrasound that the baby’s heart stopped beating. Are there any signs I should have looked for? I do not have any symptoms of a typical miscarriage. And how often does this happen this late in the pregnancy? All of the missed miscarriages I have heard about happen within 8-12 weeks. Thank you for your input.
A: Actually, the loss of a baby at or past 20 weeks gestation is called a stillbirth. Stillbirths are rare, but they do happen. It happened to me 5 years ago. Usually, that late, it is a cord related accident however it is often impossible to really know.Generally, the only thing you can do at home is to make sure baby is moving with the same patterns and is consistant. At 20 weeks though, that is sometimes difficult as you aren’t always feeling consistent movements yet.For the pregnancy I had after losing my baby, I bought a heart doppler (from ebay) and used it whenever I was concerned that I hadn’t felt the baby move recently enough. I sold it, however, before my next pregnancy because to be honest the constant worry and constant stress of sitting there listening for a heartbeat was eating away at me. I had to relearn, instead, how to trust that rare bad things wouldn’t happen. This is extremely hard because we obviously know rare bad things CAN happen to us.Out in New Orleans there is a very special OBGYN doctor that has dedicated his life and career to helping women that have gone through stillbirth. He is Dr Jason Collins and an amazing man. He has studied cord related accidents more than any other doctor in the world. The link below to the pregnancy institute is his website is you are interested in learning more.The other link below is a support organization for families that have gone through stillbirth as well as infant, pregnancy loss, infertility and adoption.I am sorry that you had to go through this. The grief is overwhelming and it oftens feels like you are alone in having had this happen so late in your pregnancy, but you are not alone.
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