How do you pass a polygraph when you are really nervous

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Polygraphs measure changes in heartbeat, blood pressure, and respiration. Nerves can cause the polygraph results to be skewed. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you pass a polygraph when you are really nervous
How do you pass a polygraph when you are really nervous
Polygraphs measure changes in heartbeat, blood pressure, and respiration. Nerves can cause the polygraph results to be skewed.

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I took my polygraph test yesterday for the Sherrifs Dept. How will I know if I passed?
Q: My hands get naturally sweaty and I had told the person asking me the questions that my hands get sweaty even when I’m not nervous and it’s always been that way since I was born.Anyways, she hounded me about 1 question in general because she said that my hand started getting sweaty and the polygraph was going up and down. The question was “have you ever sold narcotics”? I told her no, but I was there when my friend was selling it to someone else. I wasn’t lying. She made me write a statement saying that I didn’t do so because she thought it wass “funny” how the polygraph was going bazerk after she had asked that question, but I really can’t control the sweat on my hands.So basically I wanted to know if this whole scenario about 1 question will prevent me from getting a job with the Sherrifs?If not, then when will I know if I passed and can go on to the next step? She just told me that we were done then I left. She didn’t say we’ll review or we’ll call you.I didn’t lie, but I don’t know how polygraph machines work. Will the machine actually tell you if that person is lying regardless of sweat or not?That was my only issue going into this test. My hands get sweaty and I was worried that they would see that as being “nervous”.How long will it take to hear results? Will they call me? Send me a letter? What’s the next step?
A: It is a combination of things…….sweat, heart rate, breathing rate, how you answer, what you answer, and body language. They either did a background investigation before the polygraph or will do one to verify your answers. If they still have questions, then you may be interviewed again. They may or may not do a second polygraph. If there is anything that you want to clarify or if you were not sure of a question that was asked during the polygraph, then you need to contact the Sheriff’s department and ask them about it.
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