How does one have a miscarriage

Health related question in topics a Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “How does one have a miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:Common cause of miscarriage is chromosomal abnormality – meaning that something is not correct with the baby’s chromosomes. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does one have a miscarriage
You can have a naturally induced miscarriage if you are pregnant and do not want an abortion or have the baby by using a combination of massage, herbs, and vitamins. You can find more information here:
you should not try to do a miscarriage get an abortion if you have questions, call the national abortion federation The NAF Hotline is available to answer any questions you may have about abortion, unintended pregnancy, or related issues. T…
Having personally been through a miscarriage, I know some of the information concerning this. A miscarriage is, by definition, a spontaneous dispelling of a fetus from the body. Most of the time, the body will ‘flush’ a fetus if there are p…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does it take for one to get pregnant after a miscarriage?
Q: I have had two miscarriages in the past one year, my last miscarriage happened in january of this year, my husband and i have now been trying to get pregnant for the past months but we have been unsuccessful. My menstrual cycle is also not consistent, sometimes it’s early or late and it is very light. Does it take this long to get pregnant after a miscarriage?
A: You should speak to your Dr and notify him/her that you are trying to conceive. A medical check up would be helpful, I think.The Dr will then advise you of what you should and shouldn’t do to get pregnant.Since, this is September, I would assume that it would be okay to start. It’s been only a month, that’s not that long…Good luck and I hope that everything turns out okay for you and your hubby.
How does one know about the miscarriage in the early months?
Q: I fear that I conceived last month, but not knowing about it, I had half a mile jogging.What are the signs of miscarriage?What things are supposed to be avoided on the first few months of pregnancy?
A: Continuing on with exercise you are used to won’t do any harm in the early days. Later moderate exertion or lifting you are used to is not likely to hurt the baby, but could damage your joints because they all soften. They do recommend keeping your heart rate below 140 beats per minute if you are pregnant though.With a miscarriage you would usually have heavy bleeding, cramps, with blood clots and some meaty looking material being passed. If you had a very heavy crampy period (especially if a bit late), it could be an early miscarriage. But don’t worry that you have caused one if so – they are usually just bad luck that there was something not quite right with the baby, not because of anything you did.The main things to avoid are alcohol or ANY kind of medication unless you have checked with your doctor first. This includes any sort of over the counter medication. You should also avoid eating meat that hasn’t been properly cooked and soft cheeses – or any other food that is a higher risk for bacteria. Make sure you wash your salad veges properly. Also, stay away from animal poo! Wear gloves if you do any gardening and get someone else to change cat litter for you. It’s still OK to pat the cat though.
how long does it take for you to get pregnant again after a miscarriage i had one 11/13/08 than i got my perid?
Q: period now i believe i am pregnant again how long should i wait to take the test? how long does it take for the hcg to show up? by the way i continued to take my prenantal pills so did that help in my conceiving again so soon.
A: I got Pregnant 2 weeks after my last MC. I am now 37 weeks with a boy!I would make an app. with your OB DR. If you think you are Pregnant again it is the best way to know for sure what is going on.Take care of your self Eat good and take your Prenantal pills!
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