How early can you have have a miscarriage

Health related question in topics Have a Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “How early can you have have a miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:Miscarriage is the most common complication of early pregnancy. Miscarriage is the spontaneous end of a pregnancy at a stage where the embryo or fetus is incapable of surviving, generally defined in humans at prior to 20 weeks of gestation. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How early can you have have a miscarriage
Women can miscarry at any point in a pregnancy however the risks get much lower the longer the pregnancy goes forward. The biggest drop is when the woman hits the 3 month mark at the 3 month mark in pregnancy your chances of miscarriage dec…
I am so sorry to hear ur not feeling well. It takes 48 hours for sperm to penetrate a viable egg, and then the dividing process starts. Miscarriages can happen at anytime, and are sometimes unavoidable, even in late pregnancy. It isn’t alwa…
When you get pregnant for 35-50 days you can have a miscarriage.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how early can you have a miscarriage? Are blood clots a normal sing of a miscarriage?
Q: I can pin-point when it’s that time of the month,and my period came on time, but i’m bleeding a lot worst then I normaly do….Is it normal to have blood clots bigger then the size of a quater? My cramps are a little worst then they should be. Could this be signs of an early miscarriage? How early can you have a miscarriage? Can it be within the first 2-3 week of conceiption?Should I see a doctor?
A: I had my period in may (2005) then 4 days later starting bleeding again but it wasn’t heavy. The blood was red-brown.But when i think about it when i was on my period i was miscarrying. I was 4-5 weeks pregnant and did not even know it. If i hadn’t of gone to the er i would have never known i was could take a pregnancy test cause even if you had a miscarriage it will still show up you are pregnant cause the pregnancy hormone stays in your system for up to 8 weeks after a miscarriage or a birth. A blood test will show you are pregnant 6 days after conception and it will still be in your blood if you did miscarry.go to (all about pregnancy tests)Miscarriage SymptomsA miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks and it is nature’s way of ending a pregnancy that is not developing normally. The length of the pregnancy will effect the number and severity of miscarriage symptoms.A miscarriage that takes place shortly after conception can occur as a slightly late, slightly heavy period. Symptoms can vary from person to person, but there are common ones that generally occur:Bleeding. This can range from brownish spotting to heavy bleeding. It is important to note that many women experience spotting or bleeding during pregnancy and about 50% of the time, the pregnancy progresses normally. Pain or cramping in the lower abdominal area. The pain could be on just one side, both sides, or in the middle. You may also experience pain in the genitals, lower back, thighs, or buttocks. You may notice that pregnancy symptoms like nausea and breast tenderness have subsided or lessoned. Be aware that some women do not notice any change in these symptoms, while others do. Some women say that didn’t “feel right” just prior to their symptoms. If you are pregnant and experiencing symptoms you should contact your health care provider. If any of the following symptoms occur you should go the Emergency Room immediately:Heavy bleeding Passing clots or something that looks like tissue (bring the tissue to the hospital in a clean container) A fever higher than 100.4 degrees F Dizziness or fainting A history of tubal (or ectopic) pregnancy Severe vomiting Severe pain the abdomen or back If you have any uncertainty about the need to contact your health care provider, call him or her immediately.
How soon after you have an early miscarriage can you get pregnant again?
Q: I had a miscarriage 9 days ago at 4 weeks pregnant.It occured naturally and no intervention was needed.How quickly will my fertility return as I have had no fertility problems in the past ?Thanks for any advice .
A: next cycle, should be no problem.. early misscarriges are common and since there was no complications and your body went back ro normal then the next cycle will be ready for implantation
How can you tell the difference between your period and very early miscarriage?
Q: I was waiting to see if I missed my period because I was having some pregnancy symptoms for a couple weeks (nausea, fatigue, headaches), but it came 2 days early with really bad cramps and back pain and was really heavy for the first two days then got so light I just needed a panty liner.
A: There’s no way to know unless you first got a BFP on an HPT. But if you’re talking about a period that started before it was due, it’s unlikely that you would have gotten a BFP. Additionally, if you are talking about a period that came before it was due, then those symptoms (nausea, fatigue, headaches… for WEEKS), well those all would have started before you even concieved. Bottom line, there is no way you’ll ever know, but given the facts presented, it’s unlikely that you were ever pregnant.
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