How long do the results take for a miscarriage

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A:A blood test for a miscarriage usually take 2-3 days for results. Some miscarriages can be checked through a pelvic exam. ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long do the results take for a miscarriage
How long do the results take for a miscarriage
A blood test for a miscarriage usually take 2-3 days for results. Some miscarriages can be checked through a pelvic exam. ChaCha.

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Q: i recently took a DNA test to see if i am the father of my Ex’s baby. For a while i took to caring for her in every way until she told me she had a miscarriage and left me. now nearly 6th months later her child is now 2 months old and i am forbidden to see him. She has put the child up for adoption and named me potential father. i received a packet asking for my permission to go ahead with the adoption to which i refused. so i took a DNA test and i’ve waited almost a month for the results. i’ve sent numerous e-mails to the lawyers of the adoptive parents which whom the child resides with. If the child is mine i will fight with every fiber of my being to gain full custody of him and raise him myself. Can anyone tell me how long a dna test normally takes so i will know what i must do next? Thanks Big Wolf
A: It took mine about 4 weeks. You need to get a lawyer for yourself. Good luck.
Missed Miscarriage – How long will it take with the methotrexate?
Q: Methotrexate for possible ectopic/missed miscarriage?How long will this take and what can I expect?Well I was scheduled for a D&C this past Wednesday but after doing another scan the doctor recommended the methotrexate because I had a D&C a year ago and she said that the sac in my uterus was so small it would be difficult to get and could cause scarring. She also could not say for sure if it was a psedo sac and that I may have an ectopic pregnancy. So Wednesday I was given the methotrexate injection and I am bleeding (I was bleeding a bit before this) but it isn’t heavy enough to fill a pad. It mainly comes out when I go to the bathroom and there are some small clots but I expected it to be heavier. They are monitoring my HCG levels which went from 903 on 6/26 to 890 on 7/2 and then to 877 on 7/6 (all before the shot). Today I had blood drawn again but didn’t have the results come in yet. How long will it take for me to miscarry and is there going to be more pain and bleeding?
A: wow those are big words
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