How long does miscarriages last

Health related question in topics Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “How long does miscarriages last”,you can compare them.

A:Blood loss from a miscarriage will probably continue for about 7-10 days, tailing off toward the end of this time. It MORE? ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does miscarriages last
A miscarriage can last anywhere from a minute to an hour, depending on the factors and conditions of the miscarriage. If a pregnant woman falls, the miscarriage could occur immediately.
I had a very early pregnancy miscarriage at about 6 weeks- this was about 32 years ago! I had regular contractions- and you’re right, it seemed to be more painful than the ones when you’re in real labor. It lasted a few hours and I passed t…
Linda, You really need to get in and see your Dr. right away. Bleeding for this length of time is not good. Several years ago, I did not know I was pregnant. I had intermittent bleeding (sometimes heavy, sometimes spotting) for 2 weeks. I t…

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How long does a miscarriage last?
Q: I am fairly certain I have had an early miscarriage, I started to bleed 2 weeks early and it had all the right symptoms. I have been bleeding clots and brown blood for almost 2 weeks and now its becoming heavier. Does anyone know how long the process lasts?
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How long does the actual miscarriage last?
Q: I think im having a miscarriage as im having incredibly painful cramps and heavy bleeding. I just wondered if anyone knew how long the actual miscarriage lasts? I know the bleeding can last for up to 2 weeks. The worst thing is, I don’t think i’ll ever be 100% sure i’ve had a miscarriage as i didn’t even know i was pregnant for sure because i didnt have the chance to do a test …
A: I recently had a miscarriage, I was 9 weeks into my pregnancy but it was a blighted ovum (sack but no embryo). I had horrible pains too almost like labor and the bleeding lasted a week. Yes, you should still have HCG levels in ur blood and urine if you were pregnant, so do a test to find out.Either way, I truly think you should go see a doctor because IF it is a miscarriage they need to make sure that you pass everything naturally and that there was no tissue left over in you. So please go see one it would be in the safe thing to do for your health.
how long does a miscarriage last?
Q: i found out my babys heart had stopped so they gave me some pills to speed up the process. i have taken all 4 and its been about 5 hours since i took the last 2. i started bleeding and now its very light. i have light cramps that come and go. since i had this done how long should it take to complete the miscarriage? any advice on how i can make sure everything comes out too so i dont have to have a d and c done?
A: Im sorry I dont have an answer for you. I had a miscarriage last year but everything came out naturally. We had no idea anything was even wrong, I had just had an ultrasound two days prior to that and our baby was perfectly fine so when I woke up bleeding like crazy we had no idea what was going on. Im really sorry you’re going through this. Its such a horrible horrible thing to have to go through! Just know that your baby is a beautiful angel looking over you now…..
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