How will you know when you have a miscarriage

Health related question in topics a Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “How will you know when you have a miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:Signs of miscarriage include: vaginal bleeding that may be preceded by a brownish discharge, cramps in the pelvic area, MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How will you know when you have a miscarriage
How will you know when you have a miscarriage
Signs of miscarriage include: vaginal bleeding that may be preceded by a brownish discharge, cramps in the pelvic area, MORE?
What Every Woman Should Know: Miscarriage
Miscarriage is something that is scary, surprisingly common (20% of all pregnancies are said to end in miscarriage), and yet not talked about. You may feel afraid to ask your OB about miscarriage because you don’t want them to think that y…
Does anyone know how quickly symptoms disappear after a miscarria…?
symptoms go away immediately. She should go to the docs asap as she could still be pregnant if she’s still got symptoms. I had a very big bleed at about 8 weeks all over the floor and in the toilet pan (2mi sorry!) and still carried the bab…

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Q: I am having an abortion next week. I know before anyone says rude stuff to me, you dont know my sistuation & yes I know abortions are never right, & I never believed in them or agreed with someone when they would have one, but I do have a very good reason behind mine.That is way too personal & I would perfer not to go into detail about on the internet. However, my question is after the abortion is done, I have an obygn appt. I am suppose to be going to 2 days after I have the abortion. Will my doctor be able to tell that I had an abortion or will she just think it was a miscarriage. She is a friend of the family. I know things in her office are suppose to be confidental however, you never know if she could slip sometime when she is around the family! What do you think?I was planning on just trying to pass it off as a miscarriage to her and everyone else.Not everyone knows what happen to me & how I got pregnant. It was not something I wanted or something I planned or even something Iwilling to engage in!! To say the less without going into details I did not give someone or ANYONE permission to have sex with me! Theres more to the story but that is not what I am on here to talk about! Thank you kindly for anyone who is willing to give me serious answers without judging me!
A: They might be able to tell. You will definitely still be bleeding, and depending on the method of abortion you might have some damage to your cervix from artificially dilating it to perform the abortion. Regardless, you must be honest about it with your doctor. It is a crucial part of your health history now and you shouldn’t be lying about it, because an abortion puts you at risk for problems like pelvic infection, etc.Doctors are held BY LAW to keep things confidential, so I wouldn’t worry about your doc saying things to your family – if they do, you can sue. If you still don’t feel comfortable, get a new OB-GYN.
is this a miscarriage?
Q: alright, so, I’m TTC, and last Tuesday my period was expected, but never came. I had a lot of pregnancy symptoms, such as headaches, backaches, my boobs have gotten noticably larger, I have white creamy discharge, and I’m slightly constipated. but, 3 days ago, almost all of my symptoms disappeared about as fast as they came. and then 2 days ago, I spotted.. just a very little bit, but it was bright red. yesterday, the same thing happened, but with A LOT of cramps. only a little blood though. today I woke up, and my cramps were worse, and the blood has increased tremendously. about mid afternoon, I started passing clots. fairly large ones at times. today, I would be exactly 5 weeks pregnant. I never get positive urine tests, so I don’t bother taking them. I have an appointment for Friday to go in for blood tests. I called today, and they told me to still come in, but if I’m miscarrying their is nothing they can do. but shouldn’t they let me know if that’s what’s happening? why are they gonna just let it pass. don’t I have to know if I have a miscarriage? for anyone who has had a miscarriage, will you please tell me what happened with yours. how did you know? and did you ovulate after it, or did you get a regular period after, and then ovulate after that? how will I know when I’m ovulating again to start trying again? when should I start trying again? I usually have a very regular 32 day cycle. I am now at 39 days.. so will it start again right at 32 days? anyyyy information will be greatly appreciated! : (
A: mines started out just like yours i miscarried at 6 weeks 3 days so i’m so sorry for your loss but you need to go to the dr. asap and see if everything passed or do you need to be cleaned out and again i’m so sorry but keep your head up and pray for God to bless you again i’m now 10 weeks and 3 days pregnant due june 13th and i’ll be praying for you
When will cycle resume after Miscarriage and hormone levels have gone back to normal?CONTINUED?
Q: To Heather,Paige, and Sadie. Thanks for your responses. I was 10 weeks pregnant(week of 3/23) when we found out that the baby had died sometime in the 8th week(the week of 3/10). I didn’t actually miscarry until the April 6th( I WOULD have been 12 weeks along had nothing happened). We went for routine ultrasound to date pregnancy accurately,got to see the baby on the screen just to find out that it was already gone and only measuring an 8 week fetus, and didn’t miscarry until 2 weeks later. Don’t know if this will help in giving information, or helping with maybe helping me figure out when I should expect my next cycle. I went for a post-miscarriage check up(April 9th), the Dr did another ultrasound to make sure that everything that needed to come out did, he mentioned that it should be 5-6 weeks from that point that I should expect another cycle…but how can a dr figure that out not knowing exactly how each woman differs as far as miscarriages go. I have read lots of waiting to have another child or even try for another child until we have come to terms with this loss. To be honest, it hit me like a TON of bricks when we found out at the ultrasound, and when it actually happened it hit me ALL over again, but now it almost seems like a bad dream, something that never happened. I do still get a little envious when I see a woman who is pregnant or when I see a baby, but I yearn for another one, and am scared that this was my last chance. My husband and I tried for years, then finally gave up. Our youngest just turned 7 in december, and I got pregnant in January…just over 7 years to conceive…just to have it ripped away from me faster than anything. Is fertility usually better after a miscarriage? Since the miscarriage bleeding stopped I have started taking FertilityBlend which is supposed to help regulate a woman’scycle, help increase fertility, and all kinds of other things. Myhusband also started taking the Men’s Performance and Vitality Vitamin pack from GNC, and the multivitamins themselves are supposed to help make the quality of the sperm better and have better motility, and increase bloodflow to that area as well. We are doing everything we can to try to conceive again, and even if someone has an opinion on what you “think” our chances are again, that would be helpful. Thanks again.
A: First i am SO SORRY for your loss. I just posted a similar question. I my self miscarried at 4-5 weeks along. I have pcos and have been downing fertility meds and was so excited to find out it worked. then some one just took it away. It was like the worst joke ever. It was just gone, and it was/is hard for me to grasp. i am sorry u had to fo through it as well. I was told i could try right away, but thats just me and my doc. I only bled for 5 days and it was naturall. Im now 6 weeks post miscarriage and JUST ovulated this past weekend, so it takes a while. I am now just waiting and hopefull that it will work. I want it so bad, and beleive me, i too get upset seeing other pregnant, or younger people who just had and “accident”. It’s upsetting, but i just smile and walk on. I know it will happen for me, and it will for u too!! We just have to keep hangin in there! on the regulating cycles, all i can say is since i have pcos i only had periods once a year or not at all, i just ovulated on my own, so i guess its working. 🙂 Good luck !! it will happen, it just sucks waiting. Baby dust to u and if u need help, or want to talk, let me know! <3
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