How would you know if you had a ruptured spleen

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Abdominal pain and tenderness are the classic symptoms. Internal bleeding may cause your blood pressure to drop causing faintness. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How would you know if you had a ruptured spleen
How would you know if you had a ruptured spleen
Abdominal pain and tenderness are the classic symptoms. Internal bleeding may cause your blood pressure to drop causing faintness.
How do you know your spleen is ruptured?
Your inner parts are pretty well protected, so I wouldn’t worry too much. You may have pinched a muscle or two or you may have even pulled a rib out of place. First can you take a deep breath all the way? If not you pulled a rib and need…
How do i know if my spleen is ruptured?
Edited in response to author: “Splenic rupture permits large amounts of blood to leak into the abdominal cavity which is severely painful and life-threatening. Shock and, ultimately, death can result. Patients typically require an urge…

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Q: See, today I was finishing my weekend as part of the trauma team. I was working with my consultant and the scrub nurses. It was on Friday night and Mr Biggs (that’s not his actual name) presented to the A&E with serious head wounds and flail chest after his car swerved out of the way of a drunk driver and hit a tree at 60mph.At the time, my consultant Mr Lawson was busy in surgery after a routine spleen rupture. I (along with the A&E doctors) admitted Mr Biggs and I prepped him for surgery. I am still in my first year of trauma surgery training, but was told over the intercom by Mr Lawson that seeing as he was the only consultant on, I would have to begin unsupervised.I’m nowhere near skilled enough to fix a flail chest, which was the pressing concern, however, I know how to fix a ruptured spleen, and how to treat internal hemorrhaging. So I began there. The spleen was too badly damaged to fix, so I just removed it, and I found the internal bleeding and I stopped it.This is where the anaesthesiologist question comes in. It took me and the A&E crew 4 minutes to admit Mr Biggs and decide surgery was the desirable option. It then took the nurses and me 7 minutes to prep him for surgery and he was on the operating table in less than 15 minutes. How did the anaesthesiologist know how much to give? He hadn’t met Mr Biggs previous to that, he swanned in and simply waved his magic wand. So, do anaesthesiologists have some kind of magic power?But anyway, the surgery was a success. Mr Lawson came in just before I’d finished stopping the bleeding, and he scrubbed up and fixed the flail chest. Now, most people would think that was it, but Mr Biggs didn’t ever fully regain consciousness in the morning or afternoon of Saturday, and by Saturday night he was officially braindead.I woke on Sunday because my horrible little pager was going off in my ear. It was the post-op ward. Mr Lawson had consulted the chief neurologist Dr Rogan and came to the conclusion that the head injuries that were sustained were too severe. They had explained all this to his family, and they agreed that they would rather have their husband/father/brother being whole than a braindamaged shell that didn’t recognize them. I, being the whipping boy, was told to turn his life support off.I know the basis that you’re supposed to turn the life-support off when the patient becomes braindead, basically to free up beds because the managers are the ones that really run hospitals.But, if your relative was braindead, would you let them turn off the life support?I’m sorry that this is more of a rant, but it’s been a rough weekend and I kinda needed to unload. But, they are genuine questions.Actually, I did know it’s partly to do with body weight. But more out of curiosity, what drugs do they prefer, how do they remember them etc.My consultant told me not to think about it because it would drive me mad trying to understand how they think…And to be honest, it’s more of a rant…
A: It’s a closely guarded secret, how we do things, and if I told you, I’d have to kill you. LOLAnaesthesia is as much art as it is science. We start out learning formulas and weight based dosages, and all sorts of cookbook ways to do things, but with experience comes clinical judgment, and we use that as much as anything in determining what to give and how much of it. We have drugs we like, and those we don’t, and years of experience guide us. That wasn’t too helpful, was it?Turning off life support can be a kindness. It’s cruel to let a loved one languish in an ICU with tubes everywhere as they waste away and wait for death, if there is no hope of meaningful recovery. So, yes, I’d turn off life support out of love, even before brain death. (Braindead = dead, you know. Gone.)I hope your week gets better.
cena fans please come to your senses?
Q: read this about cenas so called condition and you people will realize that is something vince came up with for you all to order the royal rumble.Cena would of died if he did not have this operation so read this and realize how you all sound like jackasses.Ruptured spleenFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchRuptured spleenClassifications and external resources Side of thorax, showing surface markings for bones, lungs (purple), pleura (blue), and spleen (green). ICD-10 S36.0 ICD-9 865 DiseasesDB 12369 eMedicine med/2792 Rupture of the capsule of the spleen, an organ in the upper left part of the abdomen, is a potential catastrophe that requires immediate medical and surgical attention.Contents [hide]1 Function of spleen 2 Prevention 3 Prognosis 4 Signs 5 See also 6 External links [edit] Function of spleenThe spleen is an organ in the upper left side of the abdomen that filters the blood by removing old or damaged blood cells and platelets and helps the immune system by destroying bacteria and other foreign substances. It also holds extra blood that can be released into the circulatory system, if needed.[edit] PreventionThe spleen is a useful but nonessential organ. It is sometimes removed (otherwise known as a splenectomy) in people who have blood disorders, such as thalassemia or hemolytic anemia. If the spleen is removed, a person must get certain immunizations to help prevent infections that the spleen normally fights.[edit] PrognosisSplenic rupture permits large amounts of blood to leak into the abdominal cavity which is severely painful and life-threatening. Shock and, ultimately, death can result. Patients typically require an urgent operation. Rupture of a normal spleen can be caused by trauma, for example, in an accident. If an individual’s spleen is enlarged, as is frequent in mononucleosis, most physicians will not allow activities (such as major contact sports) where injury to the abdomen could be catastrophicyes i know this is all fake but most people on yahoo dont realize that and are posting stupid crap like oh my baby is hurt and crap like that.
A: Thank you, Crazzie Girl! Some of these Cena fans are stupid as hell to believe this crap about Cena having a ruptured spleen! And if you Cena fans try to blast back say that we know it’s entertainment, then you are stupid again! Stupid for the simple fact that you allow Vince to shove this poorly written storyline down your throat! If you teeny boppers and Cena marks had any sense, you would blast and boo the hell out this storyline!
How to detect a swollen spleen?
Q: Ok, my girlfriend found out a day ago that she had mono (she shared a dr pepper with a friend that later found out they had it). I have obviously been kissing her since then lol. anyhow, i was researching mono and found out that not everybody gets the symptoms and some people only get partial symptoms. I called the doctor and they said that if they tested me when i had no symptoms, it would come out negative. I know it takes up to a month to even get the symptoms of mono, but during those months you are contagious and if she got it a month ago before she showed symptoms, i have been kissing her since then, so technically, since i have been kissing her for a month when she first got it, it would be about 4 weeks for me and i should start showing symptoms soon.To get to the point, I am worried that i may be a person that gets no symptoms or partial symptoms.even though this is not my main worry here, If i get no symptoms, I’m still contagious, and i have a 2 year old nephew at home that i would not like to give it main worry is that i will only get partial symptoms. If i were to get the swollen spleen as my only symptom, it would be devastating. I am a cross country runner which means i run 8-10 miles on some days and other days (when we have workouts like hills or intervals) i run 5-7 miles a day but really intense. If my spleen were swollen and i were to run, it could rupture.I was wondering, is there was any way that i could check if my spleen was swollen myself? if i can’t detect my spleen being swollen and that is the only symptom i get from mono, then i will think i don’t have any symptoms, not get checked, spread it to people, and rupture my spleen in the middle of practice. so please, is there any way i am able to check a swollen spleen without seeing a doctor?
A: There are a lot of questions here and I’ll try to answer them briefly.You CAN still turn up a positive monospot (the name of the monotest) even though you are not symptomatic, and even within a month of the exposure. It varies, so it’s certainly worth the easy blood test to check if you are concerned.The chances of your spleen rupturing due to running is really very slim – most doctors will tell you to avoid CONTACT sports where you could receive blunt trauma to the spleen (i.e. getting tackled, etc). Running is considered a safe activity (I mean, you don’t jostle it that much, you receive just as many bumps walking around and being in a car every day).Unfortunately doctors have a really difficult time determining if a spleen is swollen with a physical exam. The reason for this is two-fold. 1) The spleen sits really high up in your abdomen, so in order to potentially feel it, there has to be some pretty significant enlargement. 2) The spleen doesn’t have a hard border, it’s more like a slimy beanbag (only the beans feel more like grains of sand). The liver is easy to feel because its firm border allows the physician to feel it as it passes beneath their hand. The spleen just sort of slides underneath with no hard border to indicate that is what they are feeling.The best easy test for an enlarged spleen is an ultrasound, followed by a CT scan and then MRI if more imaging is needed.So basically, no – you won’t be able to check if you have an enlarged spleen on your own. Head to the doctor to get your monospot, that should assure you one way or another. Double-check with your doc that its OK to run – my money is on it being totally fine.
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