Is bleeding after a miscarriage normal

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A:Yes. Once the miscarriage is complete bleeding usually lasts 1-2 weeks. If your bleeding lasts longer than 2 weeks call your Dr. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is bleeding after a miscarriage normal
Is bleeding after a miscarriage normal
Yes. Once the miscarriage is complete bleeding usually lasts 1-2 weeks. If your bleeding lasts longer than 2 weeks call your Dr.
How long is it normal to bleed after a miscarriage?
I bled for about a week and spotted for about 2 weeks thereafter. It was a nuisance. I would check with your md just to be sure there’s not underlying cause for you own peace of mind.
Is bleeding after sex after a miscarriage normal?
If you waited a month with having sex like you were supposed to so you had time to heal, then no, it’s not normal.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I have been bleeding for a month now after miscarriage. Is this normal?
Q: It stopped for a week and started up again. Doctors are still running tests on my uterine tissue that they got from a biopsy. While I am waiting they don’t know much. Is a month of bleeding normal after miscarriage?
A: Usually it’s about 2 weeks or so I’ve read on here. When will your doctors give you the results? Sorry to hear of your miscarriage, I hope you get your sticky bean very soon. If you search for other similar questions on here you might get many answers. Good luck.
Still spotting/bleeding after a miscarriage, normal?
Q: I had a miscarriage on April 25th and was 5 weeks 5 days a long. I started to spot brown on the 22nd and here it is May 4th and I’m STILL spotting brown and sometimes bleeding dark red into a pad or light tampon. I called my OB and left a msg. but won’t hear back till late tomm. Is this normal? It’s now been 12 days…it’s getting annoying and we wanted to try again this coming Wednesday! Thanks everyone
A: bleedingIf your miscarriage is complete, you can expect your bleeding to taper off rapidly, i.e. over the next week it should get lighter and lighter and stop. All bleeding and spotting should have stopped by seven days. If it persists or is heavier than a normal period, this indicates something is wrong, see your doctor. While you are still bleeding it is important that you shower, not bath, and that you do not swim in public pools because of the risk of contracting an infection.menstrual cycleYou may resume a normal cycle immediately with the next period 28 days after the miscarriage but there is a great personal variation,and it can take up to 6 or 7 weeks for your period to return, especially if you had a “natural” miscarriage (i.e. no D&C or tablets).It still may take a few cycles before your regular pattern is re-established.Ovulation can occur 14 days after a miscarriage so you may wish to take precautions. sexSexual intercourse should be avoided until bleeding has stopped to prevent the risk of infection. Even though your cervix will be closed again, sperm can travel up through it and introduce infection into the uterus, which is still healing.
Is intermittent bleeding normal after miscarriage followed by D&C?
Q: OK, so I began to miscarry when I was 6 weeks and 1 day. I went into the doctor and they advised me to have a D&C followed by some suction. That day (Friday) I had some bleeding and then just pretty light spotting the next two days. By the third day (monday), I wasn’t bleeding at all and was feeling really good. I did some light exercise and didn’t bleed any more. So the next day, I went on a bike ride thinking that I was fine. Wednesday night I started bleeding bright red, it wasn’t heavy, lighter than a normal period but it stopped the next morning so I went on a walk, again no bleeding until that night. Since Thursday night, I have been bleeding red “new” blood (i guess you would call it), but it will also switch back brown and then back to red, and it is still pretty light. A bit heavier than spotting, but I don’t need to change my pad more than once every 8 hours (I change it more for sanitary reasons though). I don’t have a fever or cramps, no clots. And i’ve been taking it really easy since thursday. I’m just wondering if this is normal? I have a follow up appointment this coming friday and I’m worried I might have some “remaining products of conception”. I just don’t want to have to go through the experience again. Do you think it is just from exercising too much? :-/ Sorry this is so long.
A: When I had a D & C for a “missed” miscarriage at 13 weeks, I bled lightly for about 2 weeks- intermittently, like you are. I also cramps pretty badly for about 3-4 days. It felt like I had been kicked by a horse! I think what you are experiencing is completely with the norm.
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