Is hypothyroidism deadly

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Advanced hypothyroidism, known as myxedema, is rare, but when it occurs it can be life-threatening. Signs and symptoms include low blood pressure, decreased breathing, decreased body temperature, unresponsiveness, coma and in rare cases, death. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is hypothyroidism deadly
Are hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism DEADLY?
Just make sure the problem is not due to autoimmune disease like Hashimotos Thyroiditis. A Rheumatologist will help if it is.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can Hypothyroidism be fatal?
Q: Can anyone tell me.. Is hypothyroidism deadly..?.. Is it dangerous even if medicines are being taken regurarly ?.. The patient is a 16yr old femaleJust to add another thing..The patient complains of having low hormone levels.. she takes those medicines to stabilize the hormone level!Based on these details.. Does it shorten ur lifespan?
A: No, it isn’t fatal. I have it and it makes you lethargic and feel sick but you won’t die. As long as you take the meds every single day for the rest of your life, you will feel normal under most circumstances. Some people like me fluctuate daily so it is hard to stay under control but it doesn’t shorten my lifespan.16 and thyroid issues, that sucks! Just find a good doctor and keep your TSH under 4 and closer to 1 The closer you get to 0 the better you generally feel. My set point is 2.4 though. More makes me jittery.
Is hyperthyroidism deadly? is it cureable?
Q: My sister, 16 years old, was recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. We’re worried that all the medications she’s taking are making her gain weight and leave her short of breath, but she needs them to lower her heart rate/blood pressure. they could also reverse the disorder to HYPOthyroidism, which apparently is even more dangerous. Is there a safer/more affective treatment? any info would help.
A: Tell her to just pray and take it easy.SploocH!
anyone else have hypothyroidism(thyroid disease) and just suddenly stop taking their levoxyl/synthroid???
Q: ive only been out for a week or two now….. as far as I know its not deadly to be without the medicine…. and I want to see how I do without it……………instead I have been taking this a bad decision? I have had a lot of dizziness and fatigue…. causing me to believe I have gallstones or something.
A: my wife was in the same situation. Its not deeadly to be without it, but its not healthy either I think. The kelp provides iodine which you also need. I read about this stuff awhile back and its sort of complicated involving T3 and T4 which interconvert, they regulate sex drive, body temp, mood, and other things.
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