Is it possible I could have had a miscarriage

Health related question in topics a Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it possible I could have had a miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:Miscarriage symptoms inclulde bleeding, pelvic cramps or abdominal pains, or passing grayish tissue. Consuly your doctor. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it possible I could have had a miscarriage
Is it possible I could have had a miscarriage
Miscarriage symptoms inclulde bleeding, pelvic cramps or abdominal pains, or passing grayish tissue. Consuly your doctor.
Is it possible I had a miscarriage and is it too late to tell??
yes and no. you should be checked by a doctor he will have you take a blood test and the blood test will show pregnancy hormones. you can possibly tell by a home pregnancy test. also don’t wait to be checked because if it is a mis-carriage …
Is it possible that i had a miscarriage?
well it could be possible I guess. It would have been a very early pregnancy so early for it to not show up on a pregnancy test. Ive read about missed pregnancies where the woman thinks she is just having a really heavy period, I think it’s…

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Is this possible that I could have had a miscarriage and mistake for a period?
Q: I posted a question earlier ok is it possible that I could have had a miscarriage and thought it was a period.An when I found out I was pregnant It was the hcg from the miscarriage and I got pregnant afterwards to only make me 11 wks.But how do I explain the big belly.
A: yes ,it is possible to lose a pregnany and think it was a period if you were in the early stages of the pregnancy. then it would be possible to get pregnant again right away. as for the big belly. different people show at different times in their pregnancies. it also depends on the size of the baby that you are carrying.
Could it be that I did not have a miscarriage? I am ovulating only about 20 days after I had one?
Q: I recently had a miscarriage, or I thought I did December 7th. I tested positive in the morning and then started bleeding that afternoon. So I went to the doctor and he said I was having a miscarriage. In the meantime I starting using the clear blue easy fertility monitor(I know it seems silly, but I just did not want to believe that I was having a miscarriage), and on Friday about 17 days after I had a “miscarriage” I was showing high levels of being fertile, and then on Monday it showed that I was at peak levels of fertility and ovulating. I am totally stunned. I did not think I could ovulate without having a period after my “miscarriage” is that possible? Could it be that I did not have one? I am a little out of sorts, because my husband and I were devastated and now it seems like I just got my period, which by the way is usually very heavy. Please help!
A: What you probably had was a chemical pregnancy. If that is the case there is no reason why you shouldn’t have ovulated again even if it seems too soon after the miscarriage.
Possible Miscarriage…could i have been pregnant?
Q: Alright well i lost my virginity 4 days ago to my new husband, took plan B, an emergancy contraceptive, becuz we got married earlier than planned, and im having the normal side effects of that pill, but worse and im a little worried. Before we got married we played around a little bit and he came on me one time, again i was still a virgin but ive heard girls can still get pregnant. And well the past few days the pain that i was warned about with the plan B pill has worsened to about a 9, a 10 at times, and i started my period a good 10 days early. Then this afternoon when the pain was right at its peak i started releasing large pieces of tissue out of my vagina, they were white-ish/grayish in color and very large, a few half the size of my hand. It stopped after about 30 min and wasnt that many pieces but enough to get me wondering. I also am having very very heavy bleeding and that is saying something for me becuz i am naturally a heavy bleeder. But now i have been going thru 2 or 3 heavy tampons in 2 hours or so. Could i have been pregnant even though we never actually had sex before? We played in that area a few times like 3 weeks ago but…please help me?
A: You should really see an obgyn sweetie. If you are bleeding that heavy, you need to be checked out. And, if you are married, why worry about Plan B. Just be natural. Kids are wonderful!
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