Is it possible to bleed and it not be a miscarriage

Health related question in topics Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it possible to bleed and it not be a miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:Bleeding during early pregnancy can be for a number of reasons besides miscarriage.You should always call your doctor if you bleed [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it possible to bleed and it not be a miscarriage
Is it possible to bleed heavily while you’re pregnant and not hav…?’re-pregnant-and-not-have-a-miscarriage
Usually a massive amount of bleeding with pregnancy indicates a miscarriage or other serious medical condition, see a doctor.
Is it possible to have a miscarriage and not bleed much??
i found out that i had lost my baby at my 12 week sono appt the baby was only 8 weeks developed my body would not abort the fetus on its own so my doctor had to do a d&c the next morning so the awenser to your question is not you dont h…

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5 weeks pregnant…bleeding…possible miscarriage (tmi)?
Q: I am about 5 weeks 6 days pregnant. On Thursday I began bleeding in the morning…a little more than “spotting” but not enough to fill a pad, mostly just when i wiped. The blood was red and later turned brownish. The rest of the day it was light brown only when i wiped. On friday i had no bleeding, went to the doctor and he saw a sac, so i hadn’t miscarried yet. He took blood to check hcg levels and other stuff. On Saturday morning i bled again, this time a little more and red but still not a lot. It did actually leave spots in the pad, though. Throughout the day i had spotting, turned brownish with blackish little things when i wiped?I have an appt for monday afternoon to see if my levels are going up or down, but do you think i could have miscarried already, or more than likely will? I have had no serious cramping, just minor where i feel stuff going on in there but it doesn’t hurt. This is my first pregnancy and i just really don’t know what’s going on…anyone have experience with this?Thanks!
A: Bleeding is so common and can be caused by a number of reasons. With my 1st pregnancy I bled for a few days at about the same time as you. I called my doc and she asked me if I had sex recently, which I had, and she said that it was likely from that. The fact that the blood you have is brown means it’s old blood. I know it’s scary when you see it! If the blood was dark red and a lot accompanied with lots and lots of cramping, I would be more afraid for you, but small amounts of brown blood with painless cramps sounds completely normal to me. Good luck for Monday!
Is this implantation bleeding, a possible miscarriage, or just an abnormal period.?
Q: In the beginning of September I had unprotected sex 5 times during the time I was very fertile, my period was suppose to start on 9/19 but it started on 9/15, on 9/14 I brought a home pregnancy test and took the test, it came back negative I then took another test on 9/17, during my period and that too was negative, so I figured I couldn’t be pregnant. Now yesterday 9/28 I have started spotting and today I am still bleeding, but the bleeding has varied throughout the day, one minute its pinkish, then its brown, then its light red and I am cramping and bleeding when I urinate plus it is very painful when I put a tampon on and remove it, not to mention when I remove it there is only brown spots on it. I haven’t had cramps for the past 3yrs, I have also been feeling very tired and moody lately. I know for a fact that there are women that have had a period throughout there pregnancy, but what I am not sure of is could I have had a false negative, and if I were to take another test would the result be accurate.My fiance thinks that I am pregnant, he says that because my other children were by a different man that the symptoms are going to be different.I know I should probably know the answer to this question considering the fact that I have children, but I never experienced these symptoms before.
A: never never take a test on your period. if will come out negative. i don’t think that you are because of the fact that you mentioned that when you urinate you have blood in it and that its painful to put in and take out a tampon. it sounds like an infection to me. I would go to the doctor and have it all sorted out.
Possible Miscarriage?
Q: My best friend just found out she is pregnant, about 4 1/2 – 5 weeks along. Late yesterday she started bleeding but took a pregnacy test and it was still reading positive. She took 2 yesterday, both positive and one this morning that was still reading positive. She has a cyst on her ovaries that she was going to get taken care of before she got pregnant. Is it possible that the bleeding could be from the cyst and not a miscarriage? and is it possible to have a lot of bleeding and still be reading positive and stay positive? This is her 2nd child, the first one was born/carried with no problems.
A: It is possible for an ovarian cyst to burst causing bleeding. It’s also possible to bleed during pregnancy and still not lose the baby. But, also, when having a miscarriage, a test will still show positive until the HCG is out of her system.Her best bet is to visit the doctor, tell them what happened, get checked and see what they say. It could be nothing.Update: It IS possible for cysts that burst, to cause bleeding, because it happened to me. The cysts themselves do not cause bleeding, it’s the bursting of the cysts that do, and it can VERY painful.
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