Is it sauna time

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Overexposure to saunas can lead to fainting,stroke,sudden drops in blood pressure & even dehydration after a long stay inside one. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it sauna time
What is the average heat-up time for a sauna?
A traditional sauna typically heats up in 30-45 minutes. During this time period the rocks will be properly heated for soft heat and soft steam – and the wood interior will be comfortably heated, too. With the addition of a Saunatonttu heat…
How much sauna time?
For same day weigh-ins, would you guys suggest no water cutting whatsoever? I weigh 183lbs with my gi on, and I need to weigh 181lbs by Sunday. Everyone says to cut out any junkfood, but I already eat exceptionally well. They also said to …
Does one spend the whole time in the sauna?
No. The person stays in the sauna as long as they are comfortable. If the person gets too warm, the recommendation is to go out and take a cool shower and then go back into the sauna.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Post workout Sauna time?
Q: It feels good to sit in the sauna after a workout, I drink plenty of water before during and after but is this causing me to retain more water? or in some other way is this hindering weight loss?
A: Presumably , when you’re talking about weight loss, its fat you want to get rid of.Saunas and drinking water have no effect on fat either way.
Isn’t it about time sauna’s which dont have any men working in them were shut down for being a brothel
A: We all know what a massage parlour is, and what people visit them for..I’ve been accused of having worked in one previously. Just cause I have the knack for kneading skin like dough. The cheek!
Is is safe to use the sauna if we have been trying to conceive a baby??
Q: I use the sauna every time I go to the gym on the average of 4 to 5 times a week. My husband and I have been trying to conceive a baby. Wasn’t sure if it is safe .What do you all think??
A: For you to get in the sauna is fine, there isn’t a problem with that, but your hubby does not need to be getting in. When men are in very hot conditions, like a sauna, hot tub, saoking in a hot bath, this will cause the sperm to not be as lively. and it can lessen his sperm count. This is also true with wearing tight undies. Your hubby needs to be wearing boxers. Hope this helps! Good Luck and baby dust!!!
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