What activities can cause a miscarriage

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A:Most miscarriages occur because the fetus isn’t developing normally.Routine activities don’t cause a miscarriage,some chemicals do [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-activities-can-cause-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What activities can cause a miscarriage
What activities can cause a miscarriage?
If you have a normal healthy pregnancy you can go on with your ordinary life. If you strain yourself you will feel it before you miscarry. The longer the pregnancy goes there are things you will not be able to do so it solves itself. It’s a…
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Doing all these things can definitely increase your risk of an early birth of the baby and you will be greatly increasing both you and the baby’s risk of death. Besides either way you will be much better without drugs. Your are not much you…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

if a woman is in her early stages of pregnancy, what activities can cause a miscarriage?
A: Prolonged stress causes your body to release cortisol, which might cause your body to abort the embryo.Use of any drugs, like alcohol, nicotine, narcotics, illegal drugs…etc. has been associated with miscarriage or damage to the embryo. Use of prescription drugs can also be very bad for the growing baby.Lifting heavy things or extreme physical exertion has also been associated with miscarriage, although in later pregnancy.Having PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) or other STD’s can cause miscarriage or damage to embryo.Sometimes, a miscarriage just happens for no reason, or due to other illnesses the mother has like diabetes. Sometimes, the embryo just has abnormalities that were not due to the mother (like mutations) that cause it to die and get miscarried.The best thing to do is to eat well, take care of yourself, talk to your doctor about any prescription drugs you’re taking and not to use any other recreational drugs, and go to the doctor regularly.
What are some things that will cause a miscarriage?
Q: a friend of mine got pregnant a few months ago and recently had a miscarriage, but she doesnt know what caused it. she doenst smoke or drink. i heard that there are some activities that you can do that will either severly harm the baby or kill it.
A: When I was pregnant I thought I was having a miscarriage. It turned out that I was just bleeding- the baby was fine. Anyway,I called and they told me to lie down and come in the next morning. THey put me on bed rest, but told me that really bed rest has not been shown to effect miscarriages (in early pregnancy.) I was told this by my next child’s doctor too (it happened again!)One person told me that if it was really that easy to cause a miscarriage, then there wouldn’t be abortion clinics.But, there are things that are bad– illegal drugs, alcohol, bungie jumping, or even some medicines like advil.Most miscarriages are caused by the baby having problems and not developing correctly. I have heard that 1 of every 3 pregnancies end in miscarriage. Fortunately, we usually dont even know we are pregnant yet! Also, there can be problems with the mommy, so she should talk to a dr before she tries to get pregnant again.My best wishes and love for your friend. Hang in there and love her- this is a tough time!
What actions can lead to a miscarriage?
Q: Like, drinking, smoking, etc. What activities can cause one?
A: karate kick to stomach
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