What are complications of a miscarriage

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A:In the case of an inevitable miscarriage, surgical treatment may be necessary to stop the bleeding. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-complications-of-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What are complications of a miscarriage
What are complications of Miscarriage ?
An infected abortion may occur if any tissue from the placenta or fetus remains in the uterus after the miscarriage. Symptoms of an infection include fever, vaginal bleeding that does not stop, cramping, and a foul-smelling vaginal discharg…
How about Complications of Miscarriage ?
Complications in the mother are rare. However, possible complications include infection, which may need to be surgically treated. Women who lose a baby during the second or third trimester of pregnancy receive different medical care. If the…
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Anemia Infection Miscarriage Moderate-to-heavy blood loss Page: 1 2 Next >

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Complications from miscarriage?
Q: I am experiencing my 5th miscarriage. This one is a lot different than the rest. It started last Sunday on April 26th, and it has been tomorrow will be 1 week. With all of my other miscarriages, I have passed tissue and the pain has started to subside by about this time. However, the pain was so unbearable yesterday that I had to leave work and go to the ER. I told them I was having a miscarriage. They did an ultrasound and blood tests and all, and found a blockage. They then did a pelvic exam and manually removed what they thought the blockage was. On the ultrasound they saw the gestational sac in my cervix. What my question is….how long should it take for that to pass? Im concerned about it staying in there and me getting an infection. I dont want to jeopardize my future fertility. I do have an appointment on Tuesday the 5th with the obgyn specialist but im scared NOW and the ER dr’s are just jerks who want to smile and tell you whatever they want or think you want to hear then send you home. The dr got a little upset when I asked about maybe them giving some pills to help my cervix empty or a D&C, and he said he didnt feel I was a candidate for either of those, but didnt tell me why. I just want this out of me…any advice is greatly appreciated!!
A: I’m sorry about your loss & you def. have to see a dr so they can determine why you are miscarring (5) is a high number.. Good luck!
What are my chances of being pregnant?
Q: I just finished bleeding from my (natural w/ no complications) miscarriage on Wed. April 8th. Right after I got done bleeding me and my hubby started having sex again, unprotected. We have had A LOT of unprotected sex since i stopped bleeding. my hCG levels are back to normal for a nonpregnant woman, and emotionally i feel like im ready to conceive again, and I was only probably not even 5 weeks along so I feel like im physically ready too. I am just wondering if it is possible to be pregnant this soon after a miscarriage. I currently don’t have any signs of pregnancy, and I’m ready to try again for another baby because I’m heartbroken over my miscarriage and all I want is a baby to hold in my arms. If I am pregnant when should I take a hpt because I have no clue when my period is due because of the miscarriage. someone please give me some advice…im dying to have a baby!!I also started taking prenatal vitamins as soon as I found out I was pregnant and did not discontinue them after the miscarriage so wouldn’t that of helped me to heal a little faster?
A: Its too early to tell if you are pregnant again yet but there is no medical reason not to start trying again straight away,the only reason a doctor sometimes advises to wait a whole cycle is because it makes it easier for them to date the pregnancy but you are not risking anything by trying.You will need to wait a couple of weeks before you can start testing for pregnancy though,the vitamins won’t help you heal but they are always important when you are trying for a baby.A straightforward miscarriage at 5 weeks doesn’t usually need a lot of physical healing time,you may find your next period is delayed but its not always that way.
Abdominal Myomectomy for Uterine Fibroid Tumors?
Q: I have done my research, so I am really looking for answers based on the personal experience of other women. PLEASE, serious responses only.Background: I’m 34 and I have uterine fibroid tumors, diagnosed by internal ultrasound. 2 of the 3 are quite large. 1 is pedunculated. I know that small, asymptomatic fibroids are commonly left untreated, but in my case, my doctor recommends removal because of the size and my symptoms. My symptoms include pain, enlarged abdomen, bladder/urinary issues, pain during intercourse and even tampon use, dysfunctional vaginal bleeding (like a period, but for 2+ wks of the month, in addition to my week-long, heavy period), etc. My doctor also recommends surgery because removal will increase my chances (from my current state) of being able to conceive later.In my case, my doctor determined that the only surgery available to me is abdominal myomectomy. (There are less evasive treatments including medications and laparoscopy, but I do not qualify for them.) This surgery involves a 4-5″ horizontal incision in my abdomen and an incision in the uterine wall once the uterus is lifted out through the incision. If I am later able to conceive, and if I successfully carry a child near term, I will have to have a planned C-section birth a few weeks early due to the weakening of the uterine wall.I know there are risks as with any surgery (blood loss, anesthesia issues, etc.). The possible complications for this specific surgery include infertilization, unexpected hysterectomy, excessive scar tissue, recurrence of the fibroids, etc. For me, my desire for a normal quality of life and my hope of having children both outweigh the risks. My questions are: (1) How long will this surgery take to recover (i.e., when may I walk and sleep without excruciating pain, return to the desk part of my job, exercise – cardio, situps)? My research says it takes 2-6 weeks to return to work, varying from person to person. I am healthy, relatively active, and have a fairly high tolerance of pain. Can anyone similar to me describe the approximate recovery time?(2) What other personal experience can you share (i.e., post-surgery pregnancy, infertilization, surgery complications, recurrence, pregnancy complications/miscarriage, etc.)?(3) If you did experience infertilization (not caused by unexpected hysterectomy), is In Vitro still an option?THANK YOU!!
A: Hi,I am not qualify to answer your question as I do not have personal experience with Fibroids. I recently did a research about fibroids for a friend of mine and found http://www.shrinkfibroids.net website, which is about personal experience. Perhaps you may find useful information.
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