What are some reasons miscarriages occur

Health related question in topics Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some reasons miscarriages occur”,you can compare them.

A:Chromosomal abnormalities, illness, hormone imbalance, cervix or uterine abnormalities are all causes of miscarriages. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-reasons-miscarriages-occur ]
More Answers to “What are some reasons miscarriages occur
What are some reasons miscarriages occur
Chromosomal abnormalities, illness, hormone imbalance, cervix or uterine abnormalities are all causes of miscarriages.
What could be the reasons for a miscarriage to occur??
They could be genetic or non-genetic reasons. The chromosomal or genetic reasons are the commonest reason for a miscarriage. The commonest form of these genetic misadventures is Down Syndrome, and in such instances, very often, nature looks…
Should an ob/gyn know the reason behind a miscarriage which occur…?
I went through the same exact thing.. first pregnancy was picture perfect.. got pregnant again when my daughter was 7 months old. Ended up having a miscarriage at 13 weeks and there was no “reason” as far as the doctors know. I’m …

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Is it possible to have a miscarriage while on your period?
Q: Sorry I’m not trying to gross anyone out, but I need some SERIOUS advice! I was recently on my period and it usually last for five days, with the first three days being the worst and then usually experiencing no cramps and light spotting on the last two days, but for some reason this last time on the last day I began feeling lower abdominal pain and began bleeding a heavier flow, just like I was starting my period again. I did past what seem to be blood clots, but that is not all that unusal during my period. It’s just unusual for it to occur when my period was suppose to end. The pain stopped within 6-7 hours, but I had a extra two day of bleeding. I also had flu-like body aches, mostly in my legs, during the extra two days. I’m just really lost and I don’t want to waste a trip to the doc, if this really isn’t anything, but this just happened a couple days ago, so if this sound a little more serious than what I take it to be, please let me know if you think I should get checked out!
A: One in four pregnancies ends in miscarriage and most often people do not know it because it coincided with their period. It is very possible that you had a miscarriage.
Im in early stages of pregnancy, is this pain normal?
Q: Hey everyone please help me. I miscarried at 8 weeks 5 months ago, i am now 4-6 weeks pregnant (still to be confirmed) and am suffering really sharp abdominal pain. Its a different kind of pain i felt during my miscarriage, im not bleeding, test is still positive and boobies are still really sore!! For some reason it occurs at night when im sleepin and can get so bad it wakes me up. It comes in spurts ov about 5 mins and tends to ease if i lay on my back and gently rub my belly. Is this normal and what is it, im really scared so any info would be a great help, ta x
A: i’ve had strange pain like this but only with this pregnancy (3rd).been seen at epac they are really good why don’t u pop along there they will check yr blood hcg and progesterone, to see if its rising as it should and that all is going well? they will even scan but as so early may not see anything as yet. good luck, and don’t worry.
What should I do to be able to conceive?
Q: I have had two miscarriages in a period of year and a half. My doctor is concerned that I don’t have progesterone in my system, and that’s the reason I end up miscarrying very early. I’m 27 y/o and my period is somewhat regular. I do notice some symptoms of low progesterone, like insomnia, weight gain, and fibrocystic breast, plus others. Last miscarriage occurred 1 month ago; thus, my ob-gyn told me that I should wait 2 cycles to start treatment. I was on clomid last year for 5 months and I did not get pregnant. So, I was wondering if using a progesterone cream like Emerita or any other will help me with my hormonal imbalance. Please help! I’m dying to start a family.
A: There are a lot of things you need to consider when trying to conceive. From your statements above it seems like you may have more legitimate medical issues related to your conception problems; however, there can be plenty of other you can take action on now to help you out. If you are overweight it can lead to trouble conceiving. Foods that raise your alkaline level (internal PH balance) can be more harsh toward sperm thus killing them before they reach the egg. You should increase your potassium intake, it helps lower your PH. Have you tried the Shettles Method? This can help to have the sperm inseminated as close to the top of the cervix. Just some helpful hints. I hope they help.
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