What are symptoms of having a miscarriage

Health related question in topics a Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “What are symptoms of having a miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:Some symptoms of miscarriage can include abdominal pain or cramps, bleeding, blood clotting of dark or gray clumps, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-symptoms-of-having-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What are symptoms of having a miscarriage
Usually cramping, spotting, or bleeding. But sometimes there are no symptoms, and a woman may not realize that the embryo has died until she goes in for an ultrasound. Source(s): Just had my 5th mc.
Symptoms of Miscarriage * spotting * passing blood clots or tissue * decreased breast tenderness * no fetal movement MORE
Some symptoms of miscarriage can include abdominal pain or cramps, bleeding, blood clotting of dark or gray clumps, MORE?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the symptoms of miscarriage?
Q: I am about 4-5weeks preg. and for the past three days have been bleeding. It’s a brownish color. (don’t mean to be gross) But what is worrying me even more is that I’ve been having cramps and they feel like their getting worse. Are these the signs? Has anyone had the same experience? Thanks, I would appreciate if anyone can tell me anything about it.
A: it does sound like a miscarriage, I had exactly the same on my 1st miscarriage i miscarried 4 times on the 1st i was 5 weeks pregnant, i rang the doctor with the symptoms you are experiencing, she told me the Brown Discharge was old blood(meaning i miscarried a while before i even knew) she told me to rest up but ‘what will be will be’ a couple of days later i was fully bleeding so it was definite it was all over, being as it was early in the pregnancy i didn’t need to go to Hospital for a scan as i was told everything would have come away but if pains were to continue to see her again and she would book me for a scan. hope i helped
Q: In the last few days of April, I had severe cramps and really heavy bleeding. I never have had cramps like that ever with a period. It was extremely painful and I could barely walk or stand up for more than a minute without having to lie down. I took hydrocodone for the pain and that didnt even make it go away. Then today some weird…thing came out of my vagina. I’m not sure what it is. I’m not on my period, so its not a blood clot and doesnt look anything like one. Its about half an inch long and the only thing I can really compare it to is it kinda looks a little like a piece of raw chicken or something…without a picture, thats the best I can describe it.All of this got me worried that I might have had a miscarriage. I have been looking online about miscarriage symptoms it sounds a lot like my symptoms but I’m not 100% sure. I never suspected I could have been pregnant, but I did have unprotected sex in early March…Please help tell me what you think this might be.The bleeding was not during a period. I didnt get a period in March and this situation was the only bleeding I had had in April.
A: it may be a miscarriage – as many as 20% of all pregnancies are thought to miscarry in the very early stages even before the person realises they’re pregnant. it would be advisable to go see your OBGYN as they’ll need to do a scan to ensure the whole contents of the sac have emptied – if there are any remains they may disintegrate causing infection. There are several treatments for this ranging from just waiting and seeing if the uterus wall gets thinner to an operation to evacuate the contents of the uterus (this is a day procedure so you could be out the same day or a one night stay although it is performed under general anaesthetic-whatever treatment you decide will be better explained to you by your doctor) hope this helps.
Loss of symptoms???? (miscarriages)?
Q: I am 6 weeks tomorrow and the only symptoms I have really had is some tiredness, aversion to certain foods, bloating, and sore boobs. My progesterone was 146 when I found out I was pregnant and they said it was good last week too but didn’t give me a number. I have no spotting or cramping. My concern is that this morning my boobs didn’t hurt and then they did during the day a little. Tonight when I got home I took my bra off and my boobs didn’t hurt at all. They are a little tender now if I push on them but nothing I can’t handle. Before I found out I was pregnant it would hurt to walk if they moved at all. I have heard that a sudden loss of symptoms can be an indication of miscarriage and it worries me that my boobs aren’t hurting as much since I am only 6 weeks. I am also having twins. I was expecting to feel much more tired and nauseous and I just don’t. I am a little more tired than normal but nothing bad. What do you think? Should I be worried? What were your symptoms at 6 weeks?I go to the doctors for a scan tomorrow and I will ask then but I was just wondering if I should be worried.
A: that is EXACTLY what happened to me, every single detail you have described and i was terrified of miscarriage. at 4 weeks my boobs were on fire! by 6 weeks they only hurt underneath in a bra (underwired) and if i prodded them! with no bra they werent painful at all unless touched underneath.bloating, food aversion and tiredness have been my main sign but even the tiredness has gone away for days at a time.i have had nausea on and off too that is usually worse in the evenings, but nowhere near as bad as many women.you really most likely are fine. if theres no bleeding, spotting or cramping that is all that matters. hopefully your scan will help you to feel better tomorrow. best of luck xxx
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