What are the dangers of being overweight

Health related question in topics Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the dangers of being overweight”,you can compare them.

Obesity raises cholesterol, lowers “good” cholesterol, raises blood pressure levels and can induce diabetes. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-dangers-of-being-overweight ]
More Answers to “What are the dangers of being overweight
What are the dangers of being overweight? The US National Heart Lung and Blood Institute use a system for working out the health risks associated with obesity and overweight. This is a three part system that will be explained is this artic…
What are the dangers of being overweight? The US National Heart Lung and Blood Institute use a system for working out the health risks associated with obesity and overweight. This is a three part system that will be explained is this artic…
Being overweight can increase the risk of developing: ・ Heart disease (extra weight puts more strain on the heart) Certain cancers, arthritis, shortness of breath, … ・ High blood pressure (the risk of developing increased blood pressure i…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What (if any) are the health risks associated with being slightly underweight?
Q: Over the last year or so, I have lost 60 pounds. I went from being slightly overweight (BMI of 26.4) to being slightly underweight (BMI of 18.3).I would actually not mind losing another two or three pounds which would take me to a BMI of 17.9.There is, of course, lots of information available regarding the dangers of being overweight. But I can’t really find any info on if or why being underweight is bad.
A: i think its not to dangerous if your slightly underweight but if your underweight well its pretty hard for your body to function and you will if not gainig weight and eating start to look worse and eventually you will run out of fat and your body will eat at the fat stores in your muscles…..
What is the average wait for a cat? (Around 6-7 months old) And what are the dangers of a cat being overweight
A: The rule of thumb for most cats is a pound a month of weight gain till around 8-9 months. Then, adult weight depends on the breed- usually between 9-12lbs, but a full grown Norweigan Forest Cat is 17lbs! Cats being overweight can lead to numerous problems- the main being a predisposition to diabetes. The other fun thing is they cannot necessarily get back to their rear end to clean. Here is a website about overweight cats. Keep in mind that if you do have an overweight cat that loses weight too quickly- it can cause hepatic lipidoses. This is when the liver is damaged because it gets fat backed up in it- it is not a good thing and requires some very intensive treatments.
What are the dangers of having an overweight dog? What disadvantages will it give him and me? ?
A: Lots of health problems for him; lower quality of life; discomfort in normal daily routines (running through the yard, jumping in the car, walking up the stairs, etc.). More expensive for you (spent on food, since he’s eating more than he should; then there’s the health issues that he will start getting much earlier in life — joint pain and arthritis that will require medication; possible injury (sprained muscles, bad hips, etc.) that could result in permanent handicap OR require costly surgery; heart issues, breathing issues… the list goes on.
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