What are the effects of eating bananas

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the effects of eating bananas”,you can compare them.

Bananas contain tryptophan, which can help reduce depression. They have high iron, which helps with anemia. Also, they aid in bowel functions, because they are high in fiber. They can also help prevent high blood pressure. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-effects-of-eating-bananas ]
More Answers to “What are the effects of eating bananas
What are the effects of eating bananas
Bananas contain tryptophan, which can help reduce depression. They have high iron, which helps with anemia. Also, they aid in bowel functions, because they are high in fiber. They can also help prevent high blood pressure. ChaCha on!
Will eating 4 bananas a day have ill effects on my body??
Bananas are loaded with alot of sugar and spike your GI index. They keep you hungry and do do much of anyting other than potasium. Don’t think they do any harm but if you are looking to lose wieght or slim down or bulk up any of that you wi…
Are there any side effects to eating lots of bananas everyday??
I think it is fine, I just hope you don’t turn into a monkey. That’s what my dad use to tell me because I loved bananas so much as a child. He said I was going to turn into a monkey because I was always eating a banana. Bananas are so great…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Long term effects of eating bananas?
Q: I’m talking about a bunch a day..That is, 7 medium-large bananas a day, uncooked, peeled.What are the long term effects, good and bad?
A: Bananas contain potassium. Although there is no recommended daily allowance (RDA) for potassium, the National Library of Medicine suggests that consuming 2 to 2.5 grams of potassium a day is adequate. Most Americans consume between 2 and 6 grams of potassium each day. People with high blood pressure are often treated with a diet that’s high in potassium but low in sodium called the DASH diet. Too much potassium however can lead to hyperkalemia, or increased potassium levels in the blood. People with kidney problems or severe infection may suffer from increased potassium levels whereas people with too little potassium can suffer heart problems. Also taking more minerals than you need won’t make you healthier. In some cases, taking too much of a mineral can make it hard for your body to absorb other vitamins. But you do not want to be deficient in minerals, either. You can avoid vitamin and mineral deficiencies by eating a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, protein sources, whole grains and dairy products every day. My advice would be to simply have a small variety and not too much of the same thing for a long time! Hope i helped!
What are the effects of eating ‘too much’ fruit. such as 7 nectarines, 2 bananas and a bag of satsumas a day?
A: you will poo a lot
What would be the result of eating banana skins?
Q: If you were to eat the skins of fruit such as bananas , melons and various other fruits what would be the effects of this on the digestve system ?
A: your shit would come ready wrapped
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