What are the effects of this drug MAOI-

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The most common side effect when taking an MAOI is insomnia. Other common adverse reactions include dry mouth, dizziness, feelings of lightheadedness, an excessive drop in blood pressure when standing, constipation, and weakness. Men taking MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-effects-of-this-drug-maoi%26%2345%3B ]
More Answers to “What are the effects of this drug MAOI-
What are the effects of this drug MAOI-
The most common side effect when taking an MAOI is insomnia. Other common adverse reactions include dry mouth, dizziness, feelings of lightheadedness, an excessive drop in blood pressure when standing, constipation, and weakness. Men taki…

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I just started taking the antidepressant maoi Parnate, and it feels like I’m taking a recreational drug?
Q: Does the effect of this drug significantly change? For some, feeling coked up all the time would be good. But this isn’t exactly what I’m looking for. Any experience?
A: Hi!Different drugs affect different people in different ways and side affects are common with Parnate. See this link for more information on side effects:http://bipolar.about.com/od/parnate/a/sfx_parnate.htmYou might want to speak to your doctor about switching medications to something different if this drug is seriously interfering with your life or if you have any of the more serious symptoms described in the above link.I hope this helps!
Is MAO inhibitor the most dangerous prescribing drug alive, worst than heroin?
Q: monoamine oxidase inhibitor is a drug given for mood disorders such as depression etc. It is also a drug given for parkinsons disease. however, this drug is last when almost all medications for mood doesn’t work, even tricyclics. My friend is taking insocarboxazaid, known as Marplan (MAO inhibitor) and she cannot eat MOST foods and the diet is very strict. If by accident she ate the wrong food such as cheese, my friend is dead in less than 5 minutes. Because it suddently increases blood pressure to a lethal amount in seconds, causing a heart attack. My friend has to carry a LONG list of foods she cannot eat every time she shops for food. This drug is very very dangerous! how could doctors prescribe these stuff to patients? you would need to have a huge amount of heroin in your body in order to die, besides heroin doesn’t have any lethal effects if combined with ANY food. What is with this drug, it is even worst than ECT shock therapy. I have found a website that shows a bunch of food that cannot be eaten. Does anyone disagree, b/c it MAO inhibitor seems extremely dangerous. Foods cannot eat– http://nepenthes.lycaeum.org/Misc/maoi.f…
A: Yep, they are some very risky meds and because of that risk of a dangerous reaction with some foods and medications, these drugs are not usually prescribed today unless, as you say, a series of other medications have been already tried and have not helped – SSRIs SNRIs, bupropion, tricyclics… But MAOIs are still around because they have been successful in treating some types of depression that did not respond to others. And for people suffering from severe major depression that is preventing them from living a normal life, if an MAOI works they find the dietary restrictions and risk worth it to be able to function again. If your friend has been through a long period of this serious illness, it is understandable she may feel willing to try this and hopeful it may help, so DO encourage her to be VERY careful about the food but please don’t try to get her to stop taking her medicine. She probably would not try it if she did not feel desperate for something that would work –being technically alive but in major depression is not really living. There are also some other ideas that your friend may have tried such as combining another medication with one of the other antidepressants. for example T3 (thyroid med), lithium, or one of the newer anti-psychotics. Look at studies such as STAR-D for different options.
Can any one tell me the possible dangers of zoloft and/or depacote?
Q: I know the potential side effects, what I’m asking here is a tad more specific. I need to know if there are any people in the psychiatric world who SHOULD NOT take zoloft (or ssri’s) and/or depacote.(AND NOT DUE TO MIXinG MAOI)What I mean: Can any psychological disorders be aggravated, or are known to be triggered specifically when prescribed these meds? It seems when researching online Zoloft can eaither help almost any problem, and hurt almost any problem…but everything is sooo general. ****Is there any “popular thought” amongst doctors that zoloft would trigger depression in a Bipolar, generally speaking or any disorder….kind of like they figure out how to diagonose per reaction to the drug….like an “ah ha moment” with your meds….so a doctor could say “well, you reacted this way to the ssri…you must be “_____”. Please only educated answers apply: If it helps, I am writing a paper for school on commen reactions/relations to psychological medications due to disorders.added details per first comment:so does that mean if someone who gets more depressed, not really manic, but depressed and stuff more on those drugs, they are most likely bi polar? is there any thing else it could mean?
A: If a psychiatrist suspected someone of having Bipolar disorder, giving them Zoloft to try and rule it out would be highly unethical.I have Bipolar disorder and taking Zoloft was the biggest mistake of my life. It almost resulted in my ending my life. It is very destabilizing to many folks with Bipolar.This was years before I was diagnosed. My doctor did not suspect Bipolar in my case and was just trying to help with my depression.
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