What are the healthy was to have a miscarriage

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A:Unfortunately there is no healthy way to have a miscarriage. If you think you may of had one, please contact your doctor. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-healthy-was-to-have-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What are the healthy was to have a miscarriage
What are the healthy was to have a miscarriage
Unfortunately there is no healthy way to have a miscarriage. If you think you may of had one, please contact your doctor. ChaCha!
Why did i have a miscarriage? miscarriage explained, your health …?
Having a miscarriage is an emotionally devastating occurrence for prospective parents-to-be. Of course, the first question most women ask is “Why did this happen to my baby?” This is a tough question to answer, both medically and emotiona…
Is it healthy to still be passing tissue 4 days after your miscar…?
Hello. I am very sorry for your loss. Yes you can continue to expell tissue from the miscarriage for two weeks. If you notice a smelly discharge, see your doctor incase you have a infection. Hang in there and my sympathies are with you.

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My chances of a healthy pregnancy after miscarriage?
Q: Does anyone know what my chances of having a healthy baby after a miscarriage at 16wks. I had heard the heartbeat twice and the last time was supposedly around the time the baby died at 14wks. So, I carried it for almost two weeks before losing it. I am going to be going to try again in april because that should be enough time for my body to heal. And I was wanting to know what the chances of a healthy pregnancy are because it scares me. And I dnt want to go through this again. The doc said I looked good and gave me the go ahead after my healing time. So, has anyone had anything like this happen before and had a succeful pregnancy. Especially after miscarring in the second trimester like this. And to all those mothers that have miscarried, I feel your pain and bless you all. Thanks
A: From what I heard and seen your chances are pretty damn good. Your doctor willt ake extra precautions given your lost. You will be fine. Good Luck, I am sorry for your lost but you will have a healthy baby soon.
HELP!!! Friend planning to have an “Intentional Miscarriage”?
Q: My friend (17) got pregnant after having sex with her boyfriend………Her first intuition was to get an abortion but her parents refused saying that she must live up to her mistakes……….and that it is wrong anyway……….She doesn’t want the baby at any cost……Now, she is determined to “intentionally” have a miscarriage……In other words, she is trying her best to make sure the baby is born dead……She said that after school today, she was going to go home, do research, and look for a surefire way to intentionally have a miscarriage………This is what worries me:This girl usually sticks to her word, and does whatever she claims she will do…..I think by doing this, she will cause some things to mess up in her body……….I mean….I’ve never heard of a healthy intentional miscarriage (except abortion)Is it even possible for a woman to plan a miscarriage?Is it healthy for her??? If not, how can I convince her to put a stop to this madness?In case this helps answer better: She lives in the USA (state of New Jersey)Can she get an abortion w/o her parents’ consent???I feel that if it is possible for her to get an abortion w/o her parents’ consent, she should def do so……….At least this will stop the madness…..I mean……..the way I see it………….if she doesn’t have an abortion, she’s going to go crazy……and possibly live a life of regret….Although I believe abortion is wrong, I don’t want her to suffer or die???
A: How far along is she? This is the reasont hat safe abortions need to be available for women who want/need them. If she is in her first trimester than someone needs to take her to a clinic so she can get a safe abortion( there are different methods depending on the week of gestation). If she’s further along she will probably only suceed in injuring herself or the baby and then she will have a mentally/physically damaged child for life (and the guilt to go with it) or she will do something to cause herself harm. Have her call a crisis line or planned parenthood (or someplace similar) or go to the emergency room. Look online for a abortion service/helpline in your state and call them before you try a “do it yourself” job
how common is it to miscarry twice and then have a healthy pregnancy?
Q: at 16, i had a miscarriage, & i’ve always thought it was b/c i was on birth control, & i was going through a really bad time in my life & was heavily addicted to using pills and weed and alcohol. (don’t do it anymore… 4 yrs clean) & i stopped when i found out i was pregnant, but miscarried about 2 wks later at 5-6 weeks.then, at 19 i miscarried again.. by a different man… at 4-6 weeks. i didn’t realize i was pregnant until i miscarried. i was on birth control then tooboth times i vomited alot and was violently ill the whole time..now i’m married, and almost 21, and we are considering trying to concieve within the next year or so… and i’m terrified of having another miscarriage….how possible is it for me to have a healthy pregnancy? what are the odds of another miscarriage?what has your experience been?my husbands sister has had probably 15 miscarriages.. never a healthy pregnancy… i don’t want that to happen to us!!!
A: It is more common to miscarry when very young, so don’t assume that there is something wrong with you. However, after 2 miscarriages, I would make an appointment with the doctor for an examination to see if there is anything obvious causing miscarriage. If you do get pregnant, you can also get your blood tested to be sure you are producing enough of the hormone necessary to maintain a pregnancy.Don’t let the doctor put you off!! Things like endometriosis and cysts don’t have to be giving you pain to cause a miscarriage. A low-grade infection can also cause it.
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