What are the numbers in blood pressure called

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The higher number, called systolic, represents the pressure when the heart is beating. The lower number, called diastolic, represents the pressure when the heart is resting between beats. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-numbers-in-blood-pressure-called ]
More Answers to “What are the numbers in blood pressure called
What are the numbers in blood pressure called
The higher number, called systolic, represents the pressure when the heart is beating. The lower number, called diastolic, represents the pressure when the heart is resting between beats. ChaCha!
What is the top number of blood pressure called?
In blood pressure nomenclature, where blood pressure is denoted xxx/yy, “xxx” is called the systolic blood pressure, whereas “yy” is called the diastolic blood pressure. A normal average blood pressure is 120/80, across …
How to Understand Blood Pressure Numbers
Having high blood pressure increases your risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke. You need to have your blood pressure checked regularly to know if it is high–in most cases there are no symptoms with high blood pressure. You may no…

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Blood pressure and heart rate?
Q: I went to get my yearly exam today. My blood pressure is 109/72 which I think is worse than it used to be (I used to check my blood pressure frequently). Also my heart rate said 99…? Isn’t that high? I am 22 years old, and 5’4. I used to weigh 138 but since may with working a lot more over the summer my super good diet and 6 days a week excersising has dwindled to about 2-3 times a week and barely ok eating. Now I weigh 148 (and getting back into my eating/exercise routine). I’m a vegetarian…. My doctor called me after and left a message asking me to come in tomorrow morning for a blood sugar test. I don’t know what these numbers mean and I would really like to….Thanks :)Ok, good information. I am worried about the diabetes thing because it is prevalent in my family, but my dr didn’t ask me about history of diabetes so idk why that would come up. It came up because of a “dryness” issue I’ve started having that I thought was because of my birth control and we decided at my appt that it is due to an ongoing mild yeast infection. After I left she called and asked for the blood sugar test. Also, to clear things up, I don’t do diets. When I eat healthy I am tracking all my nutrient information for each day and making sure that I am eating the right combinations of food in a day so that I am not going over or staying too far under any of the recommended amounts as advised by a nutritionist I saw about a year ago. However, my weight does tend to fluctuate like this. I am just one of those people who has to work out every day and watch what I eat in order to stay in a healthy weight range, but luckily as an athlete a lot of my weight comes from muscle.
A: Your blood pressure and heart rate are normal. It’s not bad at all. Was there a blood test done during the first visit which is the usual procedure?Your blood sugar must have been elevated. The reason why he probably wants you to return for a morning fasting glucose test.is confirm or determine if you’re a DIABETIC or not. Before he addresses your weight complaint or problem; he wants to make sure that you’re not a diabetic. Being obese or overweight can predispose one to Diabetes type 2. You are at a higher risk for the disease which you admit is prevalent in your family. Remember, diabetes is an immune HEREDITARY disease. On the other hand, DM can put you at risk for CAD, Parts of the Body That can be most affected by Diaetes Complications are: •eyes- cataracts, diabetic retinopathy; glaucoma •kidneys- diabetic nephropathy, kidney failure•nerves- diabetic neuropathy•heart and blood vessels- CAD; heart attacks; CVA; •gums- periodontal disease •feet- foot ulcers One of the symptoms of Diabetes is thirst or dryness. Itchiness, discharge and redness come with vaginal yeast infection not dryness as in menopause. Minor side effects of birth control pills are: Irregular bleeding or spotting; nausea; headaches; Breast tenderness; weight gain and /or water retention; spotty darkening of the skin; and mood changes. Strong evidence that weight loss produced by lifestyle modification reduces blood glucose levels and HbA1c in some patients with type 2 diabetes. This can reduce their risks of illness and death.BMI Categories: Underweight = <18.5 Normal weight = 18.5-24.9 Overweight = 25-29.9 Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater AT 138 lbs with a BMI of 23.7 is in a normal weight range.However, at 5’4″, with a weight of 148 lbs, gives you a BMI of 25.4– thus making you overweight. Altho’ a point to consider here is that BMI may overestimate body fat in athletes and others who have a muscular build.http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/In fact, studies show that 75 % of women consider themselves overweight, but only 25 % need a diet. Nutrition is very important in managing diabetes. Not only what you eat, but how much you eat and when you eat influences your blood sugar. Meals should be at regular times with planned snacks. They should be low fat, high fiber foods with a limited amount of simple carbohydrates. Eggplant Carbs and Glycemic Index Type 2 diabetes requires a healthy diet with an eye towards lower carb, lower glycemic index foods for good management. When checking out produce for healthy additions to your diet, don’t forget the lowly eggplant. It’s a low carb, high fiber vegetable that has infinite possibilities for adding variety to your meals.Glycemic Index Chart for Common FoodsPerhaps you’ve heard of the glycemic index. When you have type 2 diabetes, the name of the game is eating foods that don’t spike your blood sugar. Counting carbs is one way to keep good control of your numbers. Knowing the glycemic index of the carbs you eat can help you fine tune your meals even more to keep your blood glucose closer to a normal rangeCarbohydrates affect your blood glucose or sugar level significantly. Foods such as bitter gourd, cinnamon, onion and garlic is good to lower the blood sugar level. By making wise food choices, you can help control your blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol and body weight. If your blood sugar is too high or too low, talk to your doctor first.How to keep blood sugar at healthy level:You can help control your blood sugar when you eat healthy, get enough exercise and stay at a healthy weight.Eat your meals at about the same time each day. Do not skip meals.Exercise at about the same times each day.Take your medicines at the same times each day.Foods you can eat with diabetes ( for a Vegan) 1) Whole-grain Oatmeal- highly in fiber and slower to digest.2) Bean varieties: Kidney beans, chick peas, peas, dry beans, moong dal, black beans, sprouted beans, pinto beans and soy beans is good to lower the bad cholesterol3) Green leafy vegetables: Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli, okra, bitter gourd, cucumber, unripe banana is good for diabetes4) Vegetables: You can eat fresh vegetables such as radish, carrot, cabbbage, beans, lime, lettuce, cauliflower, onions, tomato, garlic and ginger5) Fruits: You can eat papaya, oranges, guava, apple and pomegranate juice is good for diabetes. Try to limit the use of banana, strawberry, pear and cantaloupe6) Common foods to lower the blood sugar level: Cinnamon, bitter gourd, garlic and onion is known to reduce blood sugar level. Raw bitter gourd juice is good for diabetes.7) Foods rich in fiber: Fiber rich foods such as whole grain bread, oats, green leafy vegetables, cooked dry beans,legumes, brown rice and lentils8) Nuts: Nuts such as walnuts and almonds is good to lower blood cholesterol levels because of their monounsaturated fat content. Walnuts are high in omega 3 fatty acid.9) Other foods: Other important foods for diabetes such as fenugreek seeds, olive oil, skim milk, nonfat yogurt, egg whites, fish, chicken, pepper and zeera10) Chicken and turkey: Make sure to choose white meat and avoid red meat and always eat them without the skin11) Milk: Choose fat-free or low-fat milk and dairy products. Completely avoid whole milk.12) Alcohol: A NO-NO Alcohol can make it more difficult for you to control the blood sugar levels.If you choose to drink,only drink it occasionally and when your blood sugar level is well-controlled.
Raised blood pressure during pregnancy….?
Q: Are teh numbers compared more to what’s teh “normal” for most people or for the mother’s normal range? My blood pressure is normally rather low-it’s not uncommon to see even my top number dip below 100. It’s abotu 20 points up right now which just puts it in teh normal ranges listed, I just happen to knwo what mine usually is. Two weeks ago at my regular visit it was 103 over something, which is abotu average for me. I’ve not been feeling well, had a headache-I get migraines regularly though-for most of the past week, mild swelling that also is not constant in just my hands. I feel EXTREMELY bloated everywhere, it just doesn’t show. But at 24 weeks(tomorrow) in my third pregnancy I also know it can be quite normal. Any thoughts besides call my OB, that’s a given, just takes a while to get a call back.Under stress, yes, but no more so than pre-pregnancy or two weeks ago with last reading at OBs.
A: you could be showing early signs of pre-eclampsia, and yes put that call in to the Dr. at 24 weeks the baby is viable, and better safe that sorry. good luck
36 weeks pregnant and have a blood pressure question…?
Q: My blood pressure has been doing weird things all day! It got as high as 151/115 with a pulse of 139. My husbands grandmother had a doctors appointment today and because we share the same doctor as our family doctor, I asked them to go ahead and check my blood pressure today. It was normal, but my pulse was very high still. They advised me to call my OB and see what they said, so I did and they told me that if the top number gets over 140 or the bottom number gets over 90 to go to the OB department at the hospital. Should I go to the OB department if only one of the numbers is above what they told me? I have been checking it about every 20 minutes and the top number has been going over 140. Also, did anyone else notice that their pulse went way up at this point in pregnancy? I mean 120 seems REALLY high to me, but the doctor’s office was not concerned what so ever! Should I be?I have been sitting/laying on the bed all day to make sure that my blood pressure wasn’t going crazy because of me being overly active. The very first time I checked it today was when I was at the computer and just got this feeling I should check it. Also, I have no been stressed at all. I stay away from as much stress as possible!!! I noticed the more I got stressed the worse my braxton hick’s hurt, so I keep myself stress free now, if and when I can!
A: You should definitely call our ob and ask the phone nurse if you should be seen. However i can tel you that if you had just eaten or if you were active before having it done that the result can be high! Sometimes mine are when i first get into my appointment but they retest it after about 15 minutes and its always returned to normal. Also if your feeling stressed in anyway that can affect it as well. To be safe call your ob and be checked out! When you get here most likely they will test your urine to see if you are spilling protein into your urine. Most likely your not but its just precautionary. In fact most ob’s check that every time a patient is coming in and being seen!
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