What can cause a miscarriage in early pregnancy

Health related question in topics Cause Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “What can cause a miscarriage in early pregnancy”,you can compare them.

A:Half of all early miscarriages are caused by genetic defect. Other causes are infection, incompetent cervix and maternal disease. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-cause-a-miscarriage-in-early-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “What can cause a miscarriage in early pregnancy
In the first trimester it’s usually because there’s something wrong with the embryo/fetus and it wouldn’t survive.
Stress. Maybe alcohol and things that can affect the body.
Half of all early miscarriages are caused by genetic defect. Other causes are infection, incompetent cervix and maternal disease.

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A: I have three pregnancy books and they all say “GO AT IT”. The penis is NOT long enough to even reach where the baby is at and the baby has enough protection from the rocking. Sex is what created the baby why would it hurt the baby is what my book has said. Im 5 and half months prego and ive had sex from day one. Its natural and PERFECTLY safe…all you gotta worry about is getting into the right comfortable position…have fun
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A: Yes I think everything is ok. Stress can cause allot of things so try to take it easy. But I think your fine.
if a woman is in her early stages of pregnancy, what activities can cause a miscarriage?
A: Prolonged stress causes your body to release cortisol, which might cause your body to abort the embryo.Use of any drugs, like alcohol, nicotine, narcotics, illegal drugs…etc. has been associated with miscarriage or damage to the embryo. Use of prescription drugs can also be very bad for the growing baby.Lifting heavy things or extreme physical exertion has also been associated with miscarriage, although in later pregnancy.Having PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) or other STD’s can cause miscarriage or damage to embryo.Sometimes, a miscarriage just happens for no reason, or due to other illnesses the mother has like diabetes. Sometimes, the embryo just has abnormalities that were not due to the mother (like mutations) that cause it to die and get miscarried.The best thing to do is to eat well, take care of yourself, talk to your doctor about any prescription drugs you’re taking and not to use any other recreational drugs, and go to the doctor regularly.
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