What can cause a Miscarriage? Other than that

Health related question in topics Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “What can cause a Miscarriage? Other than that”,you can compare them.

A:Miscarriages can be caused by uterus abnormalities, exposure to toxins, drug use, diseases in mother or hormone imbalance. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-cause-a-miscarriage%3F-other-than-that ]
More Answers to “What can cause a Miscarriage? Other than that
What can cause a false pregnancy test other than medications or a…?
Some other possible causes of a false positive are fertility treatments, improper testing, or a defective pregnancy test.
What else causes miscarriages other than stress
Most miscarriages occur because the fetus isn’t developing normally. In a few cases, a mom’s health condition may lead to it.

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what can be the cause of a delayed period other than pregnancy?
Q: what can be the cause of a delayed period other than pregnancy? iam currently 1 week late for my period i thought i was pregnant because i was ttc and had several positive hpt i went to the docter the other afternoon and took a hpt at the ob clinic and they were surprised and i was even more surprised because there test was negative they told me maybe iam pregnant and its not picking up on there test or maybe there maybe my hcg levels are still low or possible miscarriage but i had no bleeding or maybe iam not pregnant and all of my other test were false positives thats alot of false positives 10 diffrent test they told me to take another hpt and see what it says i took 1 this morning with my fmu and it was negative until about 2 minutes a line formed faintly and then after a minute it showed a bif fat + confused if it was really a positive or not because i did urinate all over the test accidently because i really had to go so i damped it off with tissue the docter suggested if still no af next week to schedule an appointment . iam curious about what can be causeing + hpt with my fmu and causeing a negative any other time of the day and what can be the delay of my af ? that never happened to me before everytime my period is late its because i was pregnant like last year missed period tested + on a hpt and miscarried 1 week later in july light bleeding with bad cramping took 3 hpt all + so this is weird no blood or bleeding? just late af?serious answers please because iam curious and concerned ..
A: The very first pregnancy test I took with this pregnancy, was like yours. It took about 2 minutes for the line to show up. The same thing happened with the one I took the next day. But the lines were definitely there. My doctor didn’t even bother with a urine test, he sent me straight to get blood tests done.It could be that the doctor’s tests are less sensitive than the HPTs you used. How much did you have to drink before you went to the doctor? Sometimes diluted urine will have far less hormones in it, which will cause a negative to show up. I’d say, ask for a blood test right away, and since you’ve had a miscarriage, also ask them to test your progesterone. A lot of first trimester miscarriages are caused by low progesterone, which can be easily fixed with a progesterone suppository. Good luck!
Can Breastfeeding an existing child whilst you are pregnant cause a miscarriage?
Q: One of my close friends suffered a miscarriage a few days ago at 11 weeks and 6 days, today she came round to mine to talk about it to someone other than her husband . She was so angry and depressed which is completely understandable as it was only a couple of days ago but her anger was directed at herself.She was talking like ‘I don’t deserve anything good in my life’, ‘Im not fit enough to be a good mother too Caleb (Her son)’, ‘Ross (Her husband) and Caleb would be better off with out me’ etc.She blames herself as she believes it was because she was still breastfeeding her 9 month old son while she was pregnant. Is this possible?When I said it couldn’t be because of that she said it is either that ot the fact she never gave her body enough time to ‘heal’ properly after having Caleb before trying again. But I know loads of people who had fell pregnant again soon after having a child.I told her too stop blaming herself and it was nothing she has down but she got so angry with me. Telling me I know nothing and I should keep my opinions too myself and my life is so perfect as I am still in the ‘honeymoon period’ with my newborn daughter before storming out.It was like she wanted me too say yeah it is all your fault, your the only one to blame.My words are no comfort too her. What can I do too help? Im so worried about her.
A: Just give her time, she knows you are there for her. You already offered your support and advice – which was correct breastfeeding cannot cause a miscarriage, i am pregnant (3 months) and i have Holly (11 months) and the doctors, and midwifes said it was perfectly safe for me to continue breastfeeding Holly. It sounds as though she is very upset, and wants to blame something for her loss, its normal, but she needs to realise that upsetting you over it, really isn’t fair. You didn’t go to her, she came to you. So just call her once and check to see if she’s ok. Then i would leave it until she is ready to contact you, also you having a newborn probably made her realise even more what she has lost, but she needs to be positive and happy for her baby boy!
spotting 4 days before my period is due?
Q: You have to be looking pretty closly to see it but I have very very light pink spotting. I know that you obviously can’t tell me for sure what is causing this but I’m wondering what could cause this other than implantation? I know that implantation is a possibilty. when does implantation usually occur? Should I get excited? I’ve been trying for a over a year and had a miscarriage in december. does implantation bleeding increase your chances of miscarriage?
A: Could be implantation, although my understanding is that it’s usually ‘brownish’ in color rather than pink/red. Other possiblities is hormonal reasons (starting to get af soon).Should you get excited? Well, I never get excited until AF is absent, simply because it saves me a lot of heartache….Good luck! Hope this is your month!
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