What do I do if I had a miscarriage while peeing

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A:Bleeding from a miscarriage can last a week or more. You would not “have a miscarriage while peeing”. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-i-do-if-i-had-a-miscarriage-while-peeing ]
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What do I do if I had a miscarriage while peeing
Bleeding from a miscarriage can last a week or more. You would not “have a miscarriage while peeing”.

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Bleeding while trying to get preg-please help?
Q: I need your help,please. I am trying to get preg for the past 3 months.2 months ago I got preg but it turned to be miscarriage and has become to a period.The month after I did not make it and got my period.This month I had a very strange month! I was sure to have sex while ovulating,before,on and after the ovulation (just in case…) .and 2 days after the ovulation I had dizziness for the whole day,and the same happened again 5 or 6 days after the ovulation date. I never get dizziness and have heard that it might happen while getting preg.Then a week after the ovulating I experienced some heartburn for couple of days ,and again I never have these things. Then it went away.My period was due to yesterday,the 9th, and I had no signs at all. usually I get lots of pre signs before the period, none of them were this time.But yesterday evening instead of regular period I got 1 tiny brown spot on my underwear . Today morning it has became to a very light and pale blood that I can only see while wiping ,on the tissue. Sometimes I can see it in the toilet water while peeing (I am sorry for the details,I don’t want to gross you out but want you to have the details as they are) ,and there is nothing on the pad. Usually when I get my period it comes with a boom of blood and it is heavy and darkish red. Also when I have my regular period I can see the stuff the going out from the body while it is on the pad or in the toilet water.This time it is a clear blood, very pale, and mostly when I wiping.I also had a very weird headache the last 2 days before the “period” this time, very unusual headache.I don’t have cramping or back pain, hardly feel any pain in the belly (usually in period I get pain in the belly,not this time),I just feel something uncomfortable ,like something is going on and I have no idea what.I did not check for preg test until today afternoon, which is 1 day after the due date of my period(I don’t know if what I have is period or not) ,I used the home test kit and it came negative. I heard that if it is negative it might be due to small amount of the hormone in the urine as it is close to the first day of the period.I don’t know if this is a period or not,it is a very weird period, not like all times, and I don’t know if the things I had this past month (dizziness , heartburn,headache ) are signs for preg or not.I know I can test in couple of more days again, I just was wondering if there are out there woman like me that maybe experienced same things as mine and can share with me their knowledge.I am very stressed because of this and it makes me crazy the unknown ,if I might be preg or not???I don’t have a doctor yet to go to ,so I can’t consult with him.That’s why I need your help.Please forgive me for the long novel I wrote, I wanted to be specific as possible , maybe one of you had the same things as me…Thank you for any info.Goldshir, I did take the test today, 1 day after the “period “started,and it came negative. Can it turn out to be positive in couple of days? Is it too early to test?thanks
A: If you normally have regular periods with regular cycle lengths then there is a good chance you are pregnant. I have one child who is 16 month now but I didnt get a positive test with her for a long time after my missed period. i had a period on the 23, nov. nothing cam in dec. tested and it was negative. took tests every couple of days and finally on dec 31 i got a positive… so you see it took like 10 days to get a positive result. the level of hcg that you need to get a positive result may just be too low still. it doubles every two days but each woman is different. one may have a hcg level of 100 on day 10 while another may have a level of 3000… doesnt make a difference tho.also, i had a miscarriage the first time i got pregnant too. i got pregnant easily, then miscarried somewhere around 8-9 weeks. we waited two months to try again. lots of women miscarry their first time. it is very common. now, with that said, you may just be too stressed about everything and therefore preventing your normal period cycle. stress does affect your cycle and could be why you are late from having a “Real” period. it could also be why you are not getting pregnant, if in-fact you arent. so, relax, and be patient. take care of yourself, and take prenatal vitamins! best of luck!
Am I preg or not- Please need help!!!!?
Q: I need your help,please. I am trying to get preg for the past 3 months.2 months ago I got preg but it turned to be miscarriage and has become to a period.The month after I did not make it and got my period.This month I had a very strange month! I was sure to have sex while ovulating,before,on and after the ovulation (just in case…) .and 2 days after the ovulation I had dizziness for the whole day,and the same happened again 5 or 6 days after the ovulation date. I never get dizziness and have heard that it might happen while getting preg.Then a week after the ovulating I experienced some heartburn for couple of days ,and again I never have these things. Then it went away.My period was due to yesterday,the 9th, and I had no signs at all. usually I get lots of pre signs before the period, none of them were this time.But yesterday evening instead of regular period I got 1 tiny brown spot on my underwear . Today morning it has became to a very light and pale blood that I can only see while wiping ,on the tissue. Sometimes I can see it in the toilet water while peeing (I am sorry for the details,I don’t want to gross you out but want you to have the details as they are) ,and there is nothing on the pad. Usually when I get my period it comes with a boom of blood and it is heavy and darkish red. Also when I have my regular period I can see the stuff the going out from the body while it is on the pad or in the toilet water.This time it is a clear blood, very pale, and mostly when I wiping.I also had a very weird headache the last 2 days before the “period” this time, very unusual headache.I don’t have cramping or back pain, hardly feel any pain in the belly (usually in period I get pain in the belly,not this time),I just feel something uncomfortable ,like something is going on and I have no idea what.I did not check for preg test until today afternoon, which is 1 day after the due date of my period(I don’t know if what I have is period or not) ,I used the home test kit and it came negative. I heard that if it is negative it might be due to small amount of the hormone in the urine as it is close to the first day of the period.I don’t know if this is a period or not,it is a very weird period, not like all times, and I don’t know if the things I had this past month (dizziness , heartburn,headache ) are signs for preg or not.I know I can test in couple of more days again, I just was wondering if there are out there woman like me that maybe experienced same things as mine and can share with me their knowledge.I am very stressed because of this and it makes me crazy the unknown ,if I might be preg or not???I don’t have a doctor yet to go to ,so I can’t consult with him.That’s why I need your help.Please forgive me for the long novel I wrote, I wanted to be specific as possible , maybe one of you had the same things as me…Thank you for any info.thanks birdier, but were you preg or just had those signs and it was a period? This is my main question…
A: Sounds like the symptoms I had, but every woman is different. Take another test in a few days
I think I am having another miscarriage?
Q: A little while ago I went pee and when I wiped there was very pale pink, tinted cervical mucus. I am so scared I am having another miscarriage! I was at the Dr today and got my levels checked, she also did an exam. I will get my HCG tomorrow morning but I was wondering has anyone else had this? Was it a miscarriage. I have had 2 miscarriages and both times it started with really light spotting, so I am afraid that is what this is. Ugh I am so annoyed! Please let me know if you had any spotting in your pregnancy. Also I am 4 weeks.She did not do a pap just checked my uterus size.Also I only saw it twice last night. Once the first time and then after I kept checking for it. However it was very very little and I have not seen it this morning, but I am still so scared.UPDATE:Dr called and my progesterone was a little low so I am on pelvic rest and taking prometrium. Hopefully I will see no more spotting they seem to think it was because my levels were low. I am getting my HCG retested tomorrow to make sure they are doubling. Thanks for all your answers. Im praying I dont miscarry again.
A: My friend had spotting at 5 and 8 weeks, both times went to ER and they did an ultrasound. She just gave birth to healthy little Gabriella. :)How did they check your uterus size? Externally? If they did any kind of exam it can cause spotting. I am praying for you.EDIT I just re-read your details and you had an exam, so if it was internal than yes that could cause spotting for sure. When I had my 8 week appointment I had spotting too and it started pink and then was light brown. My Dr said unless it turns bright red then it’s normal. When do you go back to the Dr to get your levels checked?
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