What does it mean if I have a miscarriage in my dream

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A:It simply means that you are anxious or paranoid about miscarriages. Don’t be worried!!! ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-if-i-have-a-miscarriage-in-my-dream ]
More Answers to “What does it mean if I have a miscarriage in my dream
What does my dream mean??? i keep dreaming about having a miscarr…?
To dream that you have a miscarriage, suggests that some idea or plan did not follow through or has gone awry. The dream may also serve as a warning against your continued course of action. You should alter your path or may risk losing some…

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What does it mean when you dream about having a miscarriage?
Q: I had a dream that I was driving around with a couple of good friends from a spiritual retreat camp that I went to over the summer and was feeling very sick, they took me up to the nearest doctor which was a gynecologists office because I was so sick. We got there and for some reason the OBGYN was one of the priests from the camp who I became friends with. So he gave me an exam and everything and he said that it turns out I had been pregnant but had a miscarriage and that was why I was so sick. We decided to leave while he prepared to get the baby out, and the whole time I was wondering how I could have gotten pregnant in the first place? I figured that the baby had to have been my ex’s because he’s the only one I ever did anything with.So we went over to his house and I told him and he came with me to be there with me while they cleaned me up and everything.Now in real life I have not had sex but I had given my ex-boyfriend oral and he would finger me. Also I had this dream about a week or two after I went to the spiritual retreat camp (which my ex was at also) and about 1 1/2 or 2 months after me and my ex broke up. While we were at the camp things were very tense between me and my ex and I’m guessing that has something to do with it but I’m not quiet sure what it means.If someone here could tell me that would be great, thanks!Brooke
A: Its just a dreamChill out :]
What does my dream of pregnancy then a miscarriage mean?
Q: Dream… I’m pregnant but not married with this guy. My family and the guy is there to support me. My feeling in the dream is that at first I didn’t want to get pregnant but eventually I did accept the current situation. I can feel the baby’s limb when I feel my stomach and can actually see the shape of the baby’s limbs on my stomach. (So weird, I know). At the end I got a miscarriage but felt relieved although sad as well.Current situation might be relevant… A few hours before sleeping, I had talked with my sister about her dream of me getting pregnant. I’m turning 21. I’m doubting my career path, aspirations and ambitions. I don’t really know if I want where my life is headed and what I want at the moment. I’m lightly thinking of other possible career paths. I’m not going to be pregnant because I’m single and not seeing anyone. I don’t mind being in a relationship or having kids but doesn’t see myself in or having one in the near future. I strongly believe in marriage b4 doing it
A: First, you are a highly intelligent girl who is focused with regard to your life. Your dream DID come about as a result of your talk with your sister..However, You in your subconscious are thinking and are questioning the journey which you have charted yourself to take.. What you have planned as a career has a lot of hurdles and commitment to achieve success..Your wondering if it might be just as easy to just alter your career choice, and enjoy a more social lifestyle, and if marriage and such would be easier and just as fulfilling.. Your just suffering from career anxiety syndrome.. Very common.. What you need to do IS have a little more fun, and socialize more.. Could be get out with the girls or a special friend ,or even some dating..You know YOU, are what is important in your life and what you REALLY want to do,, and if you withhold your true objectives, you will be miserable.. But you just be yourself ,and strive to get what is important to YOU,you and everything else will work out fine.. I admire your principals,,and wish you nothing but the best in life.. Continue on with your goals , and you will have it all!! SOLOMON
what does this dream mean…if anything…?
Q: What does this dream mean? Im pregnant and before bed i asked god to let me have a miscarriage…?anyways i fell asleep shortly after and this was the drea i got…Me and someone else were driving in the minivan, it was getting dark and windy, i looked out the back window and saw what looked to be a tornado, but it was red and had lots of red lighting coming from it…anyways we freaked out and started warning a bunch people that this tornado was coming no one was listening so we said screw it and ran into this tall highrise building..I was in a tall highrise building, looking out the window from maybe the 100th floor, it was over looking the city and it was dark, and as i was looking out the tornado became 2 tornados and it was dark and these fire lightning like stuff started coming out of it and from the sky burngin and zapping buildings from across the way, even people, it was pretty scary and loud and bloody…i had binoculars and could people getting struck by this fire lightning and it was gruesome…the tornado wasnt near us just yet…because it was across the river (the building was onthe opposite side) but i could see everything that was happening, there were other people in the building too and they were freaking out cause the tornado was getting closer to us…anyways as i was watching this happen, i looked to my side ( iwas on the balcony) and saw a third fire tornado right new to me and then i woke up…what the hell does this mean..i dont dream like this ever.
A: According to the Saints it is good to not believe in dreams. Because it is very hard to know the source. Most dreams are not from God believe it or not. Some are, and they can be distinguished, but it is very difficult. A person asked, well King David had dreams he interpreted, but are we as spiritually advanced as King David? Therefore it is best not to try to go to dream interpreters or anything. If you find it difficult to understand it is better to forget about the dream, also especially if you find the dream disturbs you, or worries you. God does not expect us to interpret dreams.Hope this helps.
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