What does miscarriage blood look like

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A:The bleeding from a miscarriage may be heavy at times. The blood appears the same as it would during a menstrual period. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-miscarriage-blood-look-like ]
More Answers to “What does miscarriage blood look like
Bleeding that occurs with miscarriage looks dark or bright red and will be heavy. It can look like your typical period. You might have clots or gray tissue come out too.
The bleeding from a miscarriage may be heavy at times. The blood appears the same as it would during a menstrual period. ChaCha!
During a miscarriage, the bleeding can be light or heavy. A little bit of bleeding is normal in the first trimester of pregnancy, but bleeding with a lot of pain could be miscarriage.

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Q: I go to the doctor tomorrow morning to have another blood test done to see if I am miscarrying or not, but I want to prepare myself. I have been bleeding since yesterday around 2 PM. It started out light and is now bright red. This sounds gross, but it doesn’t smell like blood from a period, which is what I would suspect blood from a miscarriage to smell like. It’s very bright red and smells like normal blood. I have cramping, but it’s not constant.
A: are the cramps really bad? like worse than normal? and are you passing anything that looks like blood-clots…because those are some signs of a miscairrage.
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A: Yes, that’s what happens to most women when they miscarry. I’m sorry for your loss and I hope that you have better luck in the future! Lots of baby dust. Miscarriage can be bloody, stringy, discharge like mucusMajor cramping and spotting also.
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A: This seems probably gross- but I had m/c in October, and I didn’t know what blood clots were either- and then I had one, and the only way I knew how to describe them to the doctor is they look like poop, but are bloody.. spotting during pregnancy is very normal though. good luck!
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