What drug can cause a miscarriage

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A:Many drugs can cause the risk of miscarriage during a pregnancy. Before taking any drug (including over-the-counter drugs) or dietary supplement (including medicinal herbs), a pregnant woman should consult her health care practitioner. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-drug-can-cause-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What drug can cause a miscarriage
Many drugs can cause the risk of miscarriage during a pregnancy. Before taking any drug (including over-the-counter drugs) or dietary supplement (including medicinal herbs), a pregnant woman should consult her health care practitioner.
Several can, but if you want to end a pregnancy it’s much safer to simply get a proper abortion from a medical service provider.
Don’t do anything without consultation with your doctor, you only get one body and you don’t want to put too much wear and tear on this one,but for sure the morning after pill can cause you to miscarry, to miscarry can cause a hugh lost of …

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Two miscarriages in a little over one month-what could be the cause?
Q: I found out I was pregnant on Jan 13th (first pregnancy) and then lost the baby on Jan 27th. Found out I was pregnant again on Feb 25th and started bleeding and cramping again yesterday (Feb 29th)-I’m assuming I’m having another miscarriage, but haven’t been to the dr yet. I am 27 so I can’t imagine age is a factor and I don’t smoke or use drugs-what could be causing the miscarriages?
A: Low progesterone level could be one cause…this is needed to maintain a viable healthy pregnancy during the 1st trimesterEDIT: If your bleeding only just started yesterday go the the ER and have your progesterone level checked!! If its low they could still maybe save the pregnancy by supplementing with the shots..
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Q: K, so I have this worksheet for health class and it says to name 10 kinds of physical body damage that can cause a miscarriage. So far I have smoking, doing drugs, drinking, drinking energy drinks, and uhm…idk getting into a fight? lol I dont know much about this stuff so I need help please.
A: some of the time it has nothing to do with the mother, but the baby. their could have been a mutation and the body realized it and is removing the problem.
What caused my miscarriage?
Q: My husband has severely damaged sperm and before learning this we had done IVF for pregnancy and had a pregnancy every try but all early pregnancy losses as a result. So, we gave up using my husbands sperm and tried donor sperm. I’ve tested 100% healthy no DNA issues and 100% fertile… so there wasn’t fear of miscarriage using donor sperm. But, prior to donor my body had been through 3 cycles of IVF surgery for eggs for my husbands cycles and a lot of fertility drugs to the point that I had permanent hot flashes, rather I was in a cycle for pregnancy or not… from my hormones being tampered with by fertility meds for my husbands cycles. So, after my husbands 4 early miscarriages we did the donor sperm and I got pregnant. Before the donor sperm pregnancy started I tested 100% healthy but still had hot flashes due to prior fertility drugs and they didn’t offer a cause as to why. So, I had a healthy pregnancy but began spotting at 5 wks, the baby was healthy regardless but I worried. At 12 wks the spotting got worse but baby looked healthy and strong and at 14 weeks my water broke. I should not that the hot flashes disappeared a few weeks into pregnancy. I had horrid morning sickness but baby always was 100% healthy. I never went into labor. It was a boy and the Dr said he was born 100% healthy too and this must have been a FLUKE! All I want is a cause and they don’t offer anything but his water breaking was a fluke! And they say it’s not connected to all the cycles I did for my husband before. They said the fertility drugs are not the cause, the previous miscarriages not the cause… because they were from my husbands sperm and this pregnancy was donor sperm that was sperm tested 100% healthy. They said the hot flashes had no effect to my hormones and not the cause…said it was the fertility drugs “half life” of 3 mos each try for pregnancy. But, I was doing tries with my husbands sperm for pregnancy month to month back to back miscarriages. When I delivered my little boy at almost 5 mos I recovered and they say I test 100% healthy now…again. Hormones and physical recovery and can try again. Needless to say, I’m terrified. 5 miscarriages later, 4 of those with my husbands sperm…. and I’m supposed to expect the first 4 were obvious DNA miscarriages. Ok fine. But the 5th miscarriage with my healthy egg and healthy donor sperm and there’s no cause but …it’s a fluke and try again. This is human life here not a game and there’s no answers and no studies on what IVF meds and it’s trauma does to a healthy girl. If anyone has any advice, anything positive or can shed light on this situation, Please share your thoughts. My little boy is dead not because he wasn’t healthy but because his water broke and he was born too early to live. They “think” it could have been placental abruption where the sac tears away from the uterus and bleeds and the blood can break the water. But, they don’t know, they have no reason to think that other than the spotting in pregnancy. Any thoughts are much appreciated as I am trying to give this little life a chance and attempting pregnancy again. I’m scared and need prayers. Thank you for reading and god bless!
A: You seem to be in this place that you must have an answer to this question or what?I know it is very hard now to look at this in any other light then you are. Try to think for a moment that just maybe someone with a high power knew that these babies were not be born here for what ever reason..Maybe that power thought that these little ones really needed to be some where else doing better things then waiting around here wondering what the answers are to questions that just don’t have them..You need to just relax and try to rest.. The one thing you should make sure does not happen is that this does not come between you and husband….Yes I said that because I have seen it happen before.. Your husband sounds like a great guy . He knows you want a baby and he has done all that he could. He even went so far as to except that the baby you were going to have was going to be from another man. If the reason you want a baby is because you guys together will be great parents because of the love between you both then try to always remember that..
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