What effect does acid have on you

Health related question in topics Biology .We found some answers as below for this question “What effect does acid have on you”,you can compare them.

Dilated pupils, higher body temperature, increased heart rate and blood pressure, sweating, sleeplessness & tremors. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-effect-does-acid-have-on-you ]
More Answers to “What effect does acid have on you
What effect does acid have on you
Dilated pupils, higher body temperature, increased heart rate and blood pressure, sweating, sleeplessness & tremors.
What are the effects of acid rain?
Acid rain is responsible for the degradation and destruction of forest, lakes, groundwater, buildings and more.
How does acid rain effect humans?
Acid rain has no direct effect on humans. It has no odor and no taste. However, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide are gases that help to form acid rain, and are harmful for humans to breathe. These pollutants cause heart and lung disorders.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What effect does acid rain have on sands.?
Q: Please cite your evidences and the website where you got them. Goodluck!
A: No website … sand is SiO2 which is stable to acid. Acid rain should have no impact on SiO2. (One proof is concentrated acids are stored in glass bottles where the major component of glass is SiO2). The only acid that I am familiar with that will etch glass is HF (hydrofloric acid) … and it’s a nasty one !!I guess there are other types of “sand” depending on where you are and where the “sand” comes from. Acid rain may have a different impact depending on what the chemistry is.
What effect does hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide have on seed germination? If each solution is…?
Q: placed in an uncovered or covered moist chamber, what factors involved will either hinder or promote growth? I kindly request anyone’s knowledge on this subject. Any and all information which you may have is very much appreciated. If you are also aware of any websites which can answer these questions, please do not hesitate to provide the source. Thank you.
A: Seeds have a very small tolerance to acid and base. They will germanate only in a small pH range. Both acid and base will stop germanation.
Is it okay to do acid in school?
Q: OK, I already know what you are thinking (wtf? no) but first listen. My friend wants to try acid at school just to feel a cooler trip and he has come to me for advice. I have never done acid and neither has he. I need someone who has done it before to tell me if it would be possibly to function enough to get through a school day on acid. I really need to know if acid effects your ability to move or speak. Thanks.
A: I did acid in school many times. It gets a little complicated some times. For example, my earth space science teacher posted our grades on a sheet on the wall for that period of the quarter. I could not look across the line of all the numbers to see my score. Also, walking across the room I felt so suspect, and talking in class was out of the question. If you approach it like the joke is on the world, then, yes, you can pull it off, but you have to really feel superior. It’s probably not worth it, and it would be best to jusst try at home in your room or at a local show.Now, let’s get to the moral issue of this question: you shouldn’t do acid. I’m not going to give you the crap about if you do seven hits you’ll be legally insane. Whatever. Yet, it is not good for your brain, not good for your body. You grind your teeth. Your eyes feel like they are peeled grapes. You tweak for 12+ hours. If you must do it, do it in a controlled environment with people who will take care of you. Don’t drive any cars, don’t see any adults. Be safe. Take care!
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