What happens if you miscarriage during a pregnancy

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A:Most miscarriages occur before the 12th week of pregnancy. Signs and symptoms include: Vaginal spotting or bleeding MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-if-you-miscarriage-during-a-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “What happens if you miscarriage during a pregnancy
What happens if you miscarriage during a pregnancy
Most miscarriages occur before the 12th week of pregnancy. Signs and symptoms include: Vaginal spotting or bleeding MORE?
Can sex during pregnancy cause a miscarriage?
Many couples worry that sex during pregnancy will cause a miscarriage, especially in the first trimester. But sex isn’t a concern. Early miscarriages are usually related to chromosomal abnormalities or other problems in the developing baby …
Can a miscarriage be caused by a fever during pregnancy??
“I’m not a medical doctor” so don’t take this as an overall diagnosis. Only your doctor could tell you for certain, in about 95% of cases. I did find this article for you: Fever during pregnancy can increase the risk of neural t…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the causes of a miscarriage during pregnancy?
Q: It’s something I’m asking more out of curiosity then anything else, even though it’s not something nice to think about.I’ve heard that miscarriages are likely within the first 3 months, or it there chances later on during pregnancy as well?What are things that women ought avoid doing during pregnancy that may cause a miscarriage?What would happen if there’s a miscarriage?Er. Thank you.
A: I am right now in the process of my 2nd miscarriage. It is a horrible thing, physically and emotionally. I would not wish this pain on anyone. One in every 5 pregnancies ends in miscarriage, and one in every 4 if you are over 35. A true miscarriage occurs during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. After that, it is still possible to lose the baby at any time (though the chances are much slimmer). A loss after the first trimester is considered pre-term labor. There are many things women should avoid during pregnancy to protect their little ones. Changing cat litter, soft cheeses, deli meats, certain wrinkle creams- all of these things can be dangerous to the unborn child. For a more detailed list with explanations of their dangers, see http://www.bygpub.com/natural/pregnancy.htm. This is a list of things you should do and should not do during pregancy and a great source of information. If a miscarriage is happening, there is unfortunately nothing you can do to stop it. The most common cause of early miscarriages is a chromosomal defect that keeps the baby from developing properly. Even if you do everything right and avoid all the things you should avoid, you cannot keep miscarriage from happening if there was a chromosomal defect at conception. Signs of a miscarriage are cramps, lower back pain, pain in the right shoulder (I had this with both of my miscarriages), bleeding, or a brown discharge. That was the first sign for both of mine. Some people will be able to miscarry naturally with no need for d&c, the procedure used to remove all fetal tissue from the uterus. An ultrasound should be performed to be sure all fetal tissue has dissolved or been expelled. If so, you don’t need a d&c. If not, the procedure may have to be performed, or the doctor can give you medication to help you expel the rest. Keep in mind that a d&c scrapes out the ining of your uterus, which can make it harder to conceive the next time because the baby may have difficulty implanting. Also, many woman (like myself) have a tilted uterus, which makes it difficult to see the baby in ultrasound, so I recommend waiting a few weeks for another ultrasound before making a decision to have a d&c. See all the miracle stories on http://www.misdiagnosedmiscarriage.com. No matter which option you choose, your doctor will need to check your HcG levels (the hormone produced during pregnancy) to be sure they get back down to 0. After that, you should wait at least one normal period before trying again. I got pregant the second time 2 weeks after my first miscarriage (I did not wait for the period) and it ended in miscarriage, also, so I highly recommend waiting for that normal period befor trying again. I sincerely hope you never have to worry about any of this, but that should answer your questions. Good luck!
what happens during a miscarriage? ?
Q: :O(i was just told by my Dr that i’ve had a miscarriage… I went to get my IUD at the local clinic and they had to give me a preg. test. It turned out positive so i went to an actual Dr and had an ultrasound. The Dr. told me that there was just the sac and no heart beat… He told me to wait until it passes and then come back and go forward with a D&C if needed… My Question is- how long will it take to pass? and How did you feel? i feel like i don’t know how to react. it was a total unplanned pregnancy, but it still upsets me that it didn’t make it.
A: My wife and i went through this four times. This process has no time limit, my wifes first took a week and the other passed minutes after we got home. I found my wife in crippling pain on the floor the second time and the third time she was sore but ok. Your body reacts differently and so will you depending on your tolerance of the pain from the cramping involved. I would suggest asking your doctor more questions, they will know your history and how far along you were better than any one here so can more accurately answer your questions.
Scariest thing that happened during your pregnancy?
Q: I was terrified during my second pregnancy, I had experienced a miscarriage 4 mths prior so I am sure that played a role, When I was 6 mths pregnant there was a measles outbreak here, I knew I had one vaccine as a baby but didn’t know if I had the booster, my mom couldn’t find my chart, I was still working, in a mall, and people kept coming in with bad coughs,each time I almost had a panic attack thinking “they are going to infect me and kill my baby” my husband and co-workers thought I was over reacting, I thought they were under reacting, also when I was 8 mths, Maple leaf had a huge recall on their meats for listeria contamination, I kept re-reading the list to be sure, I was scared to eat anything, luckily I had listened to the books and avoided deli meats and soft cheeses,lol. my son is 7 1/2 mths old and I feel I couldn’t enjoy my pregnancy with him, I was so scared of everything, honest to god, during summer I looked at every mosquito as a death sentence for my baby since west nile had started to peak again, just curious if anyone else had these moments? or even during the delivery something you didn’t expect? was I the only crazy neurotic pregnant lady? Oh I forgot I was also wary of any cleaners, I thought they were all too strong and the fumes would damage my son’s brain, im not even kidding, thats what my husband dealt with,lolEmma’s mommy – now I really feel silly, im glad everything was fineyoungkushluvn – I tripped a few times but never fell down stairs, I would have had a heart attack,lolJill – im so sorry, that had to have been hard.Kolleen’s mommy – thats a good idea,lolJ.D – wow, no wonder you were scared.#1 baby – I was terrified of the birth as well, i would search “cord accidents” all the time, he was fine in the end.emma’s mommy – I would have been so livid, thank god everything was alrightThank you Brittenge, and Emma’s mommy, wow even more bad things, sounds painful
A: The scariest thing that happened during my first pregnancy was finding out that one of the babies (twins) had severe birth defects and would not be able to survive outside the womb, then finding out that it died at 24 weeks when I suddenly went into labor, then delivering one stillborn and one live baby after a week in the hosptial trying to stop the labor, then having the live baby die at 10 days old. With my second pregnancy (a singleton boy) it took everything I had not to be stressed and panicked and worried the whole time. In the end, I had a touch of early labor again but ended up delivering a healthy boy (9 lbs!) at 36 weeks, 4 days, and I thank God for him every single moment of every single day. I know what it’s like to have fears, but I also know the joy of knowing I’ve overcome them!
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