What happens in the stomach when a miscarriage happens

Health related question in topics Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “What happens in the stomach when a miscarriage happens”,you can compare them.

A:Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. A miscarriage is likely if the cervix has opened. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-in-the-stomach-when-a-miscarriage-happens ]
More Answers to “What happens in the stomach when a miscarriage happens
What happens in the stomach when a miscarriage happens
Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. A miscarriage is likely if the cervix has opened.
What can physically happen to cause a miscarriage besides getting…?
Some causes of miscarriage are: Chromosome abnormalities; mother’s age;multiple fetuses; hormone imbalance; uterine abnormalities.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What happens to the baby in a miscarriage?
Q: Ok, so I know what it means when you have a miscarriage, its when you have a baby growing inside you but then before its fully developed or you give birth to it, it dies in your stomach. But what I have always wondered is what happens to the baby after it passes inside you? Does it dissolve? Does it stay there? And also, can you get pregnant soon after you have a miscarriage? And if so, then does the dead baby take up space in your stomach? Im not pregnant or anything, I’m just and always have been curious. And I know my question is kinda hard to understand since it seems like I have a lot of them, so I’m gonna list them below. Thanks for your help!!!!!! :)1. What happens to the baby after you have a miscarriage?( Does it dissolve?)2. Can you have a baby soon after you have a miscarriage? And if so, then how soon?3.And if you CAN have a baby soon after, then does the dead baby take up space in your stomach?
A: No the baby doesn’t dissolve. It passes through you. You get what is like a very heavy menstrual period. Very heavy and painful. After a miscarriage they say to wait three months. It’ takes an emotional toll on you so it usually takes more time than three months to get prepared to try again.
Can abuse cause a woman to have a miscarriage?
Q: Like, if the abuser hits the woman in the stomach alot?If not, what happens when a pregnant woman gets abused?And what causes a miscarriage?Thanks!And I’m not pregnant, just curious.
A: Yes. Verbal Abuse as well. Takes a toll on the mother causing stress which then will cause her body to lose the baby. Too much stress is NOT good for the mother. Anyone who abuses a mother needs to seek HELP!There are many things that cause a miscarriage and if an abused mother makes it through her pregnancy, the baby could suffer some types of damage or none at all.
Q: My friend was 14 years old when she had a miscarriage. However it is not yet clear how it happened. She was punched in the stomach and she had gone through a serious family problem previous to this. I think she was 3 months along. Bleeding occurred which she thought it was her period… but she didnt see anything (body parts i mean). Then she had terrible cramps so she went to see a doctor and he had told her she had had a miscarriage. She didnt stay after she heard that. Now, a few years later, she wonders how that could’ve happened and what she should’ve done. Also if she could be infertile now. Can someone please help? thanks
A: first of all she could of lost the baby from being hit in the stomach, but also a women so young has a higher risk of miscarriage because your body is not mature enough to carry a baby. also when bleeding she would not see body parts, she would see tissue, or clumps in the blood. I am assuming her body was able to pass the baby without a dnc and she said she left before she got treatment. and no there are several women that have miscarriages and go on to have a healthy normal pregnancy ending in a live birth! best of luck!
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