What happens to you when you use crank

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Physically, the pulse speeds up, blood pressure rises, blood vessels constrict, and a powerful rush of adrenalin. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-to-you-when-you-use-crank ]
More Answers to “What happens to you when you use crank
What happens to you when you use crank
Physically, the pulse speeds up, blood pressure rises, blood vessels constrict, and a powerful rush of adrenalin. ChaCha!

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Q: when the car sits for a week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks and so on when you do not drive it? How long does the lubricating film and or liquid oil on cylinders, valves crank and camshaft serve any purpose after not driving for a period of time. I use only synthetic engine oil. What else should I know about letting a car sit without driving or starting. Anything I should think about as far as suspension, brake rust build up, tires, grease and other fluids? How often should I drive my car? Thank you.
A: After letting a car sit the oil drains off of the surfaces.So pull you coil supply, and turn the engine over with the key , until your oil pressure comes up .Then replug the coil(s) and start.This will keep you from dry running an engine.It primes the system.Do this when you change your oil filter also , to bleed the air pocket out of the filter.
Tricks You use 2 avoid being harrased by Police?
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A: ^^^^ Cos female cops are lezos!!I’m white….. works every time!Thumbs down for the truth. lol
XD So this is what happened…what should I do?
Q: 😀 Just a joke. :DThis buddy who e-mailed me the other day asked me if I knew any phone numbers he could use to crank call…so I grabbed the phone book and looked up a great number…I gave it to him via Im, and he asked, “Whose number is this,” and I told him, “Its my brother-in-laws. He is such a moron. Take it out on him big time!”So he took the number, and said he would use it later-on with some of his other friends that would be coming over to crank call with him.After the messaging, I turned off my computer and headed to work. When I got back I noticed an Im in my in-box, that was mostly cuss words; it reads like this…”You fucker! That number you gave me was to the fucking FBI! Asshole, etc,etc,etc.”How should I go about apologizing, or did he get his just desserts?;)
A: jesus. u get into the most hilarious situations. he got his just desserts. and you got the better end of the joke. good job. apologize, but let him realize it’s his own fault.
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