What herbs can cause a miscarriage

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A:Parsley sage, rosemary and thyme can all cause miscarriage. thanks for cha chaing have a good day [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-herbs-can-cause-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What herbs can cause a miscarriage
There are many herbs that can cause miscarriage, if you are pregnant, research any herbal medications before taking. a tea made from parsley sage, rosemary and thyme- I know this sounds weird, but if you have heard of the song Scarborough F…
Please do not use these herbs without being under the supervision of a doctor or midwife. It would be better for you to Planned Parenthood or another abortion provider. They have various options available to you. It is better to use a docto…
Parsley sage, rosemary and thyme can all cause miscarriage . thanks for cha chaing have a good day

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what herbs can cause a miscarriage?
A: Please do not use these herbs without being under the supervision of a doctor or midwife.It would be better for you to Planned Parenthood or another abortion provider. They have various options available to you.It is better to use a doctor than to self-serve in cases like this.
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Q: I think I read somewhere where vitamin C can cause a miscarriage. Does anyone know how much you have to take? Also, what other herbs can cause a miscarriage?Don’t judge or harass me, I am too young for this and cannot afford it. I also cant tell my parents about it. They would freak out if they found out I was haveing sex. They don’t think im mature enough for sex.I’ll tell you whatever I want to Jessica Ann. I’m on a PREGNANCY forum because im PREGNANT. This isnt yahoo answers ‘im pregnant and so happy about it’ its for all questions about pregnancy. If you are so offended, dont answer the stinking questions. Maybe I will go to a clinic and just get an abortion.
A: are you freaking serious? you WANT a miscarriage? are you insane? you are a murderer!!!!!! God would NOT approve of this my child….you should really think this over…you are being a very immature little brat only thinking of yourself.
My friend just found out she’s pregnant and is concerned about what not to take as medication wise?
Q: she heard that some forms of medication and/or herbs can cause a miscarriage. can anyone help. she would like to stay away from these things.please help. thank you for your help.
A: As soon as I found out I was pregnant I stopped taking everything. If you are pregnant you shouldn’t take anything without consulting a doctor. If she is on any hormonal drugs she needs to go in asap to avoid any issues that could result from quitting cold turkey!
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