What is a miscarriage and how does it come to be

Health related question in topics a Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a miscarriage and how does it come to be”,you can compare them.

A:1/2 of miscarriages happen because of a problem in the way genetic material from the egg/sperm combined during fertilization. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-miscarriage-and-how-does-it-come-to-be ]
More Answers to “What is a miscarriage and how does it come to be
What is a miscarriage and how does it come to be
1/2 of miscarriages happen because of a problem in the way genetic material from the egg/sperm combined during fertilization.
Does anything come out during a miscarriage.??
Yes a lot of blood and also the sack will come out, but sometime the body cant get it out alone so you have to have a D&C. It can be very painful to miscarry and can be described as mild contraction like cramps.
When a woman has a miscarriage how does the baby come out??
The woman goes to the hospital and has it removed in a simple operation like an abortion unless everything has already come out.

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How long does it take for period to come after early miscarriage? 6 weeks but hcg has dropped to 124ml?
Q: Had set of Hcg tests and results were6 days ago 580ml4 days ago 700mltoday 124mlso it is a miscarriage again 🙁 my 3rd in a row!How long until my periods come again concidering that my hcg is so low?I also have not had much bleeding at all so Im expecting period to be heavy.have a 2 year old boy then had miscarriages at 11 weeks, 9 weeks and not 5-6 weeks. all tests came back normal so don’t know what the problem is. am wondering if I should keep on trying or quit now. I’m 34 years old.am feeling so down but really want a brother or sister for my little 2 year old son.
A: I don’t know how many, but my mom had several miscarriages between my brother and me. Don’t be discouraged…it’ll happen when it’s meant to. :o) Good luck with everything!
Has anyone ever been told they probably have an ectopic pregnancy but find out they do not?
Q: I was in the er last Thursday. They told me I had a miscarriage. Come to find out I didn’t. I have been getting my HCG levels checked every two days. The numbers are going up but they are not doubling. they went from 333 to 505 to 705 to 911 and are at 1282 now. I went in for an ultrasound (vaginal) today and the could not see a sac. They said they could see one when your levels are between 1000 and 1500. Since they could not see one they want me to get the shot to get ride of the sac where ever it is growing. I am worried that it may not be ectopic. Maybe I am just earlier than what they think. Should I get the shot? If I do how long will it take before I can get pregnant again? I have no pain.They told me if I wait it could cause an eruption in my tube (if that is where it’s at) and I only have that one tube. The other one was removed.
A: I ahve had 2 ectopic pregnancies, they are not osmething you just want to “wait out’ with my first ectopic the dr didnt catch it quick enough and my left tube ruptured, it was the worse pain i ever felt, i was bleeding to death and had to be rushed into emergency surgery. My 2nd ectopic my new dr monitored me very closely and did many repeat HCG levels, my lelevs double as a normal pregancy however there was nothing in my uterus. So I was given 2 doses of methotrexate to end the ectopic. I was told to wait 6 months to a year to tryt and get pregnant again, but that was because I had to have 2 doses of the methotrexate.
Ren Brown, what’s up with all those rude comments??
Q: What kind of pleasure do you get out of going around bashing pregnant woman, women who are trying to concieve and women who are having/have had miscarriages?? Come on, please find something better to do with your time – I know posting this with your name in the title may make you feel as if you are worthy of the attention, but I’d rather give you a little attention and let you know how rude and inconsiderate you are than have you bashing women who are having serious problems in their pregnancies. As for your comment “losers have miscarriages” – rethink that sweetheart, I have 3 healthy children, and the losers are the ones who think just because it’s an embryo or a fetus it isnt a “baby” – well grow a heart and get back to me, because regaurdless, embryo or fetus, it’s a baby!!! Ugh, people like you make me sick to my stomach, more so makes me wonder why you breath??….get a life darlin’ – and stop acting so immature commenting rude comments to those in need of some answers!!!
A: I agree, And she has nothing better to do then call other people losers, but she should seriously look at her own life, Shes most likley a loser herself, Or she wouldnt be on here saying stupid things….
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