What is a normal blood PSI

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A systolic blood pressure of 2 PSI is good. Normal BP is about 120/80, however this can vary slightly from individual to individual. Thanks and have a ChaCha day! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-normal-blood-psi ]
More Answers to “What is a normal blood PSI
What is a normal blood PSI
A systolic blood pressure of 2 PSI is good. Normal BP is about 120/80, however this can vary slightly from individual to individual. Thanks and have a ChaCha day!

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I have a very low oxygen saturation level. Lows around 70% to high of 88%. What are some possible causes?
Q: In the last four months, I’ve had a Ct scan, Hide-a-Scan, two heart studies, three halter monitors, sleep study,Sonogram, full body bone scan, endoscopy and complete blood work up. My cholesterol was slightly above normal. The sleep study showed I have sleep apnea. ( I now wear a C-Pap @ 17 psi w/ 5 lpm o2). The endoscopy showed some signs of mild damage due to aspirin and tylenol taken for the pain. The CT scan showed mild degeneration of L1 & L2 but otherwise nothing significant. (History of prostate cancer. Dr thought maybe the cancer had metastasized into the spine but bone scan showed no evidence of cancer) Moderate to severe pain in RUQ was diagnosed as costal condritis. Symptoms of this are improving. Bone chilling fatigue haunts me. I’m fairly certain that this is a direct result of the low o2 sats.Any ideas? So far, the doctors have not found out the problem. Thanks!
A: Yes, those are very low saturations. In general, the causes of low saturation are problems with the mechanics of breathing (such as sleep apnea), unequal blood flow in the lungs, problems with oxygen diffusing from the lungs into the blood, problems with the heart (such as a shunt), hemoglobin problems, and problems with the saturation monitor itself (certain things can give false readings). I don’t know how many of these things the doctors have addressed so far, but they should keep looking until they find the cause. If your current doctor has given up, find another one. Those numbers are way too low. Now, if you are just referring to your sleep study numbers, that is a different story; in that case, you should first focus on the sleep apnea (sleep apnea alone can make you bone tired). But if they are that low in the daytime, the doctors need to keep looking for a cause, and they need to consider having you on oxygen, too.I hope they figure it out soon, and I hope you feel better soon.
Am I a vampire?…I know old question?
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A: ok I match every one of those description too (except for 7 and 5 and 1) and I’m not a vampire. and I’m a christian too, and I think you probably know that if they are real then they are demons and demons are the angels that sided with lucifer and not God so you would pretty much be able to tell if you were, which I don’t think you are because there are lots of nice normal people that match that description. so you don’t have to worry :0)take care!! <33
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