What is arterial stenosis

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Renal artery stenosis (narrowing) is a decrease in the diameter of the renal arteries. The resulting restriction of blood flow to the kidneys may lead to impaired kidney function (renal failure) and high blood pressure (hypertension). Thanks! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-arterial-stenosis ]
More Answers to “What is arterial stenosis
What is arterial stenosis
Renal artery stenosis (narrowing) is a decrease in the diameter of the renal arteries. The resulting restriction of blood flow to the kidneys may lead to impaired kidney function (renal failure) and high blood pressure (hypertension). Thank…
What is renal artery stenosis?
Definition Renal artery stenosis is a blockage or narrowing of the major arteries that supply blood to the kidneys. Description Renal artery stenosis occurs when the flow of blood from the arteries leading to the kidneys is constricted by t…
How to quantify an arterial stenosis:
The blood supply to the femoral bed was studied in anaesthetised dogs before and after producing arterial stenoses. The blood supply system consisted of the vessels proximal to the site of measurement in the femoral artery and was character…

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A: Consult with a Heart Specialist for his/her diagnosis!
20-30% stenosis….need help figuring this out for my friend?
Q: ok here is full question….MRangio of chest-carotids show web like signal void involving the proximal left common cortoid appearance on 4th images appears different from MRA of neck with between 20-30% stenosis no evidence for arterial dissestion and no annurism….what the hell does all of this mean? and what are some treatment options for this?
A: MR angio stands for magnetic resonance angiogram. For this test, dye is administered into the blood stream, and with the use of an x ray type machine they can visualize the arteries in the body. The carotid arteries are in the neck. Stenosis means blockage basically. It could be due to a number of things such as high blood pressure or cholesterol. When you hear the word stenosis think of stiffness. The artery is not able to stretch to accomodate for increased blood flow. So her carotid arteries are 20-30% blocked. No dissection or aneurysm is good. Dissection is when the inner layer of a vessel tears. This tear puts a person at risk for artery rupture (breakage) which would be really bad news. An aneurysm is a ballooning of a wall of the artery which is thin. This thin area, much like a thin area on a balloon, increases risk of rupture. Its good that your friend doesn’t have these two problems. As far as treatment, im not sure what they will do. They may decide to give her medications to lower blood pressure if that is a problem. Or they can go in with a cathetar which is like a little tube, and use a balloon to widen the area. Blockage of these arteries is a problem because these are the main arteries that supply the brain with blood and oxygen. Too much blockage increases risk for stroke due to decreased oxygen. I wish your friend the best of luck
20-30% stenosis….what does this mean?
Q: ok here is full question….MRangio of chest-carotids show web like signal void involving the proximal left common cortoid appearance on 4th images appears different from MRA of neck with between 20-30% stenosis no evidence for arterial dissestion and no annurism….what the hell does all of this mean?
A: stenosis is another word for obstruction. The left common carotid artery has a bit of an obstruction, will likely be handled medically.
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