What is dangerous about extacy

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People with asthma, a weak heart, high blood pressure, diabetes or epilepsy should definitely not use XTC. It can intensify MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-dangerous-about-extacy ]
More Answers to “What is dangerous about extacy
What is dangerous about extacy
People with asthma, a weak heart, high blood pressure, diabetes or epilepsy should definitely not use XTC. It can intensify MORE?
How dangerous is extacy?
It feels amazing, but it isn’t. Besides the fact that you completely lose control of your actions, you can lose some sensation in your limbs, which isn’t a great when you’re too high to keep track of what your arms and legs are doing. Oh, a…
How dangerous is extacy when taking it your first time??
I study drug effects on the brain, and from a purely scientific perspective I do not understand why anybody would take ecstasy. What’s the most-cited danger of drug use? Addiction. And why is addiction dangerous? Aside from the associ…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the least dangerous drug?
Q: Supp, im 16, ive done extacy once… lol, shrooms like 4 times, and pot about 1000-2000, and im actually someone that wouldnt look like a druggie at all. so whats the least dangerous… and if dont say they all are because i know that i asked LEAST. thankyou
A: They are all dangerous!
Ecstasy [What should i pop for my first time?????????????????]?
Q: alryte im 17..210lbs…5’9 and im seeing eryone pop pills and have a goodass time at parties.. and im lookin to try it to but dnt know exactly wat kinda a pill i shud pop for my first time kuz i kno therz tons of different pills and for different people too! and i dont realy know that MUCH about extacy pills either just know theyre dangerous! so im hopein someone could tell me what kinda pilll i should pop for my first time dnt want nothn toooo strong eithr jus sumthn koo,and also a couple tips on how i could be safe on this drug and what to expect after…thanks alryte!!
A: How to be safe is simple, put it down the toilet. What can you expect ater using drugs, short term a good time. Long term a miserable death.
Is it bad to take ecstasy while on a flu?
Q: so i been sick since yesterday im trying my hardest to get better before tomorrow cause of a big thing going on and i wanted to take 1 pill, what i have is a flu i suppose my whole body kinda hurts and my head sometimes feels hot. But if by tomorrow i m good would it be fine taking 1 pill? since i been sick for 2 days . and again if i m not feeling very good tomorrow would it be fine taking a pill again or would it be dangerous ? Some answers would be appreciated, plz dont say extacy is bad i know it is but i was wondering to see about my flu toso i been sick since yesterday im trying my hardest to get better before tomorrow cause of a big thing going on and i wanted to take 1 pill, what i have is a flu i suppose my whole body kinda hurts and my head sometimes feels hot. But if by tomorrow i m good would it be fine taking 1 pill? since i been sick for 2 days . and again if i m not feeling very good tomorrow would it be fine taking a pill again or would it be dangerous ? Some answers would be appreciated, plz dont say extacy is bad i know it is but i was wondering to see about my flu to btw i m also takin medication for the flu so would that affect it as well?
A: well ill tell you why people die from the flu. DEHYDRATION. same thing that happens when you roll and are active (like dancing at a club). if your gonna be sitting still or doing something that you can get liquid into your body all night (at a decent rate – not chugging water but drinking maybe a cup[the measuring unit not a glass of water] of water every 20 mins.) then why not? Personally, I would wait. Because although its fun and beyond pleasureable, your body needs the rest. You will hurt your body. Its in recovery mode. Your brain is already tired of working thats why your aching. making it release dopamine and seretonin and increasing your heart rate…. I advise against it.If your feeling better, no fever, no nausea, etc. Then ya it might be alright. I still advise waiting like a week. unless its a 1 in a lifetime thing. But remember, would you rather roll with health risks or be healthy and do it another time? also, has it been 6 weeks since your last roll? I ask because your brain needs around 4-6 weeks to recover your neurotransmitters (which cause the entire and most intense parts of the roll)
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