What is most likely to cause a miscarriage

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A:There are many miscarriage causes, but during the 1st trimester, the most likely cause is a baby with a chromosomal abnormality. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-most-likely-to-cause-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What is most likely to cause a miscarriage
What is most likely to cause a miscarriage
There are many miscarriage causes, but during the 1st trimester, the most likely cause is a baby with a chromosomal abnormality.
Is stress likely to cause a miscarriage?
It’s really up to you if you think you can handle it. My kids are 13 months apart and it was like having twins, shoot they are 5 and 6 and it’s still like having twins! But to answer your question, yes, stress early on can trigger a miscarr…
What is The most likely cause for miscarriage during the first th…?
That there is something wrong with the fetus, it is not viable. It’s mother Nature’s way to deal with it.

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will the doctor know what the cause of a miscarriage is?
Q: if i were to have a miscarriage would the doctor for sure know what the cause was? or would she say something like well most likely this was the cause? and if im 17 can my aunt take me to the doctor without my parents knowing? if i go the the E.R. if i have a miscarriage how long will they keep me there? im not worried about having one but im just curious.
A: Sometimes yes and most of the time no. You can request pathology of the tissue to see but that doesn’t always yield answers. Depends on your state but in MI you can see a doctor at 16 and your parents don’t have to be informed. Depends on your bleeding and if you passed the tissue or not if they keep you. D&C is a one day thing but not all women require that.
Have you ever experienced this in pregnancy?
Q: On Saturday I took 2 seperate home pregnancy tests. They were both positive. The next day, I started to bleed very lightly so I went to the hospital and the doctor said that I was NOT having a Miscarriage, and the bleeding was most likely caused from my cervix, or even my period as it was about due, and to see my Dr on Tuesday. So today I went to my Dr and they did a urine Pregnancy test. and it was NEGATIVE. My DR doesnt believe that I am having a period because it is too light and that the bleeding would not have anything to do with the pregnancy or miscarriage. He told me that a Urinary Tract infection could cause a false positive or even too much protein. I researched HPT’s and according to manufacturers the only thing a home pregnancy test will detect is HCG. He said I could have had a early pregnancy miscarriage but he doesnt believe thats what happened. He told me to wait a week or so and let things settle down and I could have a blood test to find out what is going on.Please any help I would really appriciate
A: get a second opinion
miscarriage in second trimester
Q: What are the odds of having a miscarriage in the second trimester? I am 13 weeks and am having a bit of cramping from time to time, it may very well be gas but am not too sure. Also, I was diagnosed with chlamydia a couple of weeks ago but have been treated for it. My doc said having it while pregnant could cause miscarriage. He also said that if I had it before I got pregnant then I most likely would not of gotten pregnant because of the scarring or whatever. I have been trying for 4 years to get pregnant but have been unsuccessful until now and think that maybe I have had the chlamydia for that long and it just went unnoticed and It was a 1 in a million shot that I did end up getting prego with the scarring and what not that it causes. Is there still a chance that I could miscarry because of it or should I be in the clear by now? Long question but thanks for staying with me lol.
A: Your partner got treated for it too right? Because you could just keep passing in back and forth. Anyway, cramping at 13 weeks is normal. I still get it every now and then. In fact, earlier tonight I asked a question about it. I wasn’t satisfied with the answers so I called my doc. In my case it turned out to be gas this time…but I know what you are talking about. Unsettling huh? 🙂 I think you are fine. It is possible to have a miscarriage at this point, at any point actually, but if it’s only mild cramping and no bleeding then you are most likely ok. As for the Chlamydia, I”m pretty sure that since you’ve been treated that it’s no longer affecting your pregnancy. Good luck!
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