What is symptoms of miscarriage

Health related question in topics Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “What is symptoms of miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:Symptoms of a miscarriage are vaginal bleeding that may be light or heavy, constant or irregular, pelvic cramps, abdominal MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-symptoms-of-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What is symptoms of miscarriage
What is more information about the symptoms of a miscarriage?
Symptoms of a miscarriage include: vaginal bleeding that is light or heavy. Pain such as pelvic cramps. Passing clots. ChaCha on!
Why Me – What is Miscarriage, Symptoms of Miscarriage, Getting Ov…?
Statistics of Missed Miscarriage A miscarriage is a spontaneous natural abortion that ends before the fetus is able to survive. The World Health Organization defines miscarriage as the unsurvivable state of the embryo weighing 500 grams or …
Is Loss of Pregnancy Symptoms a Sign of Miscarriage??
Pregnancy symptoms can fade, fluctuate, or disappear entirely even in a normal pregnancy — so loss of pregnancy symptoms of disappearing morning sickness is not necessarily a miscarriage symptoms. However, if it happens alongside other mis…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the symptoms of miscarriage?
Q: I am about 4-5weeks preg. and for the past three days have been bleeding. It’s a brownish color. (don’t mean to be gross) But what is worrying me even more is that I’ve been having cramps and they feel like their getting worse. Are these the signs? Has anyone had the same experience? Thanks, I would appreciate if anyone can tell me anything about it.
A: it does sound like a miscarriage, I had exactly the same on my 1st miscarriage i miscarried 4 times on the 1st i was 5 weeks pregnant, i rang the doctor with the symptoms you are experiencing, she told me the Brown Discharge was old blood(meaning i miscarried a while before i even knew) she told me to rest up but ‘what will be will be’ a couple of days later i was fully bleeding so it was definite it was all over, being as it was early in the pregnancy i didn’t need to go to Hospital for a scan as i was told everything would have come away but if pains were to continue to see her again and she would book me for a scan. hope i helped
What are the symptoms of miscarriage and is it possible for doctors to tell two weeks later?
A: spotting, cramping, blood clots, if you think there is a chance of a miscarriage than you should call your dr. and yes they can tell two weeks later if you have had a misscarriage. good luck.
Help please, symptoms of spontaneous early miscarriage?
Q: Have had very heavy feeling in the lower abdomon for hours while bleeding, never had this kind of dull pain in period before. is this typical early miscarriage symptom? what will the blood be like if miscarried, lots of solid stuff or just a bit of solid tissue?
A: I can only speak from my own experience. My first one, I woke up in a pool of blood and all day long at work I felt weak and ached in my abdomen. If anybody’s wondering why I went to work, I was 19 and had no idea what was wrong, hadn’t even missed a period yet.. The next three times, I had the same dull ache and passed lots of clots, including some really, really large ones. Didn’t see a doctor then, either…..no money. But don’t be as foolish as I was. Go see a doctor.
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