What is the cure for high blood pressure

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Losing weight if you are overweight or obese.Quitting smoking.Eating a healthy diet, including the DASH diet (eating more fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy products, less saturated and total fat). ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-cure-for-high-blood-pressure ]
More Answers to “What is the cure for high blood pressure
What is the cure for high blood pressure
Losing weight if you are overweight or obese.Quitting smoking.Eating a healthy diet, including the DASH diet (eating more fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy products, less saturated and total fat). ChaCha on!
How to cure high blood pressure?
To cure high blood pressure you need to be sure you maintain a weight that is healthy for you. You need to get regular exercise, such as walking for at least 30 minutes a day. If your blood pressure is very high, your doctor will often pres…
Is High Blood Pressure a Disease?
Function・ Increased blood pressure comes from more blood being pumped throughout the body and more resistance encountered … ・ Anything that causes the body to pump more blood leads to hypertension. A sedentary lifestyle and excess … ・ I…

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What is the Natural cure for hypertension or high blood pressure without using drugs?
A: Remove your cause of mental tension or stress or worries. If the reason is your office, discuss the problem with your colleagues and seniors. Don’t keep the problem with you. Mental tensions can often be reduced by a brisk walk, laugh loudly and relaxation or meditation. In fact, if you daily practice meditation, you can control your blood pressure for ever.Maintain your weight. Exercise more often. Since excess body fat is a primary risk factor in hypertension, it is important to maintain a healthy weight.Be physically active. Brisk walking, bicycling, raking leaves, and gardening are the best exercises.Follow a low fat diet. Eliminate cholesterol in your diet.Eliminate salt from your diet. Look at the salt content of tinned foods, snacks, potato chips, French fries, diet soft drinks, sauces, etc. These are high in salt, don’t eat them. Do not eat foods that contain soda, sodium, Na, monosodium glutamate, baking soda and preservatives. Read the food labels carefully. With herbs, spices, garlic and onions, you can make your food tasty without salt.Restrict consumption of refined sugars. Read the lables and note different names of sugars.A high fiber diet is recommended.Increase intake of potassium, magnesium, calcium and vitamin C. Potassium rich foods include banana, orange, tangerine, beans, dried peas,potatoes, etc.Magnesium rich foods include almonds, cashews, pecans, rice, banana, potatoes, kidney beans, oat bran, peas, soy, wheat germ, etc.Calcium rich foods include low fat dairy foods, nuts, watercress, kale, broccoli, turnip greens, collard greens, mustard greens, etc.Garlic helps reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.
Natural cures for high blood pressure.?
Q: I have asthma/allergies and anemia. I also have blood pressure that was 145/95 in November. I have been using Proventil for a few months for my asthma, but I generally only use it once every few days. When I was told about my high blood pressure in November, the doc said she wanted to wait a month before she decided to put me on medication for it. I then started taking garlic, fish oil, and about that time I started using a Neti pot. When I went back to the doctor, (a month later) my blood pressure was 142/86. I feel that either one or all of the things that I did that I previously mentioned contributed to this significantly lower bottom number. What do you guys think? The doc still decided to put me on atenolol and iron pills, but I am wondering if it can help more than these natural remedies already are. I do not have high cholesterol or any thyroid issues. I do have a fast heartbeat (about 100 times per minute) The doc thinks that my fast heartbeat is directly related to the anemia.Phoenix ~ I already said that I was taking garlic. If you read the ENTIRE question, you would have known that ;)VRG ~ The salt thing is a great point. I never “add” salt to anything, but there is tons of salt in processed foods, so I am trying to eat less of those types food. I also started taking hawthorne, too, when I started the Atenolol.
A: Definitely cut out processed foods as much as possible. It’s not just the salt issue but their imbalance of minerals plus artificial ingredients.Exercise is the complement to diet. Even walking a brisk half hour a day will reduce blood pressure. I’ve done it so I know it.Herbs like hawthorne berry can be effective for some people but they are not completely harmless. With your allergies I would be careful with herbs.There are effective natural methods that don’t involve diet or ingesting things like herbs or supplements. Listening to relaxing music and slow breathing are both totally safe and enjoyable activities proven to lower blood pressure, sometimes by very large amounts.Best of all, you can do them both together. Fifteen minutes a day is all it takes. Check the website below for full information along with free instructions (check the articles for that) and a complete online demo. You don’t even need to register.
Cure For Panic Attacks to Avoid High Blood Pressure?
Q: I’m a pretty heathy person. I’m going to be 19 in 2 days,Average weight,No hypertension that i know of runs through my family. I have anxiety problems though. Lately my stress level has been really bad. I’m not gonna take up time and write about what has been going on,but i have had it pretty rough lately. Well yesterday a friend of mine came over. He shares with me the same problems with his family over and over. I keep giving him advice and he doesn’t listen,so i told him i’m sick of hearing his stuff when he won’t doing anything about it and how it has been stressing me out. Previously i had drank some tea called Yerba Mate. It’s like green tea but a little different. It has alot of caffeine in it,at the time i didn’t know this would mess with my stress. I felt really sick all of the sudden,i thought i was gonna barf. At this time i was still talking to my friend. I got up to go to the kitchen,i lend in the sink and i felt so dizzy i couldn’t even Stand up right,I couldn’t see,everything seemed super blurry and my hearing sounded all fuzzy when my mom was trying to ask if i’m okay. I couldn’t talk,i fainted on the floor. I ended u regaining consciousness and my mom called the ambulance,i couldn’t breathe right and i could feel my heart beating really fast,my hands and feet started to curl up and my wholebody went numb. They took me to the ER and said my blood pressure was 165 over 104 Which in turn was high blood pressure. The doc said it sounded like i was having a panic attack,but it just came in the middle of no where! I know i have been stressed,but i felt fine. What can i do to prevent stress and panic attacks? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!!!Forgot to add,i don’t rly like taking meds,is there any herbal things you know of i can take or some remedies you know of at all? Let me know.Thanks 🙂
A: The technique at the link can be pretty effective if you practice it. This is very similar to cognitive therapy that is used by some therapists. So, if the technique at the link helps, you might consider seeing a therapist that specializes in cognitive therapy.
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