What is the definition of a miscarriage

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A:Miscarriage is defined as the expulsion of a fetus before it is viable, esp. between the third and seventh months of pregnancy. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-definition-of-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What is the definition of a miscarriage
What is the Definition of Miscarriage?
Miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy , or expulsion of a fetus before it is sufficiently developed to survive. The term “miscarriage” is strictly a popular or lay term. Physicians typically use “abortion,” distinguishi…
What is miscarriage?
A miscarriage is when a pregnancy ends by itself and the baby dies because it is too underdeveloped to survive outside the womb. Miscarriages can be caused by hormonal problems, birth defects, trauma, such as falling down a flight of stairs…
What are miscariges?
A miscarriage is when the Baby dies inside the Pregnant womans womb. Thyere are a few reasons to how this can happen. Smoking and drinking alcohol is one of them

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What causes a miscarriage?
Q: I heard that miscarriages are hardest in the first 12 weeks. Is it because the baby just dies trying to grow, or was it doing drugs or something? And if you can, a dictionary definition of “miscarriage”. I looked, and wanted to see what others have… And btw, I’m not pregnant or anything, it’s just a simple curiosity.
A: A miscarriage is the death or birth of a live baby before 20 weeks. (I gave birth to a baby at 16 weeks who was alive for two hours after he was born and it was still called a miscarriage because it was before 20 weeks.) I had one early miscarriage at 4 weeks and two late term miscarriages, the second late term miscarriage was at 18 weeks, and in my opinion the late term miscarriages were TREMENDOUSLY harder to go through than my early miscarriage because I not only had to go through labor and birth but I was able to hold my babies afterward and there was nothing that could be done for them. Having said that, Sometimes there is no known cause for a miscarriage, and other times it is caused by chromosomal abnormalities, problems with the development of the baby, doing drugs and taking certain medications while pregnant, hormonal problems in the mother, certain disease processes, an incompetent cervix, (late term miscarriages) placental abruption, (also late term miscarriages) to name a few. They do not know what caused any of mine.
What are the errors in this religious argument and what would you add to it?
Q: The purpose and premise of this is not to insult, nor patronize anyone; only to free you from the shackles of religion that hold you down to bigotry and hate. Religion is outdated and short from necessary in our society today. The true force behind religion is not faith but fear. Fear for if you don’t comply with x passage in the bible, n will happen to you. The hyperboles in The Bible, Qur’an, and Torah are nothing more than allegories with morals, sometime extreme. Similar to The Three Little Pigs and Jack And The Bean-stock. Everything from the fiery, talking bush to the woman who emerged from a rib. Look at yourself in the mirror and try to convince yourself people can be spawned from ribs or stars. We now know slavery, homophobia, sexism, racism, bigotry, discrimination are all wrong. Yet the bible still preaches these things. Sure, place yourself back in 2040 B.C. and the concept of Women’s Rights is all too far-fetched, but we have overcome that. Thankfully, we now know discrimination is wrong. “Wrong”, even though the bible says it’s right, further proving the notion that you do not need a religion to conjure morals and ethical standards, mankind is very capable of doing this by itself. The sad truth for followers is: television can instill morals and standards just as efficiently as a 2000 year-old book can.I expect any well-read individual to know who Dionysus, Attis, Zoroaster, Horus, Gautama, Krishna is. Anyone with a basic understanding of Mythology and the fabric of time knows all these came before Jesus. Not many know that all 6 of these (and many more) share many similarities with Jesus. Similarities such as: born of a virgin on December 25th, turned water to wine, healed the sick, cast out demons, performed miracles, were betrayed for 30 pieces of silver, killed on a cross and resurrected on third day and hundreds more. But the church’s only argument against this is that “The Devil” placed those figures there to test our faith; similar to the reasons dinosaur fossils are here today…The argument of abortion is quite a simple one. By definition, a miscarriage is an unwanted, spontaneous abortion prior to 20 weeks of pregnancy. So if god is all-knowing, all-powerful etc. If everything is a part of God’s Plan from day 1 to the day you die. Then God decides which babies die and which don’t. Be it Hurricane Katrina to the Tsunami that struck Thailand. If everything is a part of God’s plan then God is responsible for 750,000,000 abortions in the past decade; a number much higher than planned abortions… Any attempt of trying to argue pro-choice is swiftly negated because God himself is pro-choiceNowhere is this more prominent than the several ecumenical factions religion has blessed us with; cue irony. Factions and movements, as if one wasn’t enough. Movements such as all 4 inquisitions, responsible for millions of deaths. Faction such as the notorious Crusades whose slogan should have read something along the lines of “Assimilate or Die”. The root of many of today’s qualms is religion. Be it the KKK, September 11, Nazism to several present-day Jihads. The war in Iraq is nothing more than an attempt to protect Iraq’s people from religious activist who interpret the Qur’an too literally.Religion does nothing more today than hold back the advancement of the human race. In the past Religion has halted the advancement of scientific studies too many times to count, be it The Dark Ages, placing Galileo in house arrest, or imposing stem-cell research as to formulate some knee-jerk attempt of an argument that “stem-cells have ‘souls’ in them” .This silly bickering is responsible for halting advancement in this field, a field than can save many lives and cure many diseases. To this day I’m still stuck between Deist and Agnostic, and can’t seem to find which one better fits my beliefs. I am not an atheist, I believe there might be a god, but we are not scientifically capable yet of proving nor disproving this. But if a God did present himself tomorrow, I wouldn’t feel obligated to worship him. The God I believe in is very different from the one in the Bible. My true qualm is with the church and religious institutions.sorry if this sounds hateful or represents bigotry. Hence why i posted this question. How would I word this where it wouldn’t sound too “mean”? I didn’t create a god in the last sentence, I just believe that if there was one to exist it wouldn’t be the one in the three main religions.
A: It’s trying to prove religion has caused everything bad, and nothing good, with as little evidence as religion itself. No one thing is the cause of everything, to try and think that is madness and obsession. You might as well try and prove the Bavarian Illuminati are in back of everything…ok, bad example.
Christians I think your God might be a murdering hypocrite?
Q: Psalm 139For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.If you were to type this in to Google you would get about 356,000 hits. This is because it is on about every pro-life site. This is from one of those sites.“Before we were born God knew we were to be. Certainly God never meant for us to be accidents of a momentary passion; that is man’s sin. Every life is significant to Him for He died for that life. What a pity that we are to the place where we find babies in trash bins!”Patricia Nordman.Now I ask you this, if God created us all for a purpose, if every life is significant to Him, if He created our inmost being and knit us together in our mother’s womb, and woman that get abortions along with the doctors that perform them are murderers. What then is a miscarriage to God? Medical Definition of a miscarriage.A miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) is any pregnancy that ends spontaneously before the fetus can survive. Miscarriage occurs in about 15-20% of all recognized pregnancies, and usually occurs before the 13th week of pregnancy. The actual percentage of miscarriages is estimated to be as high as 50% of all pregnancies, since many miscarriages occur without the woman ever having known she was pregnant. Of those miscarriages that occur before the eighth week, 30% have no fetus associated with the sac or placenta. This condition is called blighted ovum.More than six million women become pregnant annually. Slightly fewer than two-thirds of these pregnancies result in live births and 20% result in abortions; the remainder end in miscarriage.I did the math and it comes out to 3,200,000 babies living 800,000 lives ending in abortion and 2,000,000 lives ending in miscarriages. So God allows 15-50% of all pregnancies to end in miscarriages 1-3 of all pregnancies in the U.S and then condemns the 20% that had abortions. So God believes that the 800,000 lives are more important that the 2,000,000 because if you type“Help to stop abortions” into Goggle you will get 4,980,000 hitsAnd “Help to stop miscarriages” only has 2,020,000 hitsIf every life is significant to God then how can He allow miscarriages? And if your answer is “Well He doesn’t allow them to happen they just do.” Then why doesn’t God tell Christians to start up 2,960,00 more websites and try and save another 2,000,000 lives?
A: I hope you don´t expect any honest answers from believers.edit: You certainly haven´t gotten any from them so far. It´s really pretty heartbreaking to see so many people that are not just blind, but desire to be so.
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